

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Merrrrrrry Bilssemas!

Ahhh, cosy in and grab yourself a mulled wine - it's that time of year again!
Blissemas is upon us! 

To join in simply leave a comment on this post and the others at and you could be in to win your choice of eReader or $100 gift voucher to spend on eBooks! The prize will be drawn on the 21st December. Merry Blissemas!

To join the fun I'm offering a £5 Amazon gift card (or $ equivalent) - simply leave a comment below (something a little saucy if you like) and I'll pick a winner! This will be drawn the same time as the Blissemass prize.

I am also giving away an iTunes voucher for a free copy of Taking Flight to any commenter who would like one - just leave me a contact email in your comment with a big YES so I know you want one and I'll send it on over :D  *I have a limit of 20 - and they will expire on the 9th of December  you'd better be quick!* 

So back to it - now in previous years I've always grumbled about how early shops get their Christmas decorations in and how, barely a Halloween pumpkin has gone mouldy before we're thrust some jungle bells in our faces. 

This year though, I am over come with Christmas fever! I have been begging my household to get the Christmas tree out of the attic since All Saint's Day and keep buying little tinsel treats to pop in random places around the house... they have flatly refused, saying it would be bad luck to put anything up before the first of December. Booo! 

The good this is now we are in Advent for real, my bells - they are a jingling! My home is festooned with the glory of sparkly tat - and do you know what? I am in Heaven!

Merrrrry Blissemass!

Here is a little bit about that book I mentioned... :D

Taking Flight by Tabitha Rayne

“Find me at the meeting point. We are more than the physical.”

Four generations from now, toxins are ravaging the land and the future of mankind is in peril. The surviving men are being rounded up and taken to holding facilities. Research scientist, Dr Deborah Regan is hoping to stabilise the decreasing male population before her lover, Marcus becomes one of those taken away.

When the authorities come looking for Marcus, Deborah abandons her research to go on the run with her lover. They flee to the forests where they stumble across a couple who are intent on finding an ultimate sexual union where at the point of climax their spirits break free from their bodies and unite. Plunged into a life of lust and survival, Deborah soon realises she can easily slip into this trancelike state and she and Marcus set out to create a transcendent bond of their own. Can they achieve the ultimate unity before fate separates them for good?

An erotic dystopian fantasy following a young couple trying to elude capture and separation.
The prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly.

In a dying world – is love the only means of true survival?
Buy Links for Taking Flight

Remember - to get a copy for free from iTunes leave me a comment with YES and your email and I'll send you a voucher code and link x  x

Little snippet...

‘I want us to have what they have,’ Marcus said slowly and quietly, but not gently enough to disguise the lust that flirted at the edges of his words. ‘I want to own you in the way he owns her, and I want you to own me in the way she owns him.’
‘What do you mean? We do belong to each other.’ Deborah reached up and cupped his jaw.
‘Yes, I know,’ he said, bringing her even closer in to him. ‘But I want a bond that transcends all else. I want to know that no matter where we are, who we’re with, or what we’re doing, the bond between us will be unbreakable.’
‘You’re not making sense, Marcus, and I’m tired.’ She tugged herself free and rolled to face away from him, suddenly offended at what he had said. ‘It’s like you’re dismissing what we already have. And I think we’ve got something pretty special.’ She was angry, but again she’d confused her own state of mind and realised what she felt was fear. What Marcus was saying scared her. He’d been making plans for when they were captured and separated. She started to cry. He was there, holding her, soothing her.
‘Birch and Hazel have been preparing their bond for months, years even.’ He cradled and pulled her around to face him once more. ‘They want to know that, no matter what happens to their physical selves, they will always be together spiritually. They are striving to reach an emotional unity so intense that when they come, they are each other.’

‘You know I’m a scientist, right?’ Deborah smiled and poked him, trying to get him to see how crazy he sounded....

Now remember - your comments all go towards the big Blissemass prize - so do visit all the days on the advent calendar for more saucy fun and giveaways x x x


  1. What an exciting and unique premise for an erotic story!

    1. Thank you! Hope you enjoy all the lovely blogs this Blissemas time! And good luck with the competition. x x x

  2. Yes, that sounds pretty good! :) judithdl at juno dot com.

    1. It's on it's way Judith! Thank you so much for taking part x x x

  3. Wow! You've definitely intriguied me with your blurb and excerpt. Steampunk isn't a genre I usually read so this is a great way to meet you and get to know your work. Thanks for the great gift!

    1. Hi Stephanie! I'd be delighted to send you a voucher if you let me know your email address - thanks for your comment and good luck with the prize draw! x x

  4. Mulled wine... hmmmm I knew there was reason I loved this season. I have been like you this year trying real hard to decorate for over a month. Finally, the rest of the family has let me loose to bring out the Christmas stuff. Love the snippet. Merry Christmas!!!

    1. Ha! yes! Mulled wine... I saw a Christmas tree made from wine bottles today - made me chuckle - definitely the spirit of Christmas :D Thanks for your comment - good luck for the prizes! x x x

  5. Love the clock motif on the covers! Your books sound fascinating. Merry Blissemas!

    1. Thank you Normandie - I love what the artists did with the covers too. Good luck with the prizes! x x x

  6. I'd like the itunes voucher please. turtle6422(at)gmail(dot)com
    Enjoyed the excerpt. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. It's on it's way J - thanks for taking part :D x x x

  7. Ooh, that was really an intriguing excerpt! Hmm a male trying to go to spiritual level in a relationship rather than a physical!:)
    Wine sounds as the best drink at this time of the year!
    Would love to have an free i-tunes voucher!;)

    1. Hi Jamila - I would love to send you a voucher but I need your email address! You can get in touch tabitharayne@ gmail(dot)com
      or reply here - thank you! I hope you read this :D Merry Blissemas x x x

  8. This sounds very interesting! We usually wait until the first weekend of December to put our decorations out. Time to get into the attic! Yes, I love an i-tunes voucher!

    1. Merry Blissemas Susan! Thanks for the comment your voucher is on its way x x x

  9. Sounds like an intense but engaging tale!


  10. I love steampunk fiction.


    1. I hope you enjoy this Shannon! Thanks for taking part with the Blissemas fun and good luck with the prizes x x x

  11. Sounds so intriguing. Thanks for the excerpt.

    drainbamaged.gyzmo at

  12. And the winner of the £5 Amazon voucher is.... Susan! Thanks for taking part everyone and have a wonderful festive season x x x pop by if you would like any news of my books x x


Thank you for visiting me in cyberspace - would love to hear your comments x