

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Missed You!

Oh my little blog, how I've missed you!

I have been beavering away finally finishing my novel, The Clockwork Butterfly. I'm really pleased with it and now working on the synopsis... this, my friends is a different matter. Trying to condense your riveting, witty, sexy, 255 page book down to a few key scenes is just horrendous! In fact, it is a real skill, I think. There must be professional synopsis writers out there...?

Anyway, my poor book, which this morning I was floating on air about, now sounds just chaotic and odd. I think my deadline for submitting it to publisher by Christmas, may have to be rethought...

Enough of this! Let's talk about Christmas and New Year!

I just love this time of year - I dread the dark nights so the holiday season is very welcome indeed! I will be up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning, tearing open my stocking and getting tiddly on Champers first thing - my little tradition I keep all for myself.

My very exciting news for January is that the Wonderful, delicious, Justine Elyot will be joining me over at Spicin' it Up on the 17th to talk about her new book, Meeting Her Match.

So, my friends, I wish you joy, peace and love for the holidays - and I hope Santa is good to you!

Love T x x x


  1. Hate, hate, hate writing synopses - how to make a good thing sound really tragic, heh. But I wish you the very best of luck with yours - I've got my fingers crossed for an awesome 2012 for you.

    And thanks for the little spot of pre-publicity ;).

  2. Merry Christmas Justine! Sorry (and glad... if you know what I mean) that you hate synopsisiseseses too!


Thank you for visiting me in cyberspace - would love to hear your comments x