

Wednesday 27 March 2013

A Guilty Conscience and WIP

Hello there and greetings from the cold!

I have a confession - I LOVE SNOW!!!
I feel quite unpopular. Everyone I talk to hates it and wishes it was gone.
I say - come on sparkly wintry wonder! How often do we ever get a winter where we can truly indulge in the frosty mayhem - usually it's just damp, bitter, wet and windy - a nothingness.
At least this is nature giving it laldy!
Problem is - as with all the things I love to indulge in - chocolate, sweeties, erotica - it is always accompanied by guilt. Guilt, guilt guilt.
So why is the snow that I love so making me feel guilty? Well, it's the poor little baby lambs freezing to death lying next to their mothers. And people stranded with no power or heat. And the folks stranded in their cars.
Jeez, it should be spring!
However - I try to hold on to my joy when I'm flouncing and bouncing and throwing myself around in the cold sweet crystal flakes getting frozen to the bone. The best bit?
Heating up afterwards of course! With the help of my favourite gentleman and a naughty book...
And it is this which is inspiring my newest work in progress - a historical (well, set in the 50s) erotic romance about a woman who cannot generate any body heat of her own and the guilt she feels at having to steel warmth from her partner. She worries she will suck the very life force from him if she continues in the way.
A frosty reptile.
So there we are again - the focus on feeling guilty...
And Easter is coming up - and the Easter Bunny is always very generous to me - so another bout of guilt will be gnawing away next week.
Don't be down-hearted reading this post - while I'm indulging in my chocolate eating, sledging marathon - I will be truly happy - for a little while at least!
Keep cosy y'all
Tabitha x x x

Monday 18 March 2013

Sudden Sex

Sudden Sex
69 Sultry short stories edited by Alison Tyler.

Boy-o-boy - am I excited! Almost a year ago I sent my story The Scribe to a call for this anthology.  And now it's here.
It arrived the other day and after blushing at the postman who handed me a torn package, I scurried off and languished in the afternoon indulging in the most blissful reading session. There is some gorgeously erotic writing in here by authors I only used to dream of having a story beside.

The Scribe is a special tale for me as it was the very first piece of erotica that I read aloud to an audience - last year at The Festival of Erotic Arts in Edinburgh. I was so nervous but managed to get through it without leaving out toooo many naughty words... ;)

Here's a teeny-tiny snippet. Hope you will rush out and buy this book.

The Scribe

I’ve just hitched up my skirt. I’m kneeling and the hem is at my buttocks, almost exposing them, but not quite. The familiar tingling anticipation sweeps over my flesh as I part my thighs, just a little, and lift one of the implements laid out before me. I always start with the smallest – the finest.
I hold my breath and close my eyes letting my head fall back, jaw slack, in the pose that signifies the beginning of my ritual...

Sudden Sex

Tuesday 12 March 2013

What goes on tour...

Hey there fellas and fellasses!
Well, I had a huge adventure at this year's Eroticon - a conference all about writing sex right.
It was an amazing opportunity to meet up with people I'd only fangirled over - cue Kd Grace, Lucy Felthouse, Lily Harlem, Lexie Bay, Kay Jaybee and Victoria Blisse - who kept me safe in the big city and showed me just how wonderful and generous the erotic writing community is (as if I didn't know already!).
A night of fabulous burlesque from Volupte - climaxing with the inimitable Dave the Bear (bearlesque - I'm in love) - The Kitten club - just luscious talent spilling all over the place.

There's so much to talk about!
The conference had conflicting messages - the health educators and sponsors Brook urged us to make safe sex a priority in all our fiction - then the gorgeously eloquent Remittance girl - gave us the opposing voice, we are writing fantasy and should credit our readers with the intelligence to be safe.

I also attended publisher's panels with Hazel Cushion from Xcite, Maxim Jabowski, Rachel Kramer Bussel and the Smutters ladies - Lucy F and Victoria B! Insider tip - lots of romance with very hot sex please! I also met Leonora Solomon from Ravenous who published a menage story of mine - what a lovely lady she is.

There was a photography workshop from Mario Cacciottolo which I didn't make it to - but just to say - he was taking pictures for his project Someone Once Told Me - and I tell you - he made me feel like I was the only muse he'd ever had - the other ladies told me the same. (I'll keep you posted about when my piccy is up on his site).

Kristina Lloyd's writing workshop helped us out with making a sex machine (oh yeah!) - There was one awkward moment in this workshop where she put an example of 'badly written' erotica on the screen, when my stomach lurched and I thought, Oh fuck, it's mine! Phew! It wasn't... ;)

Then, joy of joys, the ultimate taboo in erotic writing - the poem... now I love poetry and absolutely think there should me more erotic rhyme so I was very excited to join this workshop. Ashley Lister was the host - he had us all in stitches and while we all wrote haiku, limericks and another thing I can't remember (sorry Mr L) - if they weren't erotic, they were certainly filthy!

Kd Grace's Finessing Sex workshop helped me sort out a tricky plotline by looking at it from a totally different point of view - thanks Kd!

I met loads of wonderful people - some of whom I didn't get a card from - darn it! So much more went on but I just can't cram it all in - the names I've included will take you to websites where more round ups are on show.

And look! I made it with the gals along to the fantastic Sh! Womens Erotic Emporium where my books are on the shelves - here's a piccy.

Fabulous weekend which left me invigorated and yet still full of questions. Oh - and the fangirl came home with all her books signed ;)

Wednesday 6 March 2013

A Crossfire of Love's first birthday!

Well, I need to catch my breath before I report back from my adventures at Eroticon 2013 this weekend - so what better way to relax than having a birthday celebration? And what better kind of birthday than a book's!

So here we are with Ella Jade's Crossfire of Love which celebrates its first year published this month - congratulations Ella! x x

I’m celebrating the one year anniversary of the release of my contemporary romance Crossfire of Love. In honor of that milestone my fabulous publisher Beachwalk Press has lowered the price of the book to $1.99. That’s 60% off! You can purchase the novel wherever you buy your eBooks including Amazon, B&N and Are for the entire month of March.
Can an arranged marriage lead to love?
Recent college graduate Gabriella has finally married the man of her dreams, the older, charismatic attorney Lorenzo Martinez. She's had a crush on him for as long as she can remember and always imagined they'd one day find their happily ever after. Unfortunately, they enter into a union arranged by their fathers.
Lorenzo is charming, protective, and loyal to his crime lord father Carlo. When Carlo asks Lorenzo to marry Gabriella he jumps at the opportunity. He's been drawn to her for many years and knows by marrying her he's helping to protect her father.
Gabby is resentful and won't be Lorenzo's charity case. But sparks fly and the couple soon gives into their desire, realizing they were meant to be together.
What happens when Carlo's enemies threaten their future? Will someone get caught in the crossfire?
Content Warning: graphic sex, some violence
Buy Link -

Lorenzo walked up the porch steps, turning to stare at her. "Are you coming, Gabriella?" No one but Lorenzo and his father called her by her full name. She liked when Lorenzo said it. He'd always made it sound so formal and sexy.
These were the first words he had spoken to her since they left the courthouse. They were married in the chambers of the prestigious Judge John Cartwright. He'd been a family friend of the Martinezes for many years. He was their go-to man whenever they needed something done fast and legally. Well, legal in her new father-in-law's eyes anyway.
She hurried up the steps and followed Lorenzo inside their new home. It was built within a matter of months after she'd agreed to marry him. Carlo wanted them to have their privacy, but he also wanted to keep them close. He didn't trust she'd hold up her end of the bargain, and keeping her on the property was the best way to ensure she wouldn't run.
It was silly, really. How could she run from a family like this? They had ties all over the world. There wasn't any place she could escape to that they wouldn't know about. She was a woman of her word. She said she would marry Lorenzo and she did. She'd find a way to cope. She always had.
Lorenzo pulled his jacket off, poured himself a scotch, and then loosened his tie. "Would you like a drink?"
"No, thank you," she said.
Most brides would be dancing the night away and drinking champagne by this point in their wedding night. She didn't think that was part of Lorenzo's plan.
"I didn't think you'd go through with it." He sipped the amber colored liquid as he looked her over.
"I said I would."
"I know, but when push actually came to shove, I thought you'd run."
"You don't know me that well," she said. "I don't run."
"Good." He smirked as he put the glass to his lips.
Gabby couldn't take her eyes away from those lips. She'd never had the pleasure of having them on her own. Judge Cartwright hadn't asked him to kiss his bride. She hated herself for thinking about him that way.
"You could've stopped this. Why didn't you?" she asked.
As they stood in front of the judge, she kept hoping he'd put an end to the charade and stop the wedding. It didn't make sense to her why he had agreed to marry her. She didn't have a choice. Her father's gambling debts made sure of that. But she didn't understand why he'd allowed things to get as far as they had.
"I was just as trapped as you were." He downed the rest of his scotch.
She didn't believe that. She knew he respected his dad, but she didn't get why he wouldn't have put his foot down and said no to such a life-altering decision.
"You could've told your father no from the beginning. Why would you agree to marry someone if you didn't have to?"
"Look." He shook his head. "It's done now. We're going to have to make the best of it."
"Make the best of it?" She plopped down on the leather sofa. "I'm twenty-two years old. I just graduated from college, and you want me to make the best of it?"
"I know this isn't what you might have wanted, but it is what it is. You agreed, and now it's done. You can't go back on it now. My father won't forgive that."

Please enter the rafflecopter for your chance to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card during the month of March. Like my FB page for details about the swag I’m giving away to celebrate the sale!
You can connect with me at my website or on Facebook 

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