

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Why Hunstanton? Lucy Tell Us Why...

Another scoop! This time it's Lucy Felthouse - author and editor of Smut By The Sea - this week she's asking...
Why Hunstanton?

My story Dodging, in Smut by the Sea is set in Norfolk, England. More specifically, the seaside town of Hunstanton. Now you may ask why I've set it there, somewhere relatively unknown, when I could have chosen Bournemouth, Brighton, Blackpool, Scarborough or Weston-super-Mare.
The answer is simple – I've never been to Bournemouth, Brighton or Weston-super-Mare, and it's been a long time since I've been to Blackpool. Plus, I knew there was a good chance that Victoria Blisse would set her story in her favourite seaside town, Scarborough. I wanted to set my story in Britain, and so I chose the seaside town I know the best, which is Hunstanton. I used to go there lots as a child, with my parents in our caravan. It always had such happy memories that I have been back several times as an adult, too.
Now, when I go to Hunstanton, there are several things that must be done. First and most importantly, is play on 2p machines—I love them! I must also play crazy golf (I'm not very good, but it's great fun, especially if you like pirates and Aztecs), mooch around the funfair, eat candyfloss, dip my toes in the sea and walk down to the Old Town, if time permits.
All these fun things to do helped inspire my story, which is centred around the dodgems in the funfair. My main character takes a trip to Hunstanton with her friends, with the intention of ditching them for a couple of hours so she can try to seduce the sexy guy working on the dodgems. 

Here's a snippet from the beginning of the story:
The thrum of anticipation had been rushing through my body ever since we’d set off that morning. By the time we passed the sign welcoming us to Hunstanton and made our way into the long stay car park, I was almost delirious with excitement. The worst part was, I had to hide it from my friends. As far as Sophia and Chloe were concerned, we’d just come for a nice, fun, girly day out at the seaside. They had no idea about my ulterior motive. And I didn’t intend to tell them. Until afterwards, maybe. I didn’t want to risk them ruining my master plan, or trying to talk me out of it.
So far, it seemed like everything was on our side. The traffic had been light, we’d got a parking space with no trouble, and the sun was shining. It was a perfect day, and I had every intention of putting a cherry on top of all that perfection. A very sexy cherry.
Sophia parked the car, then hopped out to go and get a parking ticket. Chloe and I got out too, stretching our limbs after being cooped up in the car for a couple of hours.
“So,” I said, tilting my head back to catch the rays of the sun on my face, “what’s the plan then?”
“I dunno,” Chloe replied. “I’ve never been here before, you have. What do you suggest?”
“Well, there’s the beach, obviously. There are amusement arcades, mini-golf, the Sealife Centre, a few shops, the old village…”
I deliberately didn’t mention the funfair. That was my destination, and I wanted to go alone.
Sophia rejoined us and put the ticket in the windscreen of the car. “Got everything, girls?”
Chloe and I nodded, and she checked for valuables before locking the doors. “So, do we know what we’re doing yet? I guess we’ll be led by you, Abigail, since you’ve been here before. Did you say you’d visited with your parents, or something?”
I moved away from the car and started to walk down towards the seafront, though purposely leading the girls in the opposite direction to the funfair. They followed without question.
I nodded. “Yeah. We used to come here all the time for family holidays when I was younger, but now we mostly come on day trips. We last came a month or so ago. I was just telling Chloe what there is to do. There’s the beach, amusement arcades, mini-golf, the Sealife Centre, a few shops, the old village…”
“Ooh,” Sophia said, doing a little jump, “I love mini-golf! Do you fancy a game of that before it gets too hot, then we’ll go from there?”
Chloe nodded her agreement, and I said, “I’ll take you there, ladies, but I can’t play.”
“Why the hell not?” Sophia asked. “It doesn’t matter if you’re crap. I’m crap at it too, it’s just a laugh.”
“No, it’s got nothing to do with being crap, Soph. I have a bad back and swinging a club around and doing all that bending is just going to make it worse.”
It was a blatant lie of course. There wasn’t a thing wrong with my back, and I was actually a little gutted not to be having a go on the best mini-golf course I’d ever played on, but missing out was a necessary evil if I was to go through with my devious plan. If it came off, then the result would be a great deal more fun than a round of mini-golf, anyway.
If my post and excerpt have whetted your appetite for some saucy seaside smut, then find buy links here:
Lucy is a graduate of the University of Derby, where she studied Creative Writing. During her first year, she was dared to write an erotic story - so she did. It went down a storm and she's never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Constable and Robinson, Decadent Publishing, Ellora's Cave, Evernight Publishing, House of Erotica, Ravenous Romance, Resplendence Publishing, Sweetmeats Press and Xcite Books. She is also the editor of Uniform Behaviour, Seducing the Myth, Smut by the Sea and Smut in the City. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:


  1. And so right you were, I wonder how you realised I'd write a Scarborough based story! ;) Love learning about new seaside places. If we do another Smut by the Sea I'm thinking of setting my story in Southport...

  2. Hehe, if you're doing Southport, then I might do Scarborough... so to speak! ;)


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