

Monday 16 June 2014

It's Today!

Isn't it always? But yay for today!

The Final book in my Clockwork Butterfly trilogy is out today!
It's called The Meeting Point and I'm taking it on tour - you can see where I'm going on my .
interview page

I tell ya - I started writing these books three years ago with a single image in my mind - a tiny
butterfly intricately made of clockwork that would find it's way to it's owner through thick or thin. I had no idea then that it would evolve into a novel, let alone a trilogy. If I'd know, I may never have started it! ;)

Anyway - to those of you who have read any of these books or supported me on my writing journey - here it now ends (for a little while anyway)  - so I thank you.

Here is the attempt I made to articulate the little butterfly - I took apart my grandpappy's watch and a drinks can and made this... One of the loveliest things that could have happened was that the cover artist from Fantasia Frog actually used this very butterfly in the cover art. That was a big thrill!

Anyhoo - I hope you enjoy it!

lots of love Tabitha x x

Here's the blurb n buy links if you fancy more info...

Beachwalk Press
Amazon Com
Amazon UK

Blurb – The Meeting Point
A story of love, freedom, and the future of mankind. Deborah Regan has broken free from the prison where she’s been unjustly held for the past eight years. The scale of the devastation to the land outside is overwhelming. Toxins have taken hold, and the planet is dying. Deborah vows to find her lover Marcus and flee to the safety of the hills where their story first began.
Marcus is one of the few remaining men left on earth, and Deborah finds him held captive at a pleasure farm where he is kept to service rich and powerful women. Escape for him is complex and dangerous. They can only hope that the trio who helped Deborah before will come to their aid. Marcus has heard from his clients over the years of a mythical place with its own microclimate that toxin clouds seem to miss. He is sure they can find it and will be able to build a future together.
Mae, Lena, and Angelo feel compelled to find Deborah and Marcus who they know have a special connection that might prove essential to their survival. They make haste to track the couple and realize the plan they have chosen is fraught with danger and conflict.
Will they make it to the utopia Marcus dreams of?
Content Warning: contains graphic sex scenes with multiple partners, including m/f and f/f sexual interaction, strong language, and end of the world shenanigans
*The explosive climax to Taking Flight and A Clockwork Butterfly.

Other books in the series:

Book 1: A Clockwork Butterfly Now Available for only 99c! Throughout June 14
Book 2: Taking Flight – now available – comment on any of my tour posts and I'll pop you in a draw for a copy of this one – if you can't wait, here's the buy links:

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