

Wednesday 30 September 2015

Revisiting and Exhibiting

Hello - it's Wednesday - make that Wicked Wednesday!
The prompt is... Review, Revisit, Revamp which is strangely apt this week.
For the first time, some of my drawings and paintings are going to be in an exhibition, along with lots of other artists and their gorgeous work - *yikes*
Naked Aye Art - Shapes that Shift Desire.
Getting the drawings ready and choosing the best ones involved a bit of each of the Rs.  choosing-revisiting, framing-revamping, sorting-reviewing.
I had to trim Bath Time to fit the mount and I was worried that it would look too different. I liked the space around it and felt like it gave the woman's pose more freedom - but then, when I'd taken the plunge and the Stanley blade and sliced it, it actually looked better to me. More held in - more focussed.
Here's how they look all framed and ready in their Sunday Best.
(these are on my wall - so forgive wonkiness - they will look better at the gallery...) See them individually on my drawings page.
The Pearl Necklace and the Motel Room
Bath Time
The Trick is to Know When it's Finished
I have also just found out that my wee film Penis Envy will be screened on the Aye! Def film night on the 14th Oct (part of the same event). You can watch it right now. This was my entry for Sinful Stories run by Mr Exhibit A and was inspired by the wonderful Molly from Molly's Daily Kiss  - so, thoroughly revisited! It did go over the 1 minute submission rules so I agonised over which bit I could revise and cut. I decided I couldn't - that every bit was essential. Luckily, it still got in. 

If you find yourself in Edinburgh and fancy coming along - here's the venue details:
St Margarets House, 151 London Road, Edinburgh EH7 6AE, UK
Here are the Facebook event pages
Naked Aye Art - Shapes that Shift Desire 10am-6pm 3rd-18th October
Aye! Def film night 7pm 14th October

See who else has been reviewing, revisiting and revamping this week at Wicked Wednesday 

Monday 28 September 2015

The Notebook - Masturbation monday

Rarrr! Look at the Masturbation Monday prompt for this week! I'm so buried deep in formatting a novel for paperback that I didn't have time to write an original piece - this is a snippet from said book which has kept me thoroughly occupied and reclusive this week...

Gloaming was setting in and Deborah pulled on her nightshirt and clambered up to the window to catch the remaining light. Her fingers trembled as she flicked through the pages of Marcus’s notebook, trying to find a particular entry. She’d committed so many of his words to memory already in the dim light of the moon’s rays during her time in the cell, but she had to see the words and his writing. It was like communicating with him. She needed something to make her feel connected.
The pages were soft on her fingertips as she fanned them, sweeping his faint aroma up to her. There, she’d found it.

I coaxed a quivering, shuddering release from her tonight with only my cock. It was so beautiful to watch it slip inside the pulling flesh of her delicate yet powerful folds. I tried to keep note of the angle, the dip, the force, the depth, but she squealed from her throat in that way that sends me flipping out in fractals of pure want...pure need. I had to just grab her hips as her pussy walls clenched around me and fuck her with all my being. She was so hot, so ripe, so wet, when she came I was engulfed in her pleasure— it blew me away. It threw me into a shuddering, spasming, feral creature and I growled, I growled over her as I fucked her. I wanted to consume her, to tear her flesh from her bones with my teeth. I wanted to have her all to myself, inside myself, forever. When we collapsed onto the sheets together, I’m sure I felt the resistance of our physicality give, just a little, and she slipped into me for just a second…

Deborah closed the book and held it to her breast. She leaned her head back against the cold brickwork and fell into the memory of that night. It had been sublime. The way he’d taken her with such ferocity had made her yearn for him even while he was fucking her. She understood his words about wanting to eat her up as it was exactly how she felt about him. She’d wanted to tear him apart with the lust she felt for him. The desperate need.
Breathing hard through her nose, Deborah felt at last the swelling of arousal in her abdomen. She arched her back into the wall and pushed her pelvis out into the night, pulling her nightshirt up over her mound to expose herself to the growing darkness. She spread her legs, shuffling her feet along the metal headboard she’d been balancing on, and held the notebook between her teeth. Clutching her pussy with both hands, she bent her knees to get a good, hard grip. She pulled her outer lips apart and dipped a finger roughly inside, pulling it out again to smear the juices over her clit.
She wished she could have seen what Marcus saw—wished she could watch herself open and stretch to accommodate his thick, hard dick. She bit down harder and opened her pussy wider, pushing three fingers into her soaking hole. It wasn’t enough—she wanted to be rammed to the brink of her existence. Still holding tight, she let the book drop from her mouth and pushed herself off the wall, falling on the bed with her fingers still deep inside her dripping sex. She moved her hips, thrusting and humping like he would have, and imagined she was him. Her heart beat wildly as she reached further underneath herself, trying to transfer her copious lubrication up to her anus. She was so turned on by her fantasy that as the tip of her finger reached the peaking ring of muscle, she came, hard and convulsing over her own hands.

As she became aware of her surroundings again, she could hear the sound of the creaking bedsprings slowing along with her heaving breaths. It was a good, satisfying orgasm and Deborah kept her hands in place until the cool draft of the night air dried her sweat and made her shiver.

Remember to click on the big purple square for more stories of Masturbation! 
Snippet taken from Taking Flight.

Sunday 27 September 2015

Fuck Writing


It's Sunday - it's late - everything I've touched today has fallen to bits - computers have crashed, cursors frozen, phones died and words lost. All of which combine to bring you this very angsty
Sinful Sunday...

Why not click on those lips and see who else is showing bits of themeselves...

Sinful Sunday

Friday 18 September 2015

E[Lust] No.74

Ginger nic1
Photo courtesy of Switch Studies

Welcome to Elust #74 

The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #75? Start with the rules, come back October 1st to submit something and subscribe to the RSS feed for updates!

~ This Month’s Top Three Posts ~

~ Featured Post (Molly’s Picks) ~

~ Readers Choice from Sexbytes ~

*You really should consider adding your popular posts here too*
Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Erotic Fiction

Erotic Non-Fiction


Sex News, Opinion, Interviews, Politics & Humor

Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

Writing About Writing

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Far Away Love

This week's Wicked Wednesday prompt is Epiphany.
Now I had a bit of an epiphany last night about who reads my blog. I kind of bumble about thinking that most of those people would be folks and friends in the erotica writing/reading community.
But then, I was delighted yesterday when my lovely offline friend said she'd opened my subscription email at work and had to shut it fairly quickly... (I think we can blame Kayla Lords for the image she saw... could have been any of these - NSFW!) I had no idea she followed my blog! (Thank you darling x x made my day.)
Anyway - it got me thinking about who might read these posts - I did have a bit of an epiphany. I'm not sure many of my family members do... (um... hi mum...?) but it was such a pleasant surprise to know that some of my lovely friends do.
This post is dedicated to them and is an excerpt from my book Taking Flight where those who live far apart from each other can break free from their bodies at the point of orgasm and meet with their spirits no matter where they are in the world.
Love you guys x x x
Marcus was stirring as Deborah crawled in beside him and found a space tucked up under his arm. It smelled so thickly of him that her mouth watered once more, sending twitching bolts of excitement to her pussy. She was wet and sleepy and horny, the best state to be making love in, and she tucked the chocolate safely at the side of the bed and let her hand wander to her lover’s cock. Massaging his shaft in one hand and toying with her own nipples in the other, Deborah wondered whether she could take him inside her without waking him up. She lifted herself up as silently as she could, sliding her skirt up over her naked buttocks. He shuffled slightly as she straddled him, and she paused, holding her breath, her heart beating furiously.
Pain built in her thighs as she crouched, waiting for him to sink back into deep sleep.
When she was sure he was gone, she lifted the tip of his cock and placed it at the entrance of her pussy. She was so wet now; she slicked his head with her juices before he’d even touched her. It turned her on to be so ripe and ready for him, taking control like this, when it was usually him dominating her. Her pussy walls were contracting in desperation, and she grasped his thick shaft and speared herself with it, swallowing him up entirely until their pelvises met and she ground her clit onto his fuzzy mound. Her hips undulated back and forth, pinning him and fucking him with all her might. Love juice poured from her, soaking their pubic hair and filling the shelter with their mingled scent. It was glorious, and as the bucking and spasming of her pussy pulled her awareness to that other place, Deborah forced her eyes open to try and take Marcus with her this time. To her surprise, he was staring at her, smiling, and she knew instantly that he’d been awake all along. He grabbed her bouncing tits and thumbed her nipples roughly as she started to come from deep within. His gaze held hers as if trying to keep her attention on him and not fly off. She felt tethered.
Come with me, Marcus, she silently implored as her orgasm broke free and surged through her body and out over him. As he held her, she was amazed as part of herself tore off and rode the wave of her climax, following it all the way down to meet his, where they roared together, meeting at that point. He stared into her eyes and she knew he was with her here and in that other place. Let go, let go, she told him without words. I’ll be there, waiting…
They were absorbed by the light they created and stormed around in it, coming again and again, around in and through each other. She laughed and danced in him and he in her.
He’d made it.

So there you have it - now,  if those two are apart, when they come - their spirits will find each other at the Meeting Point...
For more Wicked Wednesdays all about Epiphany - hop of over to Ms Note's place and see who else is coming out to play x xx 

Monday 14 September 2015

Masturbation Monday - Editing

It's Monday!! Masturbation time ;)
I've been busy editing my book for paperback and was going over a chapter when I saw this prompt...

That kayla Lords spoils us! So it's not a new story but it goes with this quite well! :D
(forgive the formatting too...)

Excerpt from The Meeting Point

"What do you think you're doing?"Marcus sprang to his feet and turned to see that the cocky little Mae had sneaked up on him. His fury still hadn't subsided and he could have done without this intrusion.
"Nothing," he snapped, aware of how guilty it made him sound, when he actually wasn't up to anything.
"Take it easy. God, I don't care what you do in your secret little outings."
She really was so self-assured, Marcus could have given her a shake. So bloody opinionated too-she had everyone bending to her will. An image of her holding her ankles with her delightful ass exposed and his cock ramming in and out of it streaked through his imagination. It had come from nowhere and he shook his head to get rid of it. Now his hands were twisted into her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck as he humped her from behind. Fuck's sake! Again, he tried to banish the thoughts from his mind, but they were just getting worse. Now he was fucking her in the ass, coming on her tits, eating out her pussy, grinding his cock down her throat.
"What's the matter?" she asked, looking quizzically at him as she stepped closer.
God no, stay back, he silently wailed as his cock thickened and rose under his loin cloth.
"Hmm, I see," she said, staring at his stirring without shame.
Did he just imagine her tongue dart out and lick her lips?
"You're dangerous," he managed to say as the image of her tied spread-eagled between two trees with his fingers up inside her soaking cunt blasted in.
"I know." Now she was close. She was so close he could smell her. Smell her lusty want. She took his hand and pulled it down straight to her pussy, forcing her wet self onto his middle finger which slipped in so sweetly. "Mmm, yes, that feels good. I'm so wet right now."
Marcus had no idea what the hell was going on. His emotions, loyalties, and lust were confusing him. Deborah was in despair, he should be with her. But Mae was fucking his hand right here and now, and his cock was so hard. Her juices were oozing into his palm as she rocked, opening up to him. Uncurling his fingers, he slid another two in and she gasped in that throaty way that told him she was almost there already.
Her eyelids fluttered momentarily, then she looked at him in the most divinely wicked way before raising her hand and spitting in her palm. It was probably the crudest thing he'd ever seen and he almost came in disbelief. She reached down to his crotch with her lubricated hand, and he staggered a little as she grasped him under his cloth and milked his cock like a crazed, wild thing as she still rode his hand. The walls of her cunt gushed and quivered in equal measure as he blasted into unity, an orgasming, spasming wreck of a man. Come spurted in all directions as they bucked and oozed together, climaxing out the tension and anger of the day.
When it was over and she clambered off his digits, she giggled. He wiped his hand on the fur cloth that only barely offered any dignity, realizing that it was completely spoiled by his own fluids.
"Why are you laughing?" he asked, feeling weirdly humiliated.
"Because that was awesome." She shook his shoulder. "Didn't you think so?"
He was expecting something else, like she was mocking him or she'd won some sort of victory over him, but when he looked into her flushed, oddly innocent face, he saw she had no agenda. She just liked to fuck. He must have taken too long to answer and she began to look unsure.
"You don't feel guilty or anything weird like that, do you?" Her eyes were wide and almost stricken. "God, I'm not trying to spoil anything, I just... Well, you know, you were here and the urge came over me. God, I'm sorry."
She was getting in a bit of a state and Marcus reached out to her.
"No, no, I really enjoyed it, I was just..." He pursed his lips, unsure of whether to tell a lie or come clean. He decided the latter. "I thought you were laughing because you'd gotten one over on me or something."
She looked hurt.
"Just because I like sex, because I like to communicate sexually, doesn't make me a manipulator. I'm not a bad person because I like to talk with my pussy."
It was Marcus's turn to laugh now. She looked completely confused as he gave a deep guffaw right from his belly.
"Sorry, it's just, you look so sad, but say such outrageous things. It's a very odd paradox."
She smiled.
"Yes, I've always been a little inappropriate at times with my choice of phrasing."
"I like to talk with my pussy?" He raised an eyebrow, and she turned away, embarrassed but smiling.
"Well. What's wrong with that?" Her head was bowed and she looked up through her hair, seeking something. Approval?
"Nothing, nothing's wrong with it, it's just hilarious."

So there you have it! Back to the editing for me... it's a tough job ;) 
Now click on that big purple square to get your Monday rocks off on other blogs too! 

Sunday 13 September 2015

City Lights and the Gentleman Caller

Here's a little bit of voyeuristic shenanigans for Sinful Sunday

City Lights and the Gentleman Caller

Remember to click on those sexy lips for more Sinful Sunday images!

Sinful Sunday

Monday 7 September 2015

The Curse

It's Masturbation Monday time!

The Curse

I was indignant when I discovered what Aunt Elise meant when she called her period ‘The Curse’. That it was a punishment bestowed on all woman kind forevermore because of Eve tempting Adam with an apple and getting them both banished from the Garden of Eden.

I tell you. I was only very young but my fury was full and deep and huge.
So here is my Masturbation Monday as an ode to that fury. Special thanks to my beautiful model who let me feed him tempting evil fruit from my very own tree of knowledge in the garden.

The Curse

“Eat it.”
My hand is on my hip and he kneels before me.
“Eat it,” I repeat, holding out the succulent orb, twisting my wrist to get the most beautiful angle on my outstretched fingertips. I wonder if he notices the tilt. He ought to. I wonder if he even realises that every single motion, word or action that comes from my body is carefully orchestrated to trap him. To make him do things. To tempt him into sin. Sin that would only be committed should I be around to make it so.
Why is he hesitating?
My heels are sinking into the lawn. I tense my calves arching my back to wrench them out without moving my feet to another position. My legs feel long and mighty. I have them spread to just over hip width apart. Plenty wide enough for him to watch beads of desire pool at the apex where my dark curls ruffle in the breeze.
He keeps his gaze low but lifts his chin, opening his lips just a little. Just enough for me to see his tongue flick quickly across his teeth. That’s good. That’s it. His mouth must be watering.
I yearn for his gaze to travel up my shins and thighs. I hold the apple out just under his nose and watch his nostrils flaring as he inhales the ripe heady scent. Oh my pussy is clutching as I imagine it’s me he’s savouring. My legs are cramping a little from trying to stop sinking and I have to give in and move.
He flicks his eyes up my legs to my groin as I twist my feet into a better position. The act of standing here waiting on him to follow my command has me almost beside myself with need. Yes I want him to eat the bloody apple – but not really, what I really want him to do is snatch it from my grasp, throw it to the ground and devour my cunt. I feel a trickle of desire on my inner thigh. He remains static.
“Here,” I say and thrust the apple at him and he catches it.
I watch enraptured as he lifts it to his lips and takes a smooth long bite, the crunch and slide of the flesh dribbling juice down his chin.  All the while he stares at my cunt.
I reach down with both hands. I pull my sex open wide for him to see and thrust three fingers from my right hand deep inside. I bite on my lip and let my head hang forward as I fuck myself in front of him. He just keeps staring, chewing the flesh of the fruit as he does. The sinews in his cheek and jaw flexing make me growl in my throat with animalistic desperation. My pussy is convulsing around my fingers and I’m soaking. I don’t care about my shoes any more and let my heels sink firmly into the turf as I bend my knees to fuck myself deeper in front of him. I grind the fleshy pad of my hand onto my clit and reach to grab his hair. He ducks back just out of reach and I shudder and howl as I come on my hands and fingers, rocking and twitching into the soft ground as he watches, taking another bite of apple…
There you have it.

Thank you for stopping by! If you want more Masturbation Monday – Click on this big purple square!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

A Taste For Three with Rebecca Black

So today I have the gorgeous and very talented Rebecca Black here to talk about her debut novel, A Taste For Three - I'm a huge fan of Rebecca's Fiction which is extremely hot! Take it away lovely...

Thanks so much for hosting me today and letting me give my new book A Taste For

Three a big shout out. I love a good menage story, so when I decided to write a book it

was always going to involve three people. I think this story has all the ingredients for a

spicy menage: two sexy chefs, and a restaurateur, all bringing their special talents to the


I aim to write erotic romance with plenty of heart as well as plenty of hot sex. Here's a

little taste just for you...


What's worse than wanting a man she can't have? Wanting his best friend as well, that’s

what. Double the torture, double the sexual frustration, and double the pain in her heart

when she desires everything she can't have.

Chef Ellie Masters has a problem. Not only is she in love with two gorgeous men, but

they both just happen to be her bosses. She’s holding back for all the right reasons, but

is there a way for them to be together or will their powerful sexual attraction tear them


In the sensual world of their French restaurant, Jack Quinn and Nate Johnson must find

a way to level the playing field if they want more than just sumptuous food from their

talented chef. Going to work has never been so sexy. A Taste for Three will leave you

savouring this delicious menage and wanting more.


Her gaze moved from one to the other with an expectant look on her face. Her eyes

rested on Jack when he leaned forward to rest his arms on the table. His beer was

between his big hands and she watched his fingers trace the drops of condensation as

they raced down the bottle.

“Us.” Jack’s hazel eyes locked with hers.

She swallowed. Hard. “Us? What do you mean?”

“The three of us. There’s more going on between us than just work.” His words held a

note of conviction.

Oh God! He said three. He definitely said three. They couldn’t possibly know that she

wanted both of them, could they? How the hell had she given that away? She thought

she’d been so professional with them.

“Stop panicking, Ellie. Nothing we say or do from now on will affect our plans for the

restaurants.” Nate’s calming words helped to some extent, but she still hadn’t taken her

eyes off Jack. He was watching her like he expected her to run at any moment. He

looked like he’d enjoy chasing her down and catching her too.

“I don’t understand…”

“We want you, Ellie. We need to know if you feel the same way.” Jack stated.

“We? What does that mean? I...both of you? But…”

“Yes. We want you. We need to know if you feel the same. Would you be prepared to be

with us both?”

How was she supposed to respond to that? Nothing in her limited experience with men

had prepared her for this conversation. She couldn’t see how anything good—well, apart

from the sex—was going to come from this. How were they supposed to juggle working

together, fucking, and being in a threesome? She wanted to though, so badly. Oh God,

just the thought of having both of them.

But she just couldn’t risk it. What would happen when it was over? How could they

possibly remain friends and work together? She’d be completely alone again if she had

to leave. Her brain felt like it was in danger of a full meltdown. The temptation to run was

strong and before she knew what she was doing, she’d jumped up. Her chair fell back. A

distant part of her brain knew this wasn’t the most dignified way to handle this, but her

fight or flight response was definitely urging her to get the hell out of there and not make

a massive mistake.

She vaguely registered Nate’s shocked expression turning into a fleeting look of

distress, but she didn’t get far before a steely arm grabbed her around her waist,

yanking her off her feet. She was fairly sure she let out a little squeal as she landed on

Jack’s lap.

“What the hell, Ellie?”

“Jack, calm down. She’s obviously freaked out.”

“I get that, but when did running away solve anything? We’re all adults here. If she

doesn’t want this, all she has to do is say no.”

“We’ve gone about this all wrong, come on too strong. She’s scared. God, Ellie, we

never wanted that. We just want to be with you. That’s all we’ve ever wanted.”

Jack’s arm held her firmly around her middle while his other hand rested on her hip.

Her heart was still trying to beat its way out of her chest, but she couldn’t ignore the heat

emanating from his body. The hand on her hip kept gently, rhythmically flexing and

releasing. She started to relax as she quietly listened to their words. She could hear the

anxiety in both their voices and felt a rush of guilt at how she’d reacted. She was such a

naive idiot—but she’d beat herself up for that later. Right now, she needed to make

things right with the two most important men in her life.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t have tried to run off like that.”

“Jesus, don’t apologize, Ellie.” Nate reached across the table to take her hand. “It’s ok

that you don’t want this. We’ll carry on and forget we ever mentioned it. Nothing needs

to change—”

“I want it,” she whispered.

Purchase Links:

Evernight Publishing 

Amazon    (This is the universal link)

All Romance

Book Strand

Author Bio:

Rebecca Black is a Yorkshire girl born and bred. She is first and foremost a voracious

reader and an author of erotica and erotic romance. She believes that the hottest sex

scenes are the ones where emotions are involved (plus lots of dirty talk, lots of spanking,

licking and sucking and well… you get the idea). She is the author of A Taste For Three

(m/m/f) from Evernight and has several short stories due to be released in erotic

anthologies and another book due out with Evernight in September '15 Let's Ride (f/f).

Rebecca blogs regularly at Rebecca Black Erotica  and

is a contributor to the fantastic Cliterati  magazine.

Find her at:




You need to go and buy this book - this is one hot author right here! Thanks for being my gues Rebecca and thanks for popping by and taking a read x x x