

Thursday 19 March 2015

I Write Books

Hello everyone *waves frantically*

I sometimes forget to promote the solo books I've written - so today I thought I'd put up these little appetisers from my Clockwork Butterfly trilogy. It's a dystopian fantasy where love, life and death intertwine to make you want to save the world sexy style... :D

Book 1 - The Clockwork Butterfly

Book 2 - Taking Flight

Book 3 - The meeting Point
Here's a really lovely review for the final book but I think it encapsulates the trilogy better than the blurb - and has me beaming from ear to ear!

by Sassyele
"I have to begin by saying that this review has taken me quite some time to write, as I really didn't know how to put into words exactly what I thought and give The Meeting Point enough to do it the justice it deserves. It has sat in my drafts for weeks being altered and tampered with and now, I'm finally ready to post!

This is the much anticipated third book in The Meeting Point Trilogy by Tabitha Rayne. The first of these is A Clockwork Butterfly and the second is Taking Flight.

Tabitha has a very unique writing style which captivates the imagination and gives you a unique closeness to each of the characters, even the ones you may dislike. I was really pleased to see a few of the characters I'd grown close to in the first book making a return in this one, especially as I hadn't realised they played such an important part in the final book. Once again, I was gripped from beginning to end and struggled to put it down.

Deborah Regan has been searching for her lover Marcus since he was carted off to a special 'men only farm' where men are being imprisoned and used for rich women't gratification. The rest of humankind is almost extinct due to the deadly toxins in the air but the survivors are fighters and will do whatever it takes to be reunited ...even at the risk of their own lives. The sheer determination shown by each of the characters is so admirable and the sexual tension makes for some very steamy reading! I don't want to give too much away but the end left me in a state of sheer disbelief. When I read any novel, I always have a few guesses as to how it will all turn out in the end, but Tabitha manages to lead you on an unknown journey with many unexpected twists and turns. The emotion comes through loud and clear from each character and you feel their pain and indeed their joy. I love how easily I can relate to all the characters, even though I may not have agreed with how they handled certain situations, but the slightly cheeky and pushy Mae quickly became one of my absolute favourites!
This really has to be read to be understood.

Tabitha Rayne draws the reader into an unknown fantasy world and allows them to escape reality with emotionally charged and extremely erotic scenes. I have red a few of Tabithas' books now and would very highly recommend any of them."

If you fancy reading any of these books, here's some linky links for you:


  1. Awww bless ya Tabitha have me beaming now too! lol This was by far one of my all time favourite reads EVER and I just know others will love it too :) xx

    1. Thanks Sassy - your reviews are always so eloquent and beautifully phrased - if ever I'm having a confidence crisis - I read your review x x x :D

  2. Great review! I gotta finish this series...

  3. This trilogy is fantastic! I enjoyed it so much :)

    1. Aww thanks Karen - so glad you enjoyed it - I loved writing it x x


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