

Monday 1 July 2013

Love on the Beach Blog Hop!

Well ladies and gentlefellows,

I'm super excited to be taking part in the Beachwalk Love on the Beach Blog Hop ;D There's some fab authors and
prizes so once you've visited me, remember to hop along to this list HERE where you'll find more beach lovin' action...!

Here's a little intro from Beachwalk to tell you all about it and how you can win big with the best little romance press around :D
"Two years ago this month Beachwalk Press released our first books. To celebrate, we're hosting a Love on the Beach blog hop. This will run from July 1st through July 14th. Over 20 Beachwalk Press authors are participating and we have some fabulous prizes to give away.
The grand prize is a Kindle Paperlight!
Additional prizes include:
* A beach tote bag filled with Beachwalk Press print books (winner's choice of 5 print titles)
* Two gift certificates of $25 each (winners' choice of GC from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or All Romance Ebooks)
Also, each author will be giving away an additional prize of their choosing.
That's almost 30 prizes in total!
To be entered into the drawings just click on the authors' names listed below to visit their blog, then leave a comment with your email address included.

Each author will be posting a spotlight on one of their Beachwalk Press books (or a spotlight on a series they have with Beachwalk Press), and they will also be sharing what drew them to publish with us. Warning: You'll be seeing some great books, so expect your 'I want to read it' list to increase "

So I was there two years ago when it all started! I simply cannot believe it has been that long - I had written several short stories for other publishers but my paranormal novella, Mia's books was just a little to quirky for them... enter Beachwalk - who began to follow me on Twitter. As soon as I checked out their website, I thought, 'that's the one', and lo and behold, they accepted my book. I am thrilled to see Beachwalk grow and thrive and look forward to working with them for many more years.
I am offering an ebook copy of Mia's Books and a £5 (or $ equivalent) Amazon gift card as an extra prize for those who comment below.
So, here we go, a little bit about Mia's Books - I was so excited to receive reviewer's choice at Twolips Reviews for this steamy little paranormal novella.

Ghost lover or mortal? Can Mia choose both?
The book had changed. It was now jet black and lay seductively by the bed. Gently lifting her covers off, Mia slowly, slowly made her way over to it as if she was trying to capture a bird.
Her fingers were trembling. Cold air chilled her hands as she reached out and picked it up. Open Me. Thick raised letters gave her instruction. And she did.
Rows upon rows of names and numbers merged into each other. It was a phone directory. Mia was disappointed, but curiosity kept her flicking the pages, watching number after number fly by. She was about to close it and just go back to bed when she realized the numbers were all the same and the name wasn’t a name at all—it was another instruction.
Call Me.
Mia flushed with excitement. Was this her ghost lover contacting her for real? She reached for the phone and dialed the number before she could change her mind.
Mia flopped back onto the bed and let the phone fall by her ear. She began to ponder the fear that she might actually be going mad when a voice startled her.
“Hello?” She thrust the handset to her ear and strained to hear. “Hello?” she repeated, barely able to breathe in her excitement.
“Mia?” came a breathy whisper that set her nerve endings alight.
“Yes?” she whispered back.
“I need to s…” The voice faded, and Mia started to panic.
“What? You need to what? Please...don’t go.”
“...see you...” The sound was so faint that Mia had to strain to catch it. “Meet me at the park at dusk.” The line went dead.
Mia was exhilarated. It hadn’t been a dream. She was going to meet her ghost lover once more! She hadn’t been on a date for ages. Not since the insomnia had made her feel like a ninety-five year-old grumpy hag. She suddenly felt young again—young and ready for anything.
* * * *
Mia waited nervously at the cast iron gates of the park. They were gothic and ornate and framed the entrance in grandeur. Biting at her thumbnail and shivering with excitement, she watched people bustle past on their way home from work. She felt very naughty, and it only heightened her arousal. She had chosen to wear her full-length sheepskin coat, a seventies classic that she had picked up in a vintage shop. It never failed to make her feel sexy, especially in her knee high boots. But tonight she had the added joy of being naked underneath. The sensation of the soft, lush wool pressed closely to her skin made her yearn for her lover.
She waited.
And waited.
Her eyes flitted about, catching the gaze of passersby. With no idea who to look for, she glanced hopefully at any handsome man or pretty lady, then quickly averted her eyes if they looked back. Suddenly, she noticed a tall, dark man head purposefully toward her. Her heartbeat quickened, and her throat tightened. He was stunning. He was more than anything she’d hoped for. And the way he strode directly toward her made her want to swoon in his arms. She pressed her thighs together and tried to look demure with a fierce flush rising from deep within her abdomen.
“Are you waiting for me?” The man stared at her intensely. His eyes were the palest blue with flecks of raven black.
“Yes,” was all Mia could say, and he linked his arm through hers, guiding her swiftly away, toward a waiting taxi.
“You know where,” he told the driver, never taking his eyes from Mia’s face.
His voice was like velvet, and she let herself be wrapped up in it. Mia watched this stranger devour her with his eyes and caught her breath as a hand gripped her knee.
“You are gorgeous,” he said, and Mia was drenched in his thick, husky voice. “I want to eat you up.” His fingers squeezed her thigh hard, and her eyes widened. She was utterly helpless under his spell. 

And there you have it! If you would like to be in with the chance of winning an ebook and/or £5 Amazon Gift card and to be entered into the prizedraw leave me a comment below - remember your email address so we can get in touch :D
For more sexy, saucy romance action hop on over to Beachwalk for a full link of participants! x x x


  1. sounds different


  2. Love this giveaway with this awesome group of authors. TY for the chance

  3. Sounds intriguing...
    Thanks for joining the hop...


  4. This excerpt was so good. I am adding this book to my TBR pile.

  5. Intriguing!!

  6. Thanks so much!


  7. Thanks for the awesome giveaway

  8. great excerpt :)

  9. Thank you for the great giveaway! What great authors!!!

  10. Great excerpt! Definitely added to my TBR list!

    books4me67 at ymail dot com

  11. Sounds great. Thanks for sharing!

    bacchus76 at myself dot com

  12. That excerpt is sexy and scary at the same time! He can be some sort of serial killer nut...or her fantasy man. Sounds intriguing.
    catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

  13. thanks for an awesome giveaway! email herveya85 at gmail dot com

  14. Whew! What an excerpt! I look forward to reading about Mia. Thanks for being on the hop. I am finding so many books and authos.
    bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

  15. Thanks for the chance! I've added Mia's Books to my book wish list.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  16. Sounds exciting!

  17. Sounds interesting Thanks for the hop
    crystaley73 at yahoo dot com

  18. Thanks so much for the giveaway! kamclauc AT gmail DOT com

  19. thanks for being part of the blog hop.

  20. Thanks for the excerpt. Your book sounds really good. Thanks for the giveaway.

    kareninnc at gmail dot com

  21. Thanks for the awesome giveaway and excerpt!


  22. Thanks for participating in the Hop. Good luck to everyone.
    Carol L
    Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com

  23. Thanks for the hop! Helena Ferrell

  24. This sounds delicious!!!

  25. I loved this book! It is a definite must read.

    Debi H(Brit Babe Street Team Member)

  26. Hmmm...Mia's Books sounds amazing! I love to read about ghosts! Thank you for the giveaway and participating in the Hop!

  27. Awesome Giveaway...thank you :)

  28. Oh I want a book like that!! :D


  29. Great excerpt and I cant wait to read it.
    leighannecrisp @ yahoo dot com

  30. Too quirky? *smh* Glad you found a home for it but dang, pubs need to broaden their horizons. tchevrestt(at)

  31. Thank you SO much to everyone who commented - I am sad it's all over :(
    But then on the other hand - I get to announce the winner :D
    Mel Bourne has won the gift card and copy of Mia's Books.
    I hope you will join me for more hops in the future and if you liked the sound of my books, please consider following me on Facebook -
    Twitter to hear about my new releases.
    Thank you and remember to check back at the Beachwalk site for more lovely books too. Love Tabitha x x x

  32. Thank you!! I am getting in so much reading this summer. Thanks.


Thank you for visiting me in cyberspace - would love to hear your comments x