

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Hello out there!

Well, I've been tucked away in my writing shed, completely neglecting my little blog - I'm sorry, sometimes, something's gotta give... though I am up to a very respectable 46,000 words on my current novel, The Clockwork Butterfly. It was meant to be an erotic steampunk romance, but it has turned into a futuristic romp instead - you never know where these things take you (well, I don't at least...).

BUT I am still the Tuesday Girl over at Spicin' It Up - so come and join us girls there if you're cravin' the chat!

I am on the Beachwalk Holiday Blog tour and will be sharing my Holiday Chaos at Getting Naughty Between The Stacks this week.

Have a lovely week - and don't forget to join us on the Holiday Scavenger Hunt from Beachwalk which starts on Friday - prizes and fun!

T x x

Tuesday 22 November 2011

A Death That Lingers - Launch

I'm so excited to have a fellow Beachwalk author here today, Kaylie Newell is promoting her debut romance novel, A Death That Lingers. Welcome and huge congratulations on your release!

Tabitha, thank you so much for having me today!  I’m over the moon about the release of my very first book, A Death That Lingers.
I started writing it on Valentine’s Day, 2010.  It’s been a long, hard road, full of too many ups and downs to count.  But I can’t describe how truly great it’s been.  I’ve grown as a writer and as a person.  I’ve learned what disappointment is and what true happiness feels like.  If you can name an emotion, I’ve felt it!

A Death That Lingers is a story about a woman who discovers strength she never knew she had when she leaves an abusive husband, and in the process discovers a brand new life, and a brand new love.  It’s the book I always wanted to write.  The book of my heart, as my best friend calls it.  And that’s very true.  It’s my hope that it will touch the hearts of others, as well.
I love to hear from readers J  You can find me at,  and on Facebook at

Go on treat yourself!
Available now - Please go to Kaylie's website or Beachwalk to buy this fab new book
Tabitha x x

Monday 21 November 2011

Oysters & Chocolate!

Hooray! I'm very excited as my story, Francesca's Mother is featured on the fabulous Oysters & Chocolate site today.

It is a short story about a woman who is thrown back into memories of her friend's mother and her own sexual awakening, when she catches a glimpse of a beautiful young woman at the swimming pool.

I loved writing this story and am even more delighted that you can read it today, why not grab a coffee, go on over to O&C and check it out.

Happy reading,

Tabitha x

Thursday 10 November 2011

Diane Alberts - Why Romance?

It is my pleasure to have Diane Alberts with me today, talking about her love of romance and treating us to an excerpt from her new book Kill Me Tomorrow. So sit back, relax, take five minutes to yourself and read all about it - the trailer is fab too. Looking forward to this one! 

Why romance?
People often ask me why I write romance. Why the heck not? I love telling the story of boy meets girl. And I love all of the passion, lust, love, and even hatred that ensue. And, I will admit it; I am addicted to Happily Ever After. In a world where bad news always comes first, why not lose oneself in a happy love story? Sure, the hero might get beat up, and the heroine might be kidnapped…but it always ends happy.
If fairytales ended with: And then they got a divorce, and he married a woman thirty years younger than him, not many people would read them. I know I wouldn’t.
When Jasmine and Gavin, from my new paranormal 1NightStand book at Decadent Publishing called Kill Me Tomorrow, meet…they are enemies. She is sworn to kill him—and all he wants it to make love to her. Worse yet: how is she supposed to kill him when he’s the first man to make her feel passion?
What happens when the two enemies collide? I guess you’ll just have to read it to find out.

Kill Me Tomorrow is a paranormal romance book, in Decadent Publishing’s fabulous 1Night Stand series. The series revolves around the enigmatic Madame Eve who always seems to be able to find the perfect match for that special someone.
Jasmine Baruch is a jinn-a supernatural being who fights demons with fire. While that’s difficult enough, she’s got bigger problems. She’s a virgin, and in the jinn culture, that is sheer blasphemy. Jinn are supposed to be passionate, promiscuous creatures-everything she isn’t. Due to marry the next day, she takes matters into her own hands by using 1NS. But, like the rest of her life, nothing is easy. The man chosen for her, though incredibly gorgeous, is a demi-sanguine; a half-human, half-demon-her enemy.

Gavin Werbato is looking for an easy night of sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Instead, he gets a gorgeous jinn convinced it is her duty to kill him. He can certainly think of better things to do with her soft hands than murder. He need only convince her of that…

Can the fire sparked when these beings collide be controlled, or will it consume their world as they know it?
She’d accomplished nothing at all.
A weight sank beside her on the bed, and she shrieked. She darted a glance at the door, but it remained locked. Of course it did— portals didn’t hold back demons.
“Good punch.” He laughed and rubbed his nose. “Some men might hold a grudge—but not me. I heal too fast.”
Indeed he did. A glance at his face revealed features as gorgeous as ever. This sucked for the self-pity party she’d been trying to throw.
She preferred him bloody and not so devilishly striking.
She groaned and dropped her head into her hands. “Why won’t you just leave?” He caressed her arm in a lazy, seductive way, and she shivered. “Stop that.”
His hand stopped moving, but he didn’t remove it. “Why do I have to stop?” he murmured. “Why do I have to leave?” He traced an invisible path leading up to her shoulder. From there, he grasped a curl and twirled it between his fingers, as if testing its elasticity. Her scalp tingled at his tender tug, and a jolt of lightning shot straight to her stomach, causing her to bite back a moan.
“Because….” She lifted her head, and turned to face him.
His eyes were so blue they were nearly purple, which, combined with his light blond hair, made him a lethal opponent indeed. How could she resist such a gorgeous creature, knowing that it might be her last chance to rid herself of her virginity? Yet, how could she say yes? “Because you are half demon, and I am a jinn. We are adversaries, you and I.”
 “I’m not an evil demi-sanguine,” he assured her calmly. “I don’t rape, kill, or pillage. I’m unremarkably human—plus a few small details. But you are hardly normal yourself,” he drawled with a lazy grin. “And I’d like to make love to you.”

Buy links:

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Blog Hoppery

So what, you may not need to ask, but I do - is a Blog Hop? Well, this week my lovely lady friends over at Spicin' It Up showed me how it's done - There are squillions of blogs all listed at the bottom of the post where you can go and join in the fun - commenting and getting involved with the chance of WINNING PRIZES! We're giving away 4 of our books to any potential hoppers so why not come and have a look, there's lots of great blogs to have a squizz at.
See you there,
T x x

Monday 7 November 2011

I love Lucy!

Hello again,

It's my big pleasure to bring another helping of the lovely Lucy Felthouse who is introducing her new release, Brick Dust & Bedsprings!

There are chores to be done, but it’s much more fun to stand at the window and watch the rippling muscles and sweaty torsos of the men paving her driveway- her window sill never got cleaned so thoroughly before!
But when sexy brothers Marcus and Jamie catch their customer looking, the action rapidly moves from the front of the house to the bedroom…
Buy links:

Lucy is a graduate of the University of Derby, where she studied Creative Writing. During her first year, she was dared to write an erotic story - so she did. It went down a storm and she's never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Noble Romance, Ravenous Romance, Summerhouse Publishing, Sweetmeats Press and Xcite Books. She is also the editor of Uniform Behaviour and Seducing the Myth. Find out more at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
 And now for your pleasure - 
an excerpt:
I heard the rumble of an engine, and craned my neck to look out of the window. Yes, they were here. My lips curved into a smile, and I scuttled out to meet them.
“Morning!” I chirped brightly. The two men turned from their van at the sound of my voice.
“Christ,” exclaimed the larger and older of the two, “I wasn’t expecting you to be up at this hour!” It was nine in the morning.
“You cheeky so and so. I’m not that lazy. Besides I had to get up to move the car. You’d have struggled to dig the drive up with my car on it, wouldn’t you?”
He winked cockily at me. “Mine’s a coffee, please. Two sugars, plenty of milk.”
“Yes, Marcus. God, what did your last slave die of? Jamie?” His brother looked up from the papers he was shuffling.
“Um, I’m alright for now actually.”
“Are you sure? I was only messing about!”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’ll have one later.”
I sauntered back into the house and started making drinks. I’d already flicked the kettle on in anticipation of their arrival, and as I poured the milk into Marcus’ mug I chuckled to myself. I’d delib¬erately used a pink one, just to piss him off. It wasn’t exactly the most manly of mugs, as I’m sure you can imagine. Mind you, it would take more than that to rob Marcus of his masculinity. Mmm.
He wasn’t my usual type. I usually go for the more classic good-looking guy. You know, clean-shaven, nicely dressed, and all that. Marcus definitely didn’t fall into that category. He wasn’t ugly, by any means, but he’d never be on the cover of a magazine either. And you certainly wouldn’t take him home to meet your parents. But he still oozed sexiness out of every pore. Whether it was the fact that he was rough around the edges, I don’t know. Maybe I was looking for a bit of rough.
I handed him his coffee with a cheeky smile. After a question¬ing glance at the mug, he took a sip. He winced as the hot liquid scalded his tongue. He swallowed slowly. I watched his Adam’s apple contract and relax and felt my face start to heat up.
Against my better judgment I studied him: his broad chest, huge biceps, strong-looking thighs clad in denim. Christ. I felt my pussy twitch involuntarily and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he was looking at me. Oops. A moment of charged silence, then he smiled, all the while staring at my chest. I glanced down, and wanted to die of embarrassment. My nipples were rock hard and straining against the thin cotton top I was wearing.
“Must be cold,” I blurted, not wanting him to know the effect he was having on me. Marcus looked at me, then glanced up at the burning sun. He raised his eyebrows.
“Right,” I mumbled, desperate to get away. “I’ve got chores to do indoors; gimme a shout if you want anything.”
“Anything?” he enquired.