

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Knowing Her Place with Kay

Please welcome my sexy writing buddy and lovely Brit Babe to tell us about her new book, Ms Kay Jaybee!

Knowing Her Place – Her Teacher’s Teacher.
A huge thank you and a nice big cuddle for my dear friend, and fellow Brit Babe, Tabitha, for letting me gate crash her site today to shout a bit about my brand new novel!

Knowing Her Place is the third part of my kinky BDSM saga, The Perfect Submissive Trilogy.

The trilogy began back in 2012 with The Perfect Submissive – the story of Miss Jess Sanders’ unexpected journey into the world of professional sexual submission under the tutelage of hotel manageress, Mrs Peters.
Then early last year, the submissive saga continued with The Retreat- and Jess finds herself unceremoniously whisked away from Fables to Scotland, into the custody of her most feared client, David Proctor, and a very unusual erotically pseudo fairytale...

In my latest novel, Knowing Her Place, the final instalment of Jess’s story, she has to face her toughest challenge of all- to find her way back to where it all began- the Fables Hotel.
With her head full of unanswered questions, exhausted from her fairytale experience at the hands of Dr Ewen, Lady Tia, and the staff of the adult entertainment service provided by The Retreat, Jess Sanders is desperate to leave Scotland, and return to her usual submissive position at the exclusive Fables Hotel in Oxford.
Having been thwarted in his plans to keep Jess at The Retreat permanently, its owner David Proctor isn’t willing to let Jess go back to her dominatrix, Miss Sarah, and her employer, Mrs Peters, without sending her on one final mission. Only if she succeeds in her task, will Proctor remove the collar of servitude he has locked around Jess’s neck.
With a list of five unknown addresses in her hand, Jess Sanders is placed in a car and driven from The Retreat towards England. With no idea what or who awaits her at the first stop, all Jess can hope for is that her journey will eventually take her back to where she belongs.
To the Fables Hotel, where Jess Sanders truly knows her place.
Of all the people David Proctor forces Jess to encounter on her journey towards freedom, one of them is someone Jess never imagined she’d meet.
Ms Webster. The old lady who, many years ago, tutored Jess’s mistress Mrs Peters in the art of domination and submission.
Not only does Jess learn a great deal about the history of Mrs Peters and her rival David Proctor, she finds herself (with the help of Max, Ms Webster’s odd job man), being held up as an example of the ideal submissive.
Pippa, Ms Webster’s carer, has always dreamed submissive fantasies. But as Jess knows all too well- a fantasy is one thing, living that lifestyle is something else altogether...
...Without being able to see them, Jess knew Pippa’s eyes would be wide open, and whereas her own palms tingled with the perspiration of erotic expectancy, the girl’s would have a sheen of sticky sweat. Pippa might well have wanted what she’d asked for, but Jess knew better than most that being faced with what you’ve always fantasised about can be as terrifying as it can be satisfying.
Ms Webster laid down her walking stick. Now she was within the realm in which she felt most confident it was clear its reassuring presence wasn’t required. Again, Jess could see similarities between Mrs Peters and the woman who had originally trained her. For Ms Webster appeared, even without her stick, to walk a little taller than she had before Max and Pippa had arrived in her home.
The easy conversation of only moments ago had disappeared as the retired mistress laid out a set of instructions. In one swift, uncompromising command, Ms Webster had Pippa and Jess standing next to each other, their upper garments removed.
Instantly Jess’s breasts felt the tug of Max’s eyes, making them rise and fall under his appreciation. Her throat dried and her pussy juiced as her imagination took its usual route into the infinite possibilities of the excesses she could be about to endure in order to provide others with a good time.
Max, if you would be so kind as to help Pippa with the first set of cuffs.’ Ms Webster pointed to the shorter of the two sets of chains as Max eagerly jumped to his feet, the enlargement of his cock visible beneath his denims.
Miss Sanders, you may raise your head for a moment, but be ready to return your eyes to the cross on the floor when I tell you to.’
Easing out the muscles in her neck, Jess watched as, placing her small, age-spotted hands over Pippa’s tiny, pale breasts, Ms Webster steered the carer to the opposite side of the cross. Just the cold touch of the older woman’s hands had caused Pippa’s mouth to gape, and Jess tried to guess how long she’d last in the chains before she came. If just the touch of skin on flesh produced a mew and flushing of Pippa’s face so early in the proceedings, then she didn’t think it would be long.
Now she was face to face with Pippa, Jess could take in her appearance properly for the first time. Her petite face, surrounded by a severely cut bob of blonde hair, topped a body which was only about four foot nine tall. All the carer’s features were small and neat, as if in adulthood her body had decided against moving on from its pubescent state. Her breasts were little more than beautifully carved bumps adorned with nut-brown nipples, her belly was so flat it was almost concave, and even though she wore jeans, Jess could tell that the hips beneath were slim, her pelvic bones not yet hidden by the fleshy padding that later years may well bestow upon her.
With a nod towards Max to deal with Pippa, Ms Webster addressed Jess. ‘Miss Sanders, Pippa will be relying on you to be her role model – like many before her, I’m sure. I have told her much about my past life. I think, however, to survive what lies ahead for you when you leave this place, you would also benefit from learning more about the past, particularly about the man whom you are up against.’
Mr Proctor?’
Indeed, Miss Sanders.’ Ms Webster took Jess’s hands and drew them backward, placing them over her own backside. ‘While you are here, you will not only be teaching by example, but you will be taught.’
Jess clutched her buttocks as her stomach rumbled, reminding her how long it had been since she’d eaten a proper meal. A fact that made Ms Webster smile with an approval Jess hadn’t been expecting.
Tell us, Miss Sanders, when was the last time you properly ate or had the chance to sleep?’
She was not entirely sure of the answer, for the days since she’d been given the chance to escape from the confines of The Retreat had begun to blur in Jess’s mind. ‘I had a night in a bed after task one was completed, and apart from some snacks grabbed from the railway stations I’ve visited –’ she caught Max’s eye as she spoke, hoping the mention of the railway would elicit some sort of response from him, but his features remained blank ‘– I haven’t eaten since my first task was completed.’
Do you see, Pippa, what being a true submissive means? It requires that not only do you give yourself over bodily, but with that comes certain deprivations you must cope with beyond the sexual, such as the burdens of hunger and lack of sleep.’
Pippa said nothing, but her eyes, which had taken on the glimmer of a woman unable to deny her body’s awakening, clouded slightly.
Miss Sanders isn’t a wife who likes the occasional spanking by her husband, nor is she the subservient half of a dominant but loving relationship; which, I suspect, is the type of submission that you yourself crave. She is a professional submissive. A woman who has stepped into a world that can be as lonely and frightening as it is rewarding; and largely consists of not really knowing who you can trust, yet, at the same time, accepting that you have to trust them anyway. It is not a life that is easily adopted. It is a life you have to be born to.’
Jess’s insides turned in a somersault. It had been a long time since she’d analysed her chosen way of life in such practical terms. Mrs Peters had seen who and what she was the first time she’d laid eyes on Jess when she’d gone to work at the Fables Hotel as a booking clerk. Since then, despite her initial personal bewilderment, Jess had come to realise that she had indeed been made for the life. Until now, however, she’d never considered the loneliness of the existence she had. She didn’t want to...
Although each of The Perfect Submissive Trilogy novels can be read on their own, you’ll get far more out of Jess’s adventure if you follow it from the beginning.
The Perfect Submissive

The Retreat

Knowing Her Place

Thanks for allowing me to visit today to share a little from my latest novel Tabitha!!
Happy reading everyone,
Kay xx

Kay Jaybee wrote The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (The Perfect Submissive, The Retreat, Knowing Her Place, Xcite, 2012-14), and the novels Making Him Wait, (Sweetmeats Press, 2012), and The Voyeur (Xcite, 2012), (Xcite 2012), as well as the novellas, Not Her Type: Erotic Adventures With A Delivery Man (2nd ed. 1001 NightsPress, 2013), Digging Deep (Xcite, 2013), A Sticky Situation, (Xcite, 2012), and The Circus, (Sweetmeats Press). She has also written the anthologies Christmas Kink, (KDP, 2013), The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2012 & 2008), The Best of Kay Jaybee (Xcite, 2012), Tied to the Kitchen Sink, Equipment, (All Romance, 2012), Yes Ma’am (Xcite e-books, 2011), Quick Kink One and Quick Kink Two (Xcite e-books, 2010). Kay has had over 80 short stories published by Cleis Press, Black Lace, Mammoth, Xcite, Penguin, Seal, and Sweetmeats Press.
Details of Kay’s work, past, present and future can be found at
You can follow Kay on -

Kay also writes contemporary romance as Jenny Kane –


  1. Ooo - did I mention that our guest is a ETO award nominee? For best erotic author of 2014 - woohoo!

  2. Thanks Tabitha!!! And thanks for inviting me over to play today xxx


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