

Monday 25 June 2012

Winner and Readers!

Hello again,

Well, what a week I had last week - my book came out, I did a blog tour and did my first reading at the Festival of Erotic Arts in Edinburgh - Phew!

The blog tour winner of a copy of my first title, Mia's Books is Maria D - thank you so much for taking the time to comment! I hope you enjoy my little paranormal adventure.

And so to my first public reading of a naughty story.

Moral support came form my good friend Scarlett Hart who held my hand and soothed my nerves with a visit to the pub prior to the event...

The readings took place in the Whitespace Gallery where we were surrounded by a beautiful exhibition of erotic art - some glorious images and sculpture - I especially loved a photo called 'Satisfaction' and some erotic interpretations of fairy tales -  full list of artists here

I was so nervous I thought I was going to die or something equally as hideous in public, but saw some other readers also with shaky hands! Some, of course were the height of calm and had obviously got their skills honed to perfection.

Donna McGory director and compère of the festival introduced us - First up - Phoenix Wolf-Rayet (also a reading virgin, she told me) with a stunning poem called, Dance With Me, She Saidthen lovely Kirsty Logan read two gorgeous tales of lesbian flash fiction, then the quivering jelly that was me shuffled forth and floated above myself as I read, The Scribe - a tale of ink fetish, then to Marge T Felcher who read us a wonderfully poignant tale of love through the ages, Donna Campbell mesmerised the audience with her incredible performance piece like an erotic Laurie Anderson,  then we were treated to the captivating Molly Moore - I could listen to her read for hours.

Everyone was so friendly and lovely - and the words amazing. I knew that it was something I had to do - I would have regretted it so much if I had chickened out - and do you know what? I really enjoyed it - even the very naughtiest of words fell from my lips without me censoring myself. Yes, I was blushing - but that's a good thing, right?

Thanks to everyone who made my first time so easy - and now I feel like I've made new friends - fantastic!


  1. I feel exactly the same! So glad I did it and can't wait to do it again! Ha ha Was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to meeting you again the next time I am over? Perhaps at Eroticon 2013 in March?

    1. A wonderful day! Ace to meet you - love to meet again, will try to get to Eroticon x x x

  2. Marge T Felcher here... outing myself! I loved your story. How can I get to read it again? My wife also said she liked your story the best. I'm going to get out my felt tips and oriental calligraphy set.

    Funnily enough, though I returned to reading my poetry in public in April for the first time in almost forty years, this was the first time I'd ever read any of my erotic stories to an audience of (very kind, attentive and friendly)strangers.

    I hope our paths will cross again, and that we'll both get to Edinburgh for the second time next year. I'd love to see the Literary side of the Festival get much stronger. If you picked up one of my flyers at the Festival I hope you'll get in contact.

    1. Thank you very much Marge!!! I found your story very moving - I wrote a similar themed story a few years ago - older couple relishing in the memories of there loving... ahh.

      Thanks so much for letting me know that you liked my story so much x x x


Thank you for visiting me in cyberspace - would love to hear your comments x