

Friday 17 October 2014

Giving back with Kay Jaybee!

Isn't she lovely?!
Hello! It's Giving Back to the Internet time! And today I have the saucy minx Kay Jaybee here to share her love of scones - if you would like to share some top tips here with me (any subject) just drop me an email - - here's the original invitation.
So take it away Kay!
Adding Flavour

Ohh- so Tabitha asked if I’d like to write a blog giving advice about something I know about- something I can give tips about...but not necessarily about writing.

I’ll be honest, this is tricky- because pretty much all I do (including when I’m at work) is write things down. I write about writing, or I write stories, or I write educational blogs. I live therefore I write. You get the idea.
But surely I must be good at something else? I must have some handy top tips to share; some useful wisdom to impart that doesn’t involve holding a pen?
I did what all sensible adults do when facing the reality that their brains can’t see beyond the next task at work- I asked my children what top tips I could give you today. And, in the way of all teenagers, they both looked at me like I was quite crackers, and gave me a whole long list of stuff I can do that doesn’t involve a pen. A ballot was instantly held, and it was decided- well they told me- that I should tell you about scones. Yes, you read that correctly- scones.
I love scones. I have always loved scones- with butter obviously. No point in having anything low fat about a scone- otherwise, why eat one in the first place?
Obviously there are three main flavours of scone- your traditional plain (bring on the cream tea!!), the fruit scone, and the (oh so delicious) cheese scone.
But why stop there?
When I lived in Scotland I used to work in a gorgeous out of town store that included a fabulous cafe, in which they served a varying selection of different flavoured scones each day. This wonderful place, now gone, first introduced me to the delights of the Mars Bar scone, the white chocolate and raspberry scone, the lemon and coconut scone, the apple and cinnamon scone....I could go on.
It wasn’t long after I started working there that my own scone cooking began to be somewhat pepped up!!
So why not give it a go yourself!!??
Here’s the basic recipe- you could literary add anything edible that you like! Sweet or savoury!!
8oz self raising flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2oz butter
1oz caster sugar
A big handful of whatever it is you have decided to add, eg grated cheese, chopped Malteasers, diced cooked peppers and sausage...etc etc
¼ pint of milk

Heat the oven to gas mark 8 or 230c
Lightly flour a baking tray
Sieve the flour and baking powder into a bowl, then rub in the butter. Mix the sugar into the crumb like mixture. Add in your special flavour, e.g. raisins and grated stilton (ohhh, that combination has only just popped into my head- I might have to try that later- sounds nice!!)
Make a small well-like hollow in the middle of the mixture with a knife, and tip in nearly all the milk. Stir from the inside outwards with the knife, until all the mixture is taken up and you have a ball of dough. (You might need to get your hands in there towards the end)
Flour a surface and using a rolling pin, roll out the dough so it is about an inch thick. Cut out circular scone shapes, and place them on the baking tray.
Finally paint the tops of the scones with the remaining milk. If making cheese scones, add a sprinkle of extra grated cheese on the top.
Oh lord, is it elevenses time yet?
Then cook in the oven for approx 10 minutes. Thicker scones will take a little longer.
And then eat them while they are hot- with loads of running butter spread in the middle- YUM!!!!
Hope you’ve enjoyed my scone tip!! I’d love to hear about any new (and weird) scone flavour you try!!
I think the weirdest one I’ve ever had was the pizza scone- or maybe the pineapple and banana ones...
Happy munching everyone,
Kay xxx
Kay Jaybee wrote The Perfect Submissive Trilogy, (Xcite 2011-14), The Voyeur, (Xcite 2012), Making Him Wait (Sweetmeats, 2012), Digging Deep, (Xcite 2013),  Not Her Type (1001 NightsPress, 2013), and The Collector (Austin & Macauley, 2012).
Details of all her other work can be found at  

OK - I know what's for afternoon tea today - thanks Kay x x Remember to join Kay and the other Brit Babes for chat and fun over at
Remember, drop me a line if you fancy joining in :D


  1. Ohhhh, I'm going to don my pinny, roll up my sleeves and do some baking - thanks for the recipe ideas and the inspiration Kay!

  2. You won' regret it!!! (Debbie is with me- she wishes she had two arms to bake with! Broken her elbow!) xx

  3. I know, bless her. At least she can still hold a book ;-)


Thank you for visiting me in cyberspace - would love to hear your comments x