

Friday 10 May 2013

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

closeharmony_800.jpgThose of you who have popped by on occasion must know that Ms Justine Elyot is a real favourite of mine :) I'm delighted to have her today sharing news of her latest release and why finishing a book is bitter sweet - it's all yours Justine...

It's lovely to be here with Tabitha, sharing her erotic adventure! Thank you for inviting me.

As both reader and writer, I find it hard to leave people behind. Characters I have spent quality time with, eavesdropping on their good and bad experiences – even following them into the bedroom – can be a wrench to relinquish. This is even truer of people who have accompanied me through three books.

My new Total E-Bound release, Close Harmony, is the final instalment of a trilogy. I have been with these characters for nearly two years – longer than I was with some of my exes – so it seems strange to be waving them a final goodbye.

To ease my pain, I'm going to write a little bit about each of them – I hope you'll find them interesting enough to want to know more.

1. Lydia Foster

Lydia starts the serial as the new kid on the violin block of the Westminster Symphony Orchestra. She's good-hearted, sweet-natured, rather naïve and she likes to wear fleeces. Not exactly the conventional sex kitten and probably the last girl you'd expect to get involved in a hot and heavy menage with two sexy string players. Think again…

2. Milan Kaspar

He's a minor TV celeb and the dashing, volatile, dangerously attractive star of the orchestra. Hailing from Prague, he brims with Bohemian spirit and pursues his pleasures selfishly at times. But he has had a tough start in life and is haunted by his past. Lydia senses a possibility and a need for redemption – but is she the woman to soothe his troubled mind?

3. Karl-Heinz von Ritter

The orchestra's conductor is a stickler for discipline – in rehearsals and in the bedroom. He seems so controlled and so focused but something is holding him back from being the truly passionate man he is capable of becoming.

4. Vanessa Robertson

Lydia's best friend is twenty years older than her but has never lost her sense of fun. She is a perfectionist and she works as hard on her surroundings and her personal grooming as she does on her percussion playing. She has been disappointed in love and is cautious as a result, but her heart can be captured by a genuine kindred soul.

5. Ben Chancellor

He's young enough to be Vanessa's son (just) but this doesn't stop him from idolising and lusting after the vivacious percussionist. Will his absurd sense of humour and his studious geeky charm win over his battle-scarred beloved? I think it will. He's really pretty irresistible. (I'm biased though!)

If you like the sound of these guys, here's the blurb:

How do you choose between two perfect men? It’s like choosing your favourite music—certain pieces suit certain moods. Which mood is Lydia feeling the most?
The autumn season of the Westminster Symphony Orchestra finds Lydia unable to choose between passionate Milan and dominant Karl-Heinz—so she decides to give them both a chance. She hops from one bed to the other, trying to weigh up her options. Milan has a hold on her heart, but has never been reliable. Karl-Heinz is a good man, but what is the secret behind his strange repression? Old rivalries and new jealousies are kindled while Lydia works hard at having the time of her sex life.
No trio has ever practised quite as hard as this…But there is trouble in paradise for Ben and Vanessa, too, as a face from Vanessa’s past makes an unwelcome appearance and all seems impossible to resolve.
Amid turbulent emotions and orchestra rehearsals, the musicians work hard to negotiate a path to happiness. Will music prove to be the food of love, or a poison, infecting the future?
Reader Advisory: This book contains BDSM, MMF ménage and MM, as well as references to rape and sexual assault.
It's available now from Total E-Bound – check out the first two books in the series while you're there!

Thanks for having me, Tabitha.

You're always welcome here, Justine ;)

I hope that whetted your reading appetite for some saucy orchestral action! - Remember to let us know how much you enjoy the books - if you haven't read anything by Justine yet... wowza, are you in for a treat!

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