

Sunday 22 September 2013

100 Snogs!

Woweee - can you believe it? the hundredth Sunday Snog! Welcome along to the saucy kissing action.
It's a very special Snday snog - as not only will it be the 100th - we are also raising money for Medicin Sans Frontier so please take a lovely lazy morning look at all the other snogs and, if you feel inspired to, follow the links for the Just Giving page to make a donation.

Back to the kissing action! In case you haven't heard, my new book, Taking Flight was born on Friday - after a fairly long gestation period, it has finally arrived fully formed and ready to be read! It is part of my dystopian erotic fantasy series and I hope you enjoy this sexy excerpt... If you would like to win an ebook copy simply like my Facebook page or leave me a little comment below with your an email address so I can contact you if you win.


Here, let me wash you.’ Hazel darted to the poolside and brought back a bar of soap. Deborah was a little taken aback when Hazel rubbed the soap into a thick foam and passed it to her. ‘Here, hold this,’ she said, turning Deborah away. Deborah tingled as the lightest touch floated across her neck and shoulders, getting stronger and firmer as it went. Hazel started to knead the suds into her flesh, around and around in a hypnotic rhythm, sending Deborah into that hazy place of languid arousal. She let her eyes fall shut and Hazel reached under her arms, lifting them skyward and gently asking her to hold them there. Deborah did as she was bid and leant back into the caresses of the older woman. Her touch was like silk as it snaked up and down her arms, raising the tiny hairs and making her flesh buzz.

    Hazel reached lower into Deborah’s armpits and then her ribcage. Deborah knew this was a seduction but she could do nothing to resist. She peered down to her breasts, which were riding high on her chest, forced up by holding her arms in the air. Hazel’s touch ventured around just below them and, despite herself, Deborah willed her to cup them, knead them. The warmth of Hazel’s breath tickled at her neck as she slid her hands up over the swell of Deborah’s breasts, taking her nipples between each thumb and forefinger and squeezing gently. Deborah sighed and leant back into Hazel’s shoulder, not quite tall enough to lay her head on it.

    ‘You’ve got beautiful tits,’ Hazel purred and the word snapped Deborah out of the hypnotic spell. She pulled away from her embrace just as they heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Birch and Marcus swept through the undergrowth as Deborah ducked under the water, trying to shake off what might have just happened. She’d long known she and Marcus were unusual because they were monogamous, but the situation had never really arisen before that they felt they wanted to take other partners. Because of this, what had almost just happened between her and Hazel made Deborah feel guilty. She wondered what Marcus would have thought if he’d come just a few seconds earlier. It was like they were a married couple from the history books. Society had once been built on monogamy; affairs outside wedlock deemed a terrible thing, leading to families splitting up and dreadful heartache. In theory, a society that promoted free love between consenting adults was a good thing – a more mature way of thinking – but Deborah felt she’d been monogamous too long to happily go down that route, guilt free.

    ‘That looks good, mind if we join you?’ Marcus looked genuinely happy at last and Deborah had to wonder at how quickly Birch had gained his trust.

    ‘Of course,’ she cried, beaming up at him, but with one hand she reached down between her legs and swished away the pool of desire that had welled there.

    The two men pulled their tops off and hopped while they yanked off their bottoms in perfect unison.

    ‘Isn’t this amazing?’ Marcus smiled as he waded towards her, not even flinching at the cool water. ‘I’ve never been anywhere so beautiful.’ He picked her up and kissed her deeply in full view of Birch and Hazel. Deborah wrapped her arms around his neck and blushed as he bobbed her down in the water to let her feel his stiffening rod prod at her. Her body, still hot and confused, clutched at this advance and her pussy flooded with heat and desire, juices mingling with the slow-flowing river.

    ‘Ahh, young love.’ Birch sighed, leaning into his mate, staring unashamedly at Deborah and Marcus.

    Marcus released Deborah and pulled her into a languid embrace, floating by his side. She rested her head into him and the two couples looked at each other and smiled contentedly. And while her heart began to slow into a steady rhythm again, Deborah felt real peace for the first time in longer than she could remember.

“Find me at the meeting point. We are more than the physical.”

Four generations from now, toxins are ravaging the land and the future of mankind is in peril. The surviving men are being rounded up and taken to holding facilities. Research scientist, Dr Deborah Regan is hoping to stabilise the decreasing male population before her lover, Marcus becomes one of those taken away.

When the authorities come looking for Marcus, Deborah abandons her research to go on the run with her lover. They flee to the forests where they stumble across a couple who are intent on finding an ultimate sexual union where at the point of climax their spirits break free from their bodies and unite. Plunged into a life of lust and survival, Deborah soon realises she can easily slip into this trancelike state and she and Marcus set out to create a transcendent bond of their own. Can they achieve the ultimate unity before fate separates them for good?

An erotic dystopian fantasy following a young couple trying to elude capture and separation.
The prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly.

In a dying world – is love the only means of true survival?
Buy Links for Taking Flight
Buy links for A Clockwork Butterfly

Please remember to check out the other snogs - there's a whole lotta kissin' going on today! We smashed our £100 target for Medicins sans Frontier - but please, help us do even better! 
Thanks for stopping by hope you enjoyed puckering up with me x x x

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Give in to Me... Sidda's new book

Hello! Today we welcome the lovely Sidda Lee Tate - with her new book from Beachwalk press.

Hi all and thanks for joining in the celebration of my newest release, Give in to Me, the third book in The Night Series.

The attraction between Jennica and Scott is undeniable, but will her past show up to ruin it all?
After years of being gone, Scott Sims has returned to his hometown. Life is good. He likes his new job, has reconnected with his sister, and even met a "friend with benefits" at the local bar. He does his best to ignore the flurry of rumors—none of them true—about where he's been and who he's become.
Jennica Moss's last relationship ended badly, leaving her guarded and untrusting. She's new in town, but the local gossips have kept her informed about almost everything. The latest hot topic—Scott Sims, the area's most promising star, the guy who threw his football career away and disappeared for years.
When Scott and Jennica meet, emotions run high. Scott can't resist the urge to get to know her. But Jennica's past threatens to come between them, and Scott can't seem to shake his present. When he broke things off with his last fling, she didn't take it well, and she keeps showing up at the most inopportune moments, making his time with Jennica strained.
Now one, or both, of their lives may be at risk, and Jennica must face the consequences of giving in to her heart and falling in love with Scott.

"Friend of yours?" Scott cut his eyes at her, a single brow raised as they stepped on the sidewalk in front of the Italian restaurant, heading in the direction of her parents' house.
Jennica shook her head even though he was a few steps in front of her and wouldn't see. He walked fast, still hanging on to her hand. He'd punched Troy right in the face. Taken up for her, something no one had ever done. Her heart swelled with appreciation, followed by an anxious panic racing through her veins. In a matter of minutes they would be at her childhood home. There hadn't been much time with him…not what she needed.
He didn't respond, just charged ahead. A man on a mission to drop her and her giant baggage off where he'd found them. A massive lump formed in her throat, blocking her words. She wanted to explain. Tell him about Troy and what he'd done. Let him know why she was so screwed up, but nothing came out.
She glanced at the house with a quick mental note that all the lights were out as he led her by the front walkway and through the manicured grass, not stopping until they were hidden from the streetlights under the carport. Once there, he released her hand and took a few steps, pausing at the edge of the light. The darkness kept her from seeing his expression, but his silhouette against the moonlit night sent thick surges of frenzied tension straight through her, making her chest feel caved.
"You didn't deserve…" he said, in almost a whisper. An angry one. "Is he the reason you think you're screwed up?"
She didn't answer. She didn't need to. He knew. She could tell it in his voice, see it in his stride as he moved toward her. Felt it in his touch as he cupped her face with his hands, lifting it so her tearful sight had no other choice but to look him straight on.
"You can't believe him. You're no one's trash." His eyes seemed to grow darker, pained, fixated on hers. Lost in them, she couldn't look away. Couldn't speak. "You are beautiful…so beautiful it hurts." He bent down, resting his forehead on hers. "I would do anything to have you."
She swallowed hard at the way he'd spoken, slow and determined, as if those words were a concentrated version of everything he'd ever wanted to say. And she understood why. Through all the confusion in her mind, the war with the tug in her chest, the burning need to touch him, she realized, she felt the same way. "Then have me."

Give in to Me, as well as the first two installments of The Night Series can be found on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, and at

Connect with Sidda Lee Tate:

Saturday 14 September 2013

Taking Flight - oh yeah!

Hey gentlelasses and gentlefellows - a huge welcome along today - I got the cover art for my new book and I needed to share it with you all. If any of you have read A Clockwork Butterfly - this is the prequel... Taking Flight. It should be available very soon - follow me here or on Facebook if you would like to know when it becomes available, thank you :D
Here is the unofficial blurb...

“Find me at the meeting point. We are more than the physical.”

Four generations from now, toxins are ravaging the land and the future of mankind is in peril. The surviving men are being rounded up and taken to holding facilities. Research scientist, Dr Deborah Regan is hoping to stabilise the decreasing male population before her lover, Marcus becomes one of those taken away.

When the authorities come looking for Marcus, Deborah  abandons her research to go on the run with her lover. They flee to the forests where they stumble across a couple indulging in some very steamy alfresco loving who agree to teach them how to live in the wild. The couple also reveal that they are intent on finding an ultimate sexual union where at the point of climax their spirits break free from the confines of their bodies and unite.
Plunged into a life of lust and survival, Deborah soon realises she can easily slip into this trancelike state and she and Marcus set out to create a transcendent bond of their own.

Can they achieve the ultimate unity before fate separates them for good?

An erotic dystopian fantasy following a young couple trying to elude capture and separation.
The prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly and the second book in The Meeting Point trilogy - COMING SOON!

Thanks for reading to the very end - I hope it whets your appetite - it is rather saucy in places so be prepared for blushes and more!

Tabitha x x x

Friday 13 September 2013

Daring to Wish with Tracey Rogers

It's all about my guests this week and I'm so excited to have a fellow Beachwalk author with me today - the lovely Tracey Rogers is here to tell us all about her new book, Daring To Wish which will be ready for you to buy on the 16th of September...

Thank you so much for having me on your blog today! So pleased to be sharing Daring to Wish with you.

What happens when you dare to wish?

In an effort to regain her independence and break out of her shell, shy Eve Ward writes a daring wish list of all the things she wants to do before her thirtieth birthday. It’s a good thing the list is for her eyes only, because some of the items are pretty risqué.

Adrenaline junkie Lucas Riley becomes Eve’s “victim” in a kiss-a-stranger dare, and she thinks he’s perfect for her one-night-with-a-stranger wish.

With Eve, Lucas thinks he’s found the distraction he needs before he has to say goodbye to his bad boy image. When he finds Eve’s sexy wish list, he can’t keep himself from giving into temptation and sneaking a peek, and wish number eight is impossible for him to resist. Being good can wait.

Eve is thrilled when, out of the blue, Lucas offers to take her skydiving. Her sexy stranger has helped her tick so many wishes off her secret list. Her confidence has grown and now she’s having fun both in and out of the bedroom. It seems too good to be it? She can’t shake the niggling suspicion that something’s not quite right.

Content Warning: contains dizzying heights and sensual sex
Genre(s): Contemporary Romance

Eve froze mid-turn, halted by his husky command and the tingle radiating from his hand lightly grasping her wrist. She met his gaze and realized how wrong she’d been. He was a million miles away from being uncomplicated. The startling blue of his eyes revealed depths Eve could only imagine drowning in.
“Did you say…nice?” He leaned closer. “I would say that was a lot better than nice. I’m sure if we tried again we could manage spectacular. Don’t you agree?” he drawled.
Maybe nice had been the wrong word to choose Eve relented as she noted his husky tone. It was infinitely better than nice. Try amazing! Her breath hitched as she thought of his kiss again. Knowing he enjoyed it too sent a surge of pleasure through her that settled deep within her belly. Obviously she could do some things right.
If she intended to fulfill her wishes she was going to have to find some confidence from somewhere—and fast! At the moment her confidence seemed to be firmly in the area of her knickers.
Running and hiding now seemed out of the question. Maybe confidence practice would be the lesser of two evils? She paused before turning to face Mr. Hotness for confidence lesson one.
“Hmm...” She pretended to consider. “Maybe you’re right. However, as this was a dare I’m afraid it was a one time opportunity,” she added with mock apology. “So I guess we’ll never know.”
“You kissed me for a dare?” His brow arched.
Eve nodded. “Uh-huh. My dare was to kiss a stranger.”
“A dare, huh? I feel so…so violated.” He clutched his free hand to his chest in feigned hurt, although his eyes brimmed with humor and a smile tugged at the corner of his delicious mouth.
“Don’t be offended. I did actually choose you,” she blurted before forgetting her cool, calm, and confident aim.
“So you really thought you could violate me then run?”
“That was my plan, yes,” she said with a confidence she didn’t quite feel, especially as she was distracted by the thumb lightly stroking her wrist.
“And I didn’t even try to play hard to get. Guess you got lucky.”
“Or maybe you did,” she countered without thought, mortified as a blush warmed her cheeks at his responding grin.
He grinned, releasing her hand. “Tell me. Do you like to be dared?”
Her eyes widened at the loaded question. “I…I find a challenge hard to resist.”
“Damn good thing I’m a challenge.”  
 Author Bio
A devourer of books from an early age, I spent much of my childhood stepping into wardrobes, searching for that magical snowy world where conversing with animals would be expected. When I wasn't searching for those worlds, I wrote about them instead. My first step into the world of romance was when I stole sneak peeks into my nana's books. I'm still in that world and refuse to leave.
I live in Staffordshire, UK, with my husband and three wonderful children. An avid reader and writer of romance, I strongly believe that words make the world go around.

Thursday 12 September 2013

Here's Jenny!

Here Comes Jenny...
Good day to you all! And what news I bring! Some of you may recognise my lovely Brit Babe Buddy somewhere through this next post... I would like to introduce to you the lovely, Jenny Kane with her new book, Another Cup of Coffee.

Take it away lady...
You may have come across my work before.
Nine years ago this week, I began to write erotica under the guise of Kay Jaybee. I can’t believe I’ve been around so long- the time really has flown by.
As Kay I’ve written 17 solo books, and had over 80 short stories published in others. I love writing as Kay- she is very much braver than I am, and it is such fun taking on her persona to weave tales of erotic romance, BDSM, and voyeurism.
However, I always planned to widen my literary horizons beyond erotica- but until now I’ve had neither the time nor the nerve to try! It’s a daunting thing trying to get a new book published, even if you already have a proven track record in your field. To jump the fence and branch into a different field altogether is a bit like starting all over again.
The plot line for Another Cup of Coffee- which is more a story of modern friendship with romance, than a romantic story- has been simmering in the back of my head for years. In fact it first hit the paper in a very rough form years before I’d ever dreamt up my first erotic tale- but I just didn’t have the skills or the confidence to do anything with it. But now, after serving my writers apprenticeship in the highly competitive erotica market, I decided I would throw caution to the wind and send my manuscript to a publisher.
With every expectation of being rejected, I waited- and made myself forget all about it, throwing myself into my next erotic novel- only to have my dream come true 3 months later- a yes from Accent Press!!!!
When I heard I was to have my first contemporary romance, Another Cup of Coffee, published, it felt every bit as exciting as it did when I had The Collector, my very first solo erotic book, taken back in 2008!
Here’s the blurb for you!
Thirteen years ago Amy Crane ran away from everyone and everything she knew, ending up in an unfamiliar city with no obvious past and no idea of her future. Now, though, that past has just arrived on her doorstep, in the shape of an old music cassette that Amy hasn’t seen since she was at university.
Digging out her long-neglected Walkman, Amy listens to the lyrics that soundtracked her student days. As long-buried memories are wrenched from the places in her mind where she’s kept them safely locked away for over a decade, Amy is suddenly tired of hiding.
It’s time to confront everything about her life. Time to find all the friends she left behind in England, when her heart got broken and the life she was building for herself was shattered. Time to make sense of all the feelings she’s been bottling up for all this time. And most of all, it’s time to discover why Jack has sent her tape back to her now, after all these years…
With her mantra, New life, New job, New home, playing on a continuous loop in her head, Amy gears herself up with yet another bucket-sized cup of coffee, as she goes forth to lay the ghost of first love to rest...
And so, now you can buy my new novel for your Kindle, and it will be available in paperback from 19th September.  Think comfort food, think book chocolate, think something to curl up with on a sun lounger, or in front of the fire, while you get lost in the life of Miss Amy Crane, her friends, and the ghost from her past...
Thanks ever so much for letting me coming and talk about the new me!!
Lots of love,
Jenny/Kay xxx

Jenny Kane is a freelance writer of romantic fiction.
You can follow Jenny's erotic alter ego, Kay Jaybee, at  

Sunday 8 September 2013

Sunday Snog - the countdown!

Well hello there!

I've been rather quiet on this little blog for a few days (or is it weeks, hmmm who even knows?) - And I say THANK GOODNESS for the Sunday Snog for kicking my butt into gear :D

I'm all about the countdowns today - it's the countdown to the 100th (can you believe it?) Sunday Snog which takes place on 22nd Sept. The lovely Miss Blisse and all the Snoggy authors are hoping to raise some money for Medicins san frontier - it's a cause I really believe in - especially in these volatile times. So come along and kiss it all better in a couple of weeks with us. The link in today's snog over at the Blisse's will tell you more.

The other countdown is...

Some of you might know I have a new erotic novel due to come out very soon - all the edits are done... artwork is neaaarly there - it's just a countdown until I get a release date. So here is a snog from this sexy dystopian fantasy, Taking Flight - it's the very first kiss in the whole book. There's no buy links but if you like what you read and would like to know when it becomes available, please follow me on Twitter or like my Facebook page - thanks for snogging!

‘Peace offering?’ She placed a cup next to Marcus, who was still hiding behind his newspaper, brooding. He slowly lowered it and smiled.
‘Sorry,’ he said, cocking his eyebrow in the way Deborah found heartbreakingly endearing – though she imagined he meant it to look sexy. ‘I just, I don’t know …’
‘Get jealous?’ Deborah was smiling now. She picked up a cushion and held it at her back while slinking forward. She knew it was hard on him, the hours she spent at the lab and even through the night at home.
‘I’m not jealous, I’m …’
‘You’re jealous.’ She laughed and brought the cushion round, flinging herself onto him.
‘Well,’ he said, wriggling under her, ‘that damn chair sees more of your arse than I do.’ He jerked his hips, throwing her off onto the rug, and pounced quickly on top of her, holding her hands above her head. Deborah let her tension go and sank into the floor, relishing the strength and weight pressing down where he straddled her. He stared, studying her; she felt like he was trying to read her thoughts when he looked at her like this – but then, maybe he was just trying to get her attention. Maybe he knew that even at this very moment a part of her mind had logged back on to the puzzle and was beavering away on other matters despite both their intentions.
She wrenched her focus back to the here and now. To him. They’d been together since high school. He’d seen her potential and had taken jobs to house them both and send her to college then grad school, sacrificing his own education for the sake of hers. Affection flooded through her as it always did when she remembered that. Then he squeezed her wrists tight, stretching her T-shirt across her chest, and the affection turned to lust. He languidly drew his gaze away from her eyes, down to her breasts, watching each nipple pucker and stiffen in turn as if he were a conjurer. He held her hands fast in one of his and yanked her T-shirt up to expose the excited mounds of flesh. She wriggled as he bent his head to her ribcage and nuzzled, tickling her sensitive sides.
‘Stop it,’ she squealed breathlessly, ‘I can’t stand it!’ But he kept nibbling and tickling until she thought she might pee herself. Then he stopped. Pulling off his own top, he slithered up to her face again and kissed her ravenously with his full, sensual lips. She responded and suckled on his searching tongue, pulling him deep into her mouth. His free hand was now working her right breast, kneading and toying with her nipple, making it buzz with sensation. Her house trousers were suddenly oppressively tight and she shuffled her hips, trying to free herself of them. He pinned her fast to the rug.
‘Oh no.’ He broke away from the kiss to whisper into the base of her earlobe. ‘That’s my privilege.’ The grip on her wrists went slack and he snaked his way down her body. She lifted her chest as he reached her breasts, trying to force a nipple into his luscious mouth, or at least have him graze one with his weekend beard, but he ignored the offering. She should have known better; he was an outrageous tease and she reminded herself not to lift her hips when he reached her mound. He was kissing her belly now, circling her naval with his tongue, dipping in now and then. It felt odd, and somehow, very naughty as he engulfed the area, drawing her tummy into his mouth while tonguing the dip of her belly button. She had the usual hangs-ups about her stomach and had flinched the first time he had rubbed it sensually, telling her there was nothing sexier in this world than a real woman’s soft belly. She’d never quite believed it, and to this day still held her muscles tight, even when succumbing to his attentions.
His hands reached underneath her and cupped the top of her buttocks just at the waistband of her trousers. She resisted the temptation to lift her hips just as she’d promised herself, but when he gripped the fabric to pull them off, as she expected, he pulled up instead of down and the already tight trousers rode snugly up into her crotch. Now she wriggled.
‘Stop, don’t move,’ he warned and held her in place with the straining material. She looked down over her own body to see his face disappearing between her legs. He pushed her knees apart to make space for himself and pulled the cloth tighter as he bent forward. Her constricted pussy felt raw with the seam forced crudely between her lips, and when he leant into her, the heat of his breath caught her by surprise. He lapped at her through the material, quickly soaking it with his kisses...

“Find me at the meeting point. We are more than the physical.”

Four generations from now, toxins are ravaging the land and the future of mankind is in peril. The surviving men are being rounded up and taken to holding facilities. Research scientist, Dr Deborah Regan is hoping to stabilise the decreasing male population before her lover, Marcus becomes one of those taken away.

When the authorities come looking for Marcus, Deborah  abandons her research to go on the run with her lover. They flee to the forests where they stumble across a couple indulging in some very steamy alfresco loving who agree to teach them how to live in the wild. The couple also reveal that they are intent on finding an ultimate sexual union where at the point of climax their spirits break free from the confines of their bodies and unite.
Plunged into a life of lust and survival, Deborah soon realises she can easily slip into this trancelike state and she and Marcus set out to create a transcendent bond of their own.

Can they achieve the ultimate unity before fate separates them for good?

An erotic dystopian fantasy following a young couple trying to elude capture and separation.

The prequel to A Clockwork Butterfly

Remember to click here SUNDAY SNOG!!! to be taken to more hot Sunday action from all your favourite erotic writers ;)