

Thursday 18 April 2013

It's Getting Hot in Here with Lily Harlem!

It is my joy and pleasure to have the erotic author and total hottie, Lily Harlem introducing some new work - and look out - they'll be molten! Take it away, Lily...

Hi Tabitha, thanks so much for having me on your lovely blog today, it’s great to be here.
Tabitha and I are wine buddies, so she knows me well, in fact our last jaunt together at Eroticon 2013 in London was a complete blast – you can read my version of events on my blog if you want to know what naughty authors get up to when they’re let out of their caves. But for those of you who don’t know me, here’s a little bit of info.

I live in the UK, have been writing erotic romance and erotica for about five years now. Before I started writing I worked in a busy hospital in London which is where I met Mr. Harlem. I loved it, the adrenaline rush, the job satisfaction, the huge number of people I came into contact with from all walks of life and of course, the team work.
Lily drew this - it's wine O'clock!

Now I have a slower, quieter pace of life, by the coast, and enjoy walking my dogs on the beach and dreaming up my next raunchy novel. I write for Ellora’s Cave predominantly and have amongst other books have a series about ice hockey there called HOT ICE . This is very popular and I adore writing about those sexy bad boys of the ice and the women who tame them, I can’t imagine I’ll ever run out of stories for this series, and the fifth book, High-Sticked, is just about to hit the virtual shelves.

I also write for Total-E-Bound and have just updated the classic Tarzan of the Apes by adding in the sex scenes Edgar Rice Burroughs only hinted at between Tarzan and Jane. Wow, so much fun, and I have to say, I felt super naughty writing about Tarzan’s cock, but he is just so sexy and wild and rampant and… and… phew, yes it was a blast!
I co-author with Natalie Dae which I have become hooked on. She’s great and our imaginations really bounce off of each other. We have several books out together and one of them, Anything for Him, is romping up the Amazon UK free chart as I write this. It’s pure erotica, nothing romantic about it and you can grab a free copy if you’re in the UK and have an Amazon account -
Be warned though, it’s dark and gritty. Set in London it’s about obsessive desires and seedy
fantasies, the characters are not your normal hero and heroine, they’re shady and underhand, go after what they want and are not afraid of the consequences. But if that sounds a bit dark for you try our other co-author That Filthy Book, which although is super dirty is also super romantic and has been getting reviews like ‘every woman should read this book’. - - available at all big ebook publishers and in print.

Self-publishing is something I also enjoy doing. I have continued with my love of writing about sport by combining erotic romance with my passion for football (soccer to you US folk). Scored 

has gone down very well with readers, as has The Glass Knot (m/m/f) .

I’m just about to release Breathe You In, a much softer erotic romance and the polar opposite of Anything For Him. I’ve so enjoyed writing Ruben and Katie’s story, they really spoke to me and had been for a while before even I started telling their tale. (Yes, I’m admitting to voices in my head). Here is the blurb…
Amazon UK
Amazon US

Sometimes you don’t realize how special a moment is until it’s a memory.

When he held me in his arms I saw a handsome, vibrant man with desire in his eyes and love in his heart. But Ruben Strong was more than that; he was a way out of my darkness, a glimmer of light peeking through my shroud—he was a piece of what I no longer had.

What he didn’t know, but I did, was that he’d been waiting for me. It had taken me time and courage to go looking for him, but if I hadn’t done what I’d done on my bleakest day, he wouldn’t have been there for me to find.

My tumbling decisions led to a meeting that tipped everything I thought I knew about myself upside down. Lying warm and naked in his bed, my old memories became new ones and our souls talked to each other in a way only we could understand. And our bodies, once we were brave enough to hum a quiet tune, quickly produced a beautifully sexy song that threw open the doors to love and laughter in my life once more.

Often I use pictures as inspiration and I’m hooked on Pinterest and when setting out on my journey with Ruben and Katie I came across this picture, I absolute loved it. The guy looks so like Ruben and this moment, well, it’s so special for them both for a million different reasons than you would ever expect.

Thanks so much for listening to my chatter, I hope you’ll check out my books whichever end of the scale you like your raunchy reading. Here are my links if you want to friend me, follow me, pin with me or read with me. See you soon!

Lily x


  1. WOW, thanks so much for having me here today, Tabitha, and did you realise what a talented artist I was LOL!

    It's release day for me, Breathe You In has just his the digital shelves at Amazon, so do pop over to my blog and get all the gossip. I loved writing this story, it's a much softer sexy romance than some of my other work but the characters just spoke to me and I had to drop everything I was doing to write their story.

    Hugs, Lily x

    1. Hey lady - always a pleasure to hear your news and celebrate it ;) x x


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