

Friday 30 August 2013

New Balls Please!

Check it out - my fellow Brit Babes, Lucy Felthouse and Lily Harlem have co-authored a hot new book! And it's all about tennis... take it away ladies!
Grand Slam (Raw Talent #1) by Lily Harlem and Lucy Felthouse

California had seduced me with promises of a new life working at Los Carlos Tennis Academy. What I didn’t expect was the dark, brooding number one seed, Travis Connolly, resisting my help. He wasn’t interested in my psychology skills. Instead his attention was drawn to the edgy, sharper corners of my desires, proving that they existed, setting me challenges and driving me crazy to the point of combustion.
I’m the best tennis player in the world—officially—so why would I need a damn woman full of psychobabble to get me on form? Despite my irritation, however, I can’t resist pushing Marie Sherratt’s buttons even though doing that shows her the darkest shades of my lust, the parts of me I buried deep. So I set her a challenge, one she rises to, one that has me rising too, and before long my game relies on her calling the shots, hitting the target and bending to my will. One thing was certain, being not just master of the court, but also of Marie is seriously good for my soul.
Coming Soon to all Other Good eBook Retailers
I looked into his eyes. Swallowed and tasted his cologne as it traveled into my nostrils and then laced my tongue. “Would you consider them to be good people, Travis? These individuals that like to hurt others.
“I’ve known a few people who like to give and receive higher sensations, and most of them I consider to be good friends as well as good people.”
I hesitated, felt his body heat radiating toward me, wrapping around me as I pondered his words. We were close, very close, and his consuming presence made logical thinking much harder than normal. “I’m not quite sure what you’re telling me.”
“You talk about pain like it’s a bad thing, Marie.”
“It is.”
He smiled but it wasn’t a sweet smile, more like one of a hunter who’d spotted prey.
“Pain is unpleasant for a reason,” I said. “Because it’s bad.”
“I disagree.” He raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes. It was a challenging, cocky gesture.
A tingle snaked its way up my spine and threatened to wreak havoc in my body by turning into a tremble. But I beat it down. I wouldn’t let a patient get to me this way. I was the one supposed to be holding the reins here.
“Maybe, Marie, you should open your mind to new ideas with a little more grace.”
“I fail to see how I haven’t been graceful in discussing your theory that pain is good.”
“Can we keep it that way?”
“I hope so.”
“In that case,” he flicked his attention from my eyes and looked at my hair, “would you like me to demonstrate?”
Damn, the guy made me feel tiny. Even though I was wearing heels, his broad chest and wide shoulders were looming over me. “Okay.”
He twitched the right side of his mouth into a half-smile. Now he looked like a hunter who’d captured his prey. A trickle of fight or flight seeped into my system. Which would be my best option?
“Now that’s the first rule.” He reached up and undid the clasp holding my hair on the top of my head. It tumbled around my shoulders as the clasp fell to the floor. “Consent.”
“Doesn’t consent require knowing what you’re agreeing to?” Fuck, with him this close and stroking my hair, spreading it out, I’d pretty much agree to anything. Who was I kidding? Fight or flight was not an option, the only thing that shot through my mind was giving myself over to him. Allowing him to do whatever he wanted, control my body, feed it what it needed.
Damn, it had been too long since I’d been with a man. It was making me desperate.
He slotted his other hand over the left side of my head, the sound of him sliding his fingers over the shell of my ear noisy. My breath hitched and I locked my knees to stabilize my stance. I stared up at him, noting the small shafts of black hair sneaking out of his skin on his chin and the way his bottom lip was a little plumper than the top.
“You see, some pain,” he said, gathering my hair up at my crown and tugging to create tension on the roots, “can heighten the awareness of everything else going on in the body.”
He pulled harder, forcing my head to tip back.
I gasped as discomfort shot across my scalp.
He increased the pressure a little more.
I reached out and clutched at his shirt, felt his hard chest beneath. “Travis, I—”
“Shh, I’m just showing you.” He slipped his arm around my waist, dragged me close and yanked my hair, really hard.
“Ow, I—” A barrage of sensations blasted through my system. The feel of him pressing up against me, hot hard male, all wide pecs and solid thighs. The pain from having my hair tugged with force, and the awareness that my belly was shoved right up against his groin. A groin that held a wedge of thick flesh.
“Just feel,” he whispered, hovering his lips over mine. “Endorphins are rushing into your bloodstream, giving you a natural high as pain alerts your nerve endings that something exciting is happening.” He slid his free hand up my back, tracing the outline of my spine through my blouse.
I breathed in the air he was breathing out, warm and sweet. The scream of hurt in my scalp made me want to wriggle but being held so firmly and confidently kept me still. The heat of the discomfort slipped down my nape and neck and over my shoulders, then combined with the lovely sensation of him stroking my back.
“Can you feel it?” he whispered. “Pain mixing with pleasure, the lines between the two blurring.”
I could feel it with every fiber of my being. My skin was alive with awareness, my breasts were heavy and desperate for stimulation, and between my legs I was buzzing for action. Good, hard man action, preferably of the naked, sweaty variety. “Yes,” I gasped.
Author Bios:
Lily Harlem
Lily Harlem lives in the UK with Mr Harlem and a host of rescued animals. She is an award winning author of contemporary erotic romance and writes for publishers on both sides of the Atlantic including Ellora's Cave, HarperCollins, Total-E-Bound, Xcite and Sweetmeats Press as well as self-publishing. Her HOT ICE series regularly receives high praise and industry nominations and sportsmen who are talented both in and out of the bedroom often feature in her novels. But whichever book you choose of Lily's one thing you can be sure of is it will be wildly romantic and down-and-dirty sexy. Enjoy!

Lucy Felthouse
Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over seventy publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include Best Bondage Erotica 2012, 2013 and 2014 and Best Women's Erotica 2013. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies. She owns Erotica For All, and is book editor for Cliterati. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:

Wednesday 14 August 2013

August Alfresco!

Welcome to my sexy post as part of the August Alfresco event! Join in the fun where lovin' in the great outdoors is all the rage! Prizes and fab books all for you...

Comment on this post to be in to win one of these fabulous prizes:
A Kindle and £50 worth of Total-E-Bound ebooks.
or £50 worth of Xcite ebooks
And be sure to check out all the August Alfresco posts at and comment on each one to have more chances to win.
I love being outside - I get distinctly antsy if I stay indoors for more than a few hours - my new trilogy is all about mother nature in all her glory and my obsession with saving the world erotica style!
Here is a very sexy excerpt from my newest novel, Taking Flight - part of the The Meeting Point trilogy.
This really is a bit saucier than I usually post so those of you prone to blushing - please read with caution... ;)

Taking Flight - COMING SOON! - (prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly - available now)

She followed behind Marcus, having to remind herself to take in her surroundings every now and then, instead of staring incessantly at the hypnotic gait of his heels as they trod through the undergrowth. The forest was truly beautiful, mainly oak and silver birch filling it up. They must have been walking for at least a couple of hours when Marcus stopped her.
‘Shh.’ He reached back, halting her with his palm, ‘Listen.’ In the distance was a rhythmic cracking sound, biting into the air. Almost like a twig snapping underfoot but not quite. It was followed every now and then by a whimper. Deborah froze. The acoustics of the forest were oppressive yet oddly echoed the noise. It seemed to ricochet off the bark of the tree trunks and bounce right to them. She could tell Marcus was intrigued and he started moving, more cautiously this time, palming the branches as he went, being careful not to let them spring back in her face. As they moved closer to the sound, there was a small incline to climb. They got down on their bellies and crawled to the brow, which descended into a natural birch-lined amphitheatre. Deborah held her breath and stared at the sight before her.
Between two trees, a naked woman was tied spread-eagled. Lash marks were visible over her back and thighs. Her long hair tumbled about her shoulders as she let her head fall back. A scruffy-looking man wearing only woodcutter’s breeches stood slightly to the side of her, wielding a switch of what looked to Deborah to be red hazel. As they watched, the man sliced the switch through the air and whipped the woman soundly on the buttocks. She let out a throaty groan and Deborah went to spring forward to demand what was going on. No sooner had she twitched the first muscle than Marcus pounced on top of her, flattening her to the ground and holding her mouth closed. She breathed angrily though her nose as they kept watching the scene of torture.
‘Shh,’ Marcus growled into her ear. ‘Just watch.’ It was all she could do, pinned to the forest floor with her face aimed at the show. She was bewildered and all her instincts wanted to free the poor woman who was being so savagely beaten. Struggling, she tried to wriggle out of Marcus’ grip, but he held her fast and whispered again, ‘I mean it, watch …’
She relaxed her body, knowing the battle would be lost anyway and stared. The woman was swaying in what must have been agony on the ropes which bit into her wrists and ankles. The weight of Marcus on her back stifled Deborah’s breath. The whip lashed the woman once more. When the cry came, Deborah was shocked to feel Marcus pressing his pelvis into her behind. He was obviously enjoying the scene and his cock began to stir and harden, pressing into her flesh. Deborah didn’t know what to feel and was suddenly furious as he stared to slowly hump her bottom through their joint layers of clothing. She was about to scream out and throw him off when she saw the tied woman look round to her captor. Her eyes were sparkling and the most dazzling smile crossed her face. He let the cane fall to his side for a moment and leant in to kiss her, long and sensuously, while his free hand reached down between her legs and began to massage her pussy and arse. The woman responded by pressing her hips backwards, exposing as much of her sex to his advances as she could while tied to a tree. Marcus’ cock stiffened further as the man began to finger the woman slowly with two thick digits. Deborah saw that the fingers of the man and the inner thighs of the woman were slick with desire, and she started to feel the wet tingling in her own pussy.
Nature will take it back...
Marcus still had his hands over her mouth and started to massage her lips with his middle finger, forcing it in between her teeth, mimicking the pussy play on show for them. Deborah began to suckle him, letting him probe her mouth and pulse in and out of it like he was fucking her there. Her nipples puckered and peaked within her clothing. As if he felt it happen, Marcus’ other hand rode up under her top, into her bra, and pulled a breast out, exposing it to the earthy forest floor. Her whole body flooded with sensation as he tweaked her nipple and fingered her mouth while humping her to the sight of the two people performing below. She opened her legs and Marcus sank into the space between, riding her arse while she ground her mound into the dirt. He released her nipple and snaked his way down to her desperate pudenda. He cupped the bony nub, letting it rest on the fleshy heel of his hand while his fingers hooked into her dampening knickers through her skirt. She humped and wriggled until her skirt hitched up over her hips. Marcus helped it along. He pulled her knickers to the side and slid his fingers in and out in time with the attentions on her mouth. All the while they watched the man and woman. Laying down his crop, the man ducked under her arm and stood to face her. He looked at her intensely before falling to his knees in front of her, devouring her pussy in long, slurping kisses.
The woman made frantic whimpering noises again and writhed in her bindings. Deborah couldn’t take her eyes off the scene. Her pussy soaked through her panties while Marcus still fingered her. She was so wet and so full of desire that she sucked harder and deeper on Marcus’ hand, taking more and more fingers in, trying to swallow him up. He took the hint and dragged down his jeans, letting his thick, heavy cock fall out onto her arse. She arched her hips up, giving him the best entry, and he teased her, dipping in the tiniest way, easing her open slowly despite the fact she was so wet he could have sunk in unhindered. The woman below was now being licked and sucked as the man shoved two fingers deep into her. Deborah had the perfect view and thought she would pass out with the sheer lust of the situation.
She wanted to be fucked harder and deeper than she ever had – she wanted to be that woman, tied to the tree and whipped. Remembering the sting of the slap Marcus had given her the night before made her pussy burn with excitement.
The man was now pulling down his own trousers with his free hand, letting his sizable dick fall out before clutching it in his fist and pumping in time with his frantic attentions on the bound woman. She was howling with sexual abandon now and, finally, Marcus thrust himself deep inside Deborah’s yearning wet cunt. She panted damply through her nose and wriggled as Marcus returned his hand to between her pussy lips, rubbing her bud in time with his thrusting. Deborah had never felt so open and wanton and let her body flop as she witnessed the woman’s final squeal, watching as her pussy convulsed and her climax juices ran down the hand of the man while he came in a white arc over the springy forest floor. It was the horniest sight she’d ever seen and Deborah’s pussy began to spasm as the orgasm that she’d been on the brink of burst through, rippling from the pit of her abdomen out through her pussy, into her clit, all the way up through her torso, and out through her mouth in an ear-splitting shriek.
In full bloom
Marcus quickly rolled back, out of view from the couple who turned to see where the noise had come from. He flipped Deborah back into position and fucked her hard and fast from behind, grabbing her hair and biting into her shoulder to stop himself from shouting out too as he came deep inside her. She could feel his heart racing when he fell on top of her, and she did her best to resist the temptation to giggle. Adrenalin, sexual relief, and excitement had worked her up into a nervous state, and the thought of those two discovering their voyeurs made her almost hysterical. She couldn’t stop shaking as Marcus tried to keep her silent and still.
‘Shh,’ he whispered but she could hear the tell-tale quiver of a giggle in his voice too. He slowly eased off and motioned for her to come quickly and quietly. They snapped a couple of branches and started to run without looking back to where the man was now shouting after them...

“Find me at the meeting point. We are more than the physical.”

Four generations from now, toxins are ravaging the land and the future of mankind is in peril. The surviving men are being rounded up and taken to holding facilities. Research scientist, Dr Deborah Regan is hoping to stabilise the decreasing male population before her lover, Marcus becomes one of those taken away.

When the authorities come looking for Marcus, Deborah  abandons her research to go on the run with her lover. They flee to the forests where they stumble across a couple indulging in some very steamy alfresco loving who agree to teach them how to live in the wild. The couple also reveal that they are intent on finding an ultimate sexual union where at the point of climax their spirits break free from the confines of their bodies and unite.
Plunged into a life of lust and survival, Deborah soon realises she can easily slip into this trancelike state and she and Marcus set out to create a transcendent bond of their own.

Can they achieve the ultimate unity before fate separates them for good?

An erotic dystopian fantasy following a young couple trying to elude capture and separation.
The eagerly awaited prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly

I hope you enjoyed this steamy excerpt! If you would like to hear all about my news and when Taking Flight is released - please 'like' my Facebook page where I'll keep you up to date.
Love Tabitha x x x
Remember to comment to be entered into the HUGE Smut Alfresco prize draw! 

All terms and conditions are available at and the winners will be announced on the 1st September at the website.

Friday 9 August 2013

Hoppy Birthday! Ella's Turning What?

Welcome to the Birthday Blog Hop for the lovely Ella Jade! 
First of all Happy Birthday Ella!
Thanks for dropping by to my bit of the hop. 
To be entered for the grand prize of a $100 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card all you have to do is leave a comment on any/all the blog posts and leave your email address. The more places you comment the more chances you have to win. Full list below.

Each participant is also giving away a prize. So be sure to hit them all and read the post to see what you have to do to be entered. I'm offering an e-book copy of Mia's Books - a paranormal erotic romance and A Clockwork Butterfly - the first book in the Meeting Point trilogy (erotic romance). For a chance to win these, please 'like' my Facebook page - this will also keep you up to date with my new releases and any other hops... - do comment on this post also to be included in the grand prize draw!

So any of my friends or family will tell you how much I love a party! One of my aunts said that I'd celebrate the opening of a packet of crisps - and she's right, I'm telling you ;) - as long as it's salt and vinegar... mmmm. I was in the US once and couldn't find any salt and vinegar crisps anywhere - I think they're a rarity in Europe too. Anyhoo - if you come to a party at my place, we'll dance all night with crisps in our hair and blisters on our toes.
Like my page for an extra prize!
Now have a look through this enormous list of party goers below and hop along for more chances to win and maybe find some fab new authors - happy hopping - hoppy hipping!

Here's a little snippet of Mia's Books to get you in the mood - and thanks again to Ella for hosting such a fab party x x

Mia pushed her way through the knot of bodies writhing on the dance floor, her eyes searching all the while. When she finally reached the bar she sighed in disappointment. She knew the eyes had been watching her from here, she had felt it. She slumped onto a stool with her elbows on the bar.
“What can I get you?” The guy serving was polishing a glass with a pristine white towel. He had one hand inside it while the other rubbed vigorously up and down, bringing it to the perfect shine.
Oh, for God’s sake, I’m unbearable!
“Just some iced water. I've left my purse at my table.” She sighed again and put her chin in her hand. Suddenly, the hairs at the bottom of her back, just above her ass, stood on end. She held her breath and froze. It was the watcher. Here! Right behind her.
She glanced down at her flimsy top and saw the fabric strain as her nipples hardened. The electricity from her lower back began to travel up her spine, tingling and buzzing all the way to her shoulders then her neck. She felt the eyes eat into her, massage her flesh, devour it.
“Champagne, isn't it?” a man asked.
Mia gave a tiny nod. She was desperate to exhale but didn't want to break the spell. Focusing on the bar in front of her, she watched as hands came into view, pulling money from a wallet. Suddenly, she knew where she'd heard the voice before...
Mia's Books
Ghost lover or mortal—can Mia have both?

Mia has a big problem. She is in love with two people, and one of them happens to be a ghost. After a late night seduction in a deserted library, Mia brings home a haunted book. The book contains a ghost which instructs her to seduce strangers on its behalf. Mia falls in love with one of her conquests and finds herself in a romantic tangle. Can she keep both her lovers, or will she have to choose?

Content Warning: graphic sexual content, including m/f and f/f sexual interaction 

***Grand Prize winner will be chosen by on Monday morning and will be contacted by Ella Jade. Individual sites are responsible for choosing and contacting their own winners. ***

Thanks for stopping by - GOOD LUCK! 
Love Tabitha x x x

Thursday 8 August 2013

A Taste of Paris

Ooo La la! La Tour Eifel, Croissants, La vie en rose!
We're going all Parisian today with an erotic adventure from Lucy Felthouse...
Keep tuned this week for some blog hopping action from Ella Jade and Smut Alfresco - but for now - take it away Mme Felthouse ;)

A Taste of Paris by Lucy Felthouse
Book two of the A Taste Of… series

Ryan Stonebridge and his friend Kristian Hurst are traveling on their year off before going to University.
Unfortunately, Kristian has been called back home due to a family emergency. Ryan continues on to Paris alone, hoping his friend will join him again soon.
In the meantime, Ryan’s lucky streak with women continues, and by the time Kristian makes it to Paris, Ryan’s bumper box of condoms is depleting rapidly. However, there are more than enough women to go around, and Kristian intends to have some sexy fun of his own, and when the boys get a chance to play with two sexy ladies at once, they certainly aren’t going to turn it down.
Ryan could hardly believe his luck. After a sex-packed day and a bit in London, he was now being propositioned by a sexy older woman on the Eurostar. The Paris-bound train had just started moving and it seemed the woman wanted to spend at least some of the two-and-a quarter-hour journey to the French capital fucking him in the toilet.
He shook his head disbelievingly. Then, after making sure no one had witnessed their exchange—when she’d given him the come-on—he slipped from his seat and made his way as nonchalantly as possible in the direction the woman had gone. He quickly found her, standing in the area between carriages that also housed the public conveniences.
She looked around, ensuring no one could see through the glass doors at the ends of the carriages to either side of them, pulled open the toilet door and dragged him inside.
Ryan barely had time to catch a breath before she’d locked the door, slammed him against it and molded her lips to his. She tasted of expensive champagne—she’d probably been indulging in St. Pancras station’s champagne bar—and it suddenly made him very aware that, although she’d started their sexy rendezvous, he was most likely taking advantage of an inebriated woman. He twisted his head away.
“Hey,” he said, grasping her arms and pushing her gently away from him. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re gorgeous and very, very sexy, but you’ve been drinking. I don’t want you to do something you might regret later.”
The woman laughed, long and loud, and Ryan worried that someone might have heard her and wonder why on earth there was a woman laughing to herself in the train toilets. The last thing he wanted was to open the door and find a pissed-off member of staff waiting there. There was no excuse for two adults being in a locked cubicle together that anyone would believe.
Clapping her hand over her mouth, the woman suppressed her mirth, then finally spoke. “Yes, gorgeous blond one.” Her French accent surprised him—he’d thought she was a tourist heading to Paris. “I have been drinking champagne. But only a glass. I’m certainly not drunk.”
With that, she pounced on him once more, and Ryan decided not to resist any longer. They were both consenting adults and he had protection in his pocket—so where was the harm in indulging their baser instincts? His cock definitely didn’t see any further reason for delay as it filled with blood and pressed against the crotch of his jeans.
He pushed his fingers into her thick black hair and pulled her more tightly to him, deepening their kiss. She was eager and, judging by the way she was rocking her hips against him, incredibly horny. He held out for as long as he could, exploring her mouth with his tongue, nibbling at her plump lower lip and pulling her hair to expose her white throat. Before long, though, the pants and tiny mewls coming from the woman’s mouth pushed him to the point of no return. His cock was all but bursting from his jeans and he really needed to be inside this woman’s pussy.
Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over seventy publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include Best Bondage Erotica 2012, 2013 and 2014 and Best Women's Erotica 2013. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies. She owns Erotica For All, and is book editor for Cliterati. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:

Thursday 1 August 2013

The Journal

It's the 1st of August - how did that happen? Forgive me, I'm in shock. I know the expansion of the universe is supposed to be accelerating but this is ridiculous
August is going to be full of goodies for you lovely readers. I'm expecting to launch a new book and a fabulous Alfresco event is now taking place over at The Blisse's place - click on the banner above - prizes and books galore (with a big dash of outdoor sauciness).

But back to the here and now! In June, I was lucky enough to attend Smut By The Sea where I sat back, spellbound, and listened to the duo below perform this extract of their new book, The Journal... it was intense! So here they are - take it away Liv and Domitri

The Journal by Liv Honeywell and Domitri Xavier


“Come to my study at eight o’clock sharp. Dress for dinner. Wear high heels and put on that dress – you know what I expect of you.”

When the order comes Livia is torn between anticipation and dread.

Does he know? How could he possibly know what she has done? And how can she find the words and the courage to tell him?

As eight o’clock edges ever nearer, Livia waits outside the study door, trembling; uncertain of what she will find when she comes face to face with her Master.

If he knows… If he does, there will be consequences. There is no doubt about that.

What will be the price for her moment of disobedience?


He heard the knock on the door of his study. This was her signal that she had complied with all his instructions, not a request to enter. She would come in when he said so and she would never dare to knock again.

He had asked her to dress immaculately, smartly; as if they were going to dinner. Her hair must be perfect, away from her face. Her make up flawless, perhaps to look a little tarty, but she would know how far to go and the penalties for going over the top. She would be wearing elegant, high heeled shoes.

He told her to come in, gently, softly; as if she were merely coming in for a coffee or cocktails. Immediately she stepped into the room; looking down with her hands behind her. She would never look at his face directly without his express permission.

"Come to me."

She had no idea what to expect. Would he be soft and tender? Or would he sweep her off her feet by mauling her like an animal. She knew that her body was his and he could treat it in any way that pleased him.

He ran his fingers through her hair, gently folding it back and forth and her head moved with his every gesture. Then he thrust his fingers deep toward her skull and tugged at her hair, moving her head in all directions. She let out an involuntary squeal.

"This is no time for making such noises."

The quiet scream stopped immediately. She was under his power, his presence; his dominance. There was never any doubt about it.

He put his hands over her eyes and closed them, turning her face downwards. With effortless ease, he bound her hands behind her by her wrists and elbows. He loved the way that this pushed her breasts forwards and outwards. He had no need to bind her but it pleased him; a bound woman was an aesthetic pleasure.

He put one hand over her mouth. The other roamed over every contour of her body; her pouting breasts, her waist, behind her neck. He moved to her pussy and felt that it was already wet. Then both hands wandered quickly and powerfully over her whole body. She let out a yelp of pleasure which he immediately silenced with his strong fingers. She was his to do with as he wished.

He turned away from her, then turned back to look. She was beautiful. She was his. Her pain would be his pleasure...

I knocked on the study door, quietly, almost hesitantly. I knew so well the knots in the wood, the whorls and lines of the grain. How many times had I stood here, gazing at this door; trying to guess what would happen when I opened it?

I wondered how long he would have me wait. I didn't know what to think. Did he somehow know what I'd done? Had he been waiting for me to tell him, giving me the chance to own up? Hoping that I would before he had to make me? I couldn’t imagine how he could know, but... he had sounded distracted earlier. Not like himself.

I'd so wanted to confess. I really had. I'd tried all day yesterday. I'd tried today as well but I couldn’t make myself say it. I didn't want to see the look of disappointment in his eyes, the awful expression on his face that would come from knowing I'd done something absolutely forbidden.

And… and I was scared of the punishment, of how bad it would be. And now I’d made it worse. Not only for me but for him too. For how much more I’d let him down by not telling him the truth.

I hoped I could find the nerve to say it now. Maybe I could find a way to explain, though I wasn't sure I could explain it to myself. What on earth had I done?

I hoped he would allow me to speak, or I wouldn't be able to say a word, not even to confess. What would I do then? Wait until he was done with me and then tell him? Wait until he had used my body, whichever way he chose; wait until he had given me pleasure which I surely didn't deserve?

Then what? If I couldn't find the nerve now, if I hadn't found it earlier, what on earth made me think I would find it then?

I reached out and lightly traced the pattern of the wood with a finger tip. My hand was trembling and I slowed my breathing, doing my best to relax.

Then I heard his voice; such a beautiful deep voice, so calm and gentle. It gave me no clue to what he was thinking, to what he would do this time.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the door, closing it quietly behind me; keeping my eyes lowered the whole time. I clasped my hands behind my back and waited.

"Come to me," he said.

'Always,' I thought. 'Whenever you wish it.' I didn't say it, of course. I knew better than to speak without permission.

I kept my hands behind my back and walked over to him, my high heels clicking on the hard wood floor. I dared not look at him, but I so wanted to. Perhaps for reassurance that he wouldn't hurt me, although I knew he would; perhaps to see if the gentleness in his voice was there in his eyes; perhaps to search for something, anything in his expression to tell me what he was thinking.

He lifted a hand toward my face and I tried not to flinch, but he merely stroked my hair, twining his fingers through the length of it. I began to relax, leaning my head into his hand, until he grabbed a handful of hair close to my scalp and pulled hard, and I couldn't help letting out a small squeak of surprise.

"This is no time for making such noises," he said, still so calmly, so controlled, and I bit back the sound, unable to rid myself of the feeling that this was the calm before the storm.

His fingers gently covered and closed my eyes, and then I stood quietly while he tied my hands behind my back. Now I couldn't even see what was coming, and even if I could, I was helpless to prevent it.

He clamped his hand firmly over my mouth, stopping even the chance to protest, as his other hand explored my body, stroking and caressing - over my breasts, across my hips, between my legs. I blushed as I realised he must know how aroused I was.

He released my mouth and inspected my body with both hands, squeezing my breasts and my bottom, stroking my face, touching between my legs once more. I moaned softly and he covered my mouth again, muffling any noise I might make.

Was I not to be allowed even the slightest sound? To have to keep silent no matter what he might do to me? The thought of his control made me shiver and I swallowed hard, trying to hold back a sudden rush of desire. I tried to still myself, wondering if he had noticed.

Of course. Of course he had. He noticed everything. I wondered if it would make a difference to what he would do. If it pleased him that I couldn't hide my reactions or if I would be punished for moving, however slightly?

He stepped away from me and I waited for what would come...

Buying Links:

The Journal is available from Amazon US - and Amazon UK -

Author Bios:

Liv Honeywell:

When not writing about delicious, hot male dominants and the female subs who love them, I’m usually doing something craft-like, reading, baking, eating the results of said baking, and attempting to satisfy the demands of His High and Mighty Dominance (the cat!). My first story, Imagine, was published with Silver Moon Books last year and Coming, Ready or Not is my first solo book. The Journal was co-written with Domitri Xavier.

Domitri Xavier:

Domitri Xavier comes from a rich heritage, including Russia, France and Yorkshire. He is the quintessential English gentleman and lives alone in his cavernous mansion, Upton Abbey.

Domitri is not only a writer, composer, pianist, raconteur, wit and poet, he also enjoys a number of hobbies; he breeds Basset Hounds, plays chess (although he has yet to record a victory) and he is a renowned collector of used tea bags – Earl Grey, naturally.

He fills his remaining time writing erotic fiction, much of it based on his own lifestyle at the Abbey.

The Journal is his first book and his poems have been published on Bitten Press’s website -

You can find Domitri on Facebook –, his Facebook friend page is, his blog is, his Goodreads page is and his Amazon page is