

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Smutty fun by the Sea in Scarborough

It's almost that time of year again!
Smut by The Sea in Scarborough - yay
Last year I went with my friend Scarlet and we had an absolute ball - sadly I won't make it this year but I hope you do! (Me n sexy Tilly Hunter even went sea swimming - it was proper cold!) Here's some more information.
Smut by the Sea on the 14th June is the second time the smutters have taken over Scarborough library. Last Summer we had a fabulous time check out the photos and blogs here  and this year we’ve got even more for you to enjoy.
Sessions from  bestselling authors Victoria Blisse, KD Grace and Lucy Felthouse on different aspects of erotic writing set you up in the morning. Start with inspiration with Victoria, then KD Grace helps you write better erotica by finessing sex.  The last workshop of the day gives you the tools you need to wow editors and get your stories accepted and will be led by Lucy Felthouse.
After a free lunch (oh yes, such a thing exists!) we’ll be enjoying the Reading Slam, short, sexy snippets from some of the smutty authors in attendance.  You’ll get tasters of some of the best erotica and erotic romance in the country and their books will be available to purchase at the book stall too.
All day you’ll be able to browse the stalls in the side room, check out Steph’s Ann Summer’s goodies, hot books from attending authors or pick something unique up from our craft stall. Then of course you’ll want to have a go on our unique erotic tombola –  the prizes are truly thrilling!  
Tickets are selling fast, but there are some left. So what are you waiting for? Join us for lots of smut and laughter at Scarborough library on the 14th June from 9.30am.

Quotes from last year’s Smut by the Sea Attendees:
In between the readings there was another key component that made SBTS such a fantastic experience, and that was the chance to chat, to share ideas, to meet people face-to-face who we had only ever talked to online before and to discover that they were just as amazing face-to-face as they are on social media.” KD Grace
For an amateur erotica author and long-time consumer of smut, the day was a perfect mix of readings, more formal Q&A but also the chance to mingle with all the participants and ask questions. I was blown away by how friendly everyone was, and how much advice I was given.” Anna Sky
“So, lovely people, smut, PVC, fish and chips and ice cream – how good a day is that?!!” Slave Nano

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