

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Ashlynn Monroe is at my Party!

I'm celebrating a whole year of my erotic novel,
A Clockwork butterfly by having a fortnight of guests, tips and giveaways!

My super guest at the Butterfly Party today - is the hero lovin' Ms Ashlynn Monroe!

Welcome to the party Ashlynn - let's hear your tip for an awesome party...

"If you are using a crockpot buy Reynold's Crockpot Liners to make clean up quick.  You can throw away the mess and just rinse the crock.   They are my favorite product."

(Um... I had to Google those! A crockpot is a slow cooker... very handy :D - Tabitha)

Now lookeeee here - Ashlynn has just released Reality Hero, with Beachwalk Press - I don't know about you, but I'm ready to hear all about it!

Fantasy/Superhero Romance
Buy Links: Beachwalk

Thank you so much for hosting me!  I loved writing this book and I hope that readers will enjoy reading it as much as I adored the process of writing it.  I am working on a novella sequel to this novel, Ella’s story.  Enjoy Reality Hero, I can’t wait to hear what you think.  I love reader email at!
Blurb: Can reality TV handle a reluctant superhero bachelor, ten attention-seeking women, and one evil villain?
Dina Dell's career as a television producer has hit bottom. Desperate to save her job, she comes up with the idea for a reality show called I Want to Date a Superhero. But the only superhero bachelor she knows is the only man she's ever loved—Zane Blair.
Zane was once a normal human, but a traumatic childhood incident mutated him, along with Dina's sister and their friends. Dina was the only one who escaped without any superhero abilities. And while she might be the "normal" one, that only left her feeling like more of an outcast.
Her lack of powers put Zane in danger. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before someone used her to get to him, she left, breaking both their hearts in the process. After all the pain she caused him, will he be willing to help her now?
Then an old enemy emerges, putting Dina's plans on hold. When her superhero friends are the ones who need help, Dina just might learn that sometimes little Miss Average can be a hero too.
Content Warning: graphic sexual content
Here’s an excerpt:

Zane looked at Dina in disbelief. Before he could stop himself, he was crushing her to him in a desperate kiss. His mouth ravished her with primitive savagery. Dina melted against him. Her lips parted and he slid his tongue into her mouth. She tasted so damn good. Feeling her body against his was an incredibly heady sensation. He never wanted to let her go. Her tongue slipped inside his mouth and explored. Zane growled and held her close for a second longer.
He pulled back, searching her expression for any sign that she was ready to admit they belonged together. Her wide eyes gazed up at him, and her lips parted slightly. She flushed, looking incredibly sexy. Just looking at her made his cock stiffen.
She put her forehead against his chin and closed her eyes. “You’d better go before someone comes to investigate how I am.”
He pushed back from her. She was a damn stubborn woman. He must like to suffer, because that was part of her appeal. He’d always loved a challenge. “Someday, I won’t obey your every command, Di.”
He had no idea just how much those old feelings still lived inside of her. She opened the door, this time he didn’t get it for her, and she ran up the stairs and into her building like the chicken she was. Her inner voice made clucking sounds the whole time she fled. Nothing terrified her quite like her longing for him. She wondered if he knew it and hoped he didn’t.
She’d never get any rest and she had a mountain of work so she sat down and started going over everything. There was a lot more to putting on good TV than just turning on a camera. The phone rang and she jumped. Her hand slapped around on top of all the papers on the desk until she found her cellphone buried under them.  Her eyes were so blurry that she didn’t even bother to look at the caller ID.
“Hello,” Dina said.
“I’ve never been ashamed of you until today. Dina, how could you? You know Zane would never let you down. You used his feelings to abuse his good heart. I’m so angry with you that I don’t even know the right words to express it. If you needed something, why didn’t you talk to me first? I could’ve helped you. We could’ve come up with something different.”
There was a pause. Dina didn’t know what to say. It was a small relief when Ella continued.
“He hates the media, and now he’ll not only just be on your show, but the tabloids will eat him alive too. They’ll do all they can to find out his secret identity. You know the lies those rags print. This will start a feeding frenzy.”
Dina knew she deserved the tongue lashing, so she said nothing. She had no defense, because her twin was right.
“Call this off. Please, as my sister, do this for me and save the best man in the city from this horrible mistake. I know how you feel about him, and you know how I feel about him. We both know how he feels about you.”
There was another pause. Dina’s throat closed. She knew, and it tore at her heart.
“Are you still there?” Ella sounded annoyed.
“Yes,” Dina whispered brokenly.
“When you left, you ripped out his guts. Don’t destroy his life. He still loves you.”
“I know.” That was what made asking him to be on the show so damn hard.
“I don’t know why you turned your back on us, but you owe him. We all do. He’s the best of us. We’ve lost Aaron. Don’t take Zane away too. If he’s exposed, God only knows what will happen to him—us. Don’t do this, Dina.”
She bit her lip. She wanted to tell her sister she’d come to her senses, but it was too late.
“Ella, I’m so sorry. I hate myself, but it’s too late. They’re already airing the promos on the network, and the casting call went out. In the morning, I’m going to have dozens of women begging me to be on this show. Zane and I have been over for a very long time. We both know which one of us is in his life. You should be with him, not me. I’m his Achilles heel.”
“Being in his life isn’t the same as being in his heart, sis. He’s always loved you, and while we look alike, I’ll never be you. He wants you.”

Ashlynn Monroe
Crafting Romance One Word At A Time...
My blog is on my website!
If you like my work please "like" it on Amazon.!/ashlynn_monroe

Thank you for coming to the Butterfly Party! Remember for sales and giveaways for A Clockwork Butterfly click on these links:
Beachwalk is running a 50% off ebook sale of my novel (code ButterflyParty) and don't forget to enter the Goodreads paperback giveaway. 
See you tomorrow x x x


  1. Thank you so much for letting me party with you!

    1. Yay Ashlynn! Delighted to find out what a blimmin Crockpot is :D
      Good luck with Reality Hero x x


Thank you for visiting me in cyberspace - would love to hear your comments x