

Saturday 27 August 2011

Rain can be good - honestly...

Well summer, especially where I am (UK) has been abysmal. But at least I've had my naughty books to snuggle up with. Even as I type, rain is battering down on the roof.

I have just finished a novel and am looking for a home for it - trouble is, it is only mildly romantic... booo, Tabitha no! However, as a writer, I have to go where the muse takes me and on very rare occasions, it takes me out of the heat and into a very different story. So my question is - if it were ever to be published (cross fingers here) should I write under a different name? Those who are familiar with my scribblings know I like it hot - would you be disappointed if there was none of the naughty?

Anyway, for now I don't need to worry - I have another book crying to get out and I assure you dear readers, there's plenty of heat in this one to make up for it... Phew, just thinking about it - maybe a dash out into the rain for a cold shower might be a good thing after all... x

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