

Sunday 19 August 2012

Kisses on the beach...

Well, this is my very first time joining in with Victoria Blisse's Sunday Snog! So if you're new to it too - click on the links and banner to take you to more kissing action. I'm sharing a kiss from my new story Una's Retreat which is included in Smut By The Sea anthology - here's a little more info on the collection of saucy seaside tales and I'm not a little star struck by the other authors!

Light hearted, sexy fun by the sea is the theme of this erotic anthology, edited by Victoria Blisse and Lucy Felthouse. From the sun soaked bays of Australia to the rainy coastal towns of England, Smut by the Sea has it all. Whatever your interpretation of naughty seaside fun, there’s something nestling between the covers for you. Surfer boys, sea creatures, pirates and the fairground abound in this exciting collection of stories from erotica’s finest authors. 
Here's a kiss from my story, Una's Retreat...

Closing her eyes, Una sank under the surface and blinked them open again to see shafts of sun slicing through the great body of water and striking the golden bed of sand. Fish darted in and out of the beams like living stars and she was overcome with the wonder of it all. For the first time ever in her life she felt no fear and let the water take her weight, cradling and rocking her gently. Her hair floated and wrapped around in the currents that she made and she felt like an ethereal mermaid.  She let her limbs go loose and began a slow hypnotic dance with the fish. It occurred to her that she’d never let go like this – just given over to anything, relinquished control. For a while she let herself just live in this abandonment of power and relish the weightlessness of it all. Colourful little fish swam up close to her and she felt her heart swell at this touching display of curiosity. Reaching out to one of them she smiled as it took fright only to return with renewed bravery just seconds later. Time meant nothing in this underwater world and for the first time, she felt herself truly relax.
Finally taking time to consider her situation, Una realised that she had never felt so free. She tried to wrap herself around this precious feeling and hold it close to her heart, and yet something began to nag at her. The slow dawning then sudden awareness of how lonely and small she was in this vast living ocean. Indeed, how small and lonely she was in her life. She was about to give up and return to the surface but as soon as the thought entered her mind, there he was; her daily Adonis swimming towards her, determined and shark like. Una’s flesh trembled and every pore reached out to meet him. His eyes fixed hers and she smiled opening her arms wide to catch his embrace. Expecting a gentle wrapping of bodies, she was shocked when his chest slammed into hers. His strength was incredible and he commanded her like a possession, gripping and owning her. Una’s breath was knocked from her and bubbles of light began to dance in her peripheral vision. It was like the moment in films of old where the kiss came and the heroine’s foot lifted. Una smiled at her own clichéd fantasy and closed her eyes to receive his lips.
Everything went dark and silent and all she could feel was this point – this place where they met and shared themselves. At last he kissed her. It was exquisite. Powerful, manly, masterful. Everything she’d dreamed it would be. Again she felt her conscious self slip away until there was only here and now, this kiss…

Want to read more?

Remember to check out some more Sunday Snogs - thanks for dropping by x x x


  1. Oooh, exciting stuff! Thanks for joining in, hope to see more Sunday Snogs from you! :D

    1. It was fab, thanks - still reading through all the kisses... mwoah! Happy 50th Kiss!


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