

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Missed You!

Oh my little blog, how I've missed you!

I have been beavering away finally finishing my novel, The Clockwork Butterfly. I'm really pleased with it and now working on the synopsis... this, my friends is a different matter. Trying to condense your riveting, witty, sexy, 255 page book down to a few key scenes is just horrendous! In fact, it is a real skill, I think. There must be professional synopsis writers out there...?

Anyway, my poor book, which this morning I was floating on air about, now sounds just chaotic and odd. I think my deadline for submitting it to publisher by Christmas, may have to be rethought...

Enough of this! Let's talk about Christmas and New Year!

I just love this time of year - I dread the dark nights so the holiday season is very welcome indeed! I will be up at the crack of dawn on Christmas morning, tearing open my stocking and getting tiddly on Champers first thing - my little tradition I keep all for myself.

My very exciting news for January is that the Wonderful, delicious, Justine Elyot will be joining me over at Spicin' it Up on the 17th to talk about her new book, Meeting Her Match.

So, my friends, I wish you joy, peace and love for the holidays - and I hope Santa is good to you!

Love T x x x

Friday 9 December 2011

Immoral Views - Big Release!

Oh what a happy girl am I! Two of my very favourite things in one book - erotic stories and erotic drawings - I introduce to you, Immoral Views with tales from some of my very favourite authors too... Be sure to get a copy - put it on your Santa list  (I know I am;))  - it looks fabulous x x x

Immoral Views is a deliciously dissolute anthology of voyeurism!
Sweetmeats Press proudly presents FIVE titillating tales from erotica's sultriest mistresses!
In THE CIRCUS, the line is blurred between spectator and performer in a theatre of pleasure and pain!
Then, adventurous Izzy searches two continents for her perfectly perverted Prince Charming in INSIDE LOOKING OUT.
In ALLOTTED VIEWS a nosey gardener is treated to a raunchy ritual through her bedroom window.
PAINTED PUSSYCAT sees an innocent student welcomed into the Circle of Ink where tattoos, bondage and exhibitionism are all part of her initiation.
And finally, a young policeman risks his reputation and his job for the adrenaline rush of sex alfresco in CAUGHT IN THE ACT!
It may not be polite to stare.....but it's certainly a lot of fun. Slip inside these pages to celebrate your secret voyeur, and it will be our perverse pleasure to share our Immoral Views with you!
Edited by Kojo Black, and containing stories from Kay Jaybee, Lexie Bay, K D Grace, Rebecca Bond and Lucy Felthouse. Illustrations by Florian Meacci are only available in paperback editions, and eBook edition from Waterstone's.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Hello out there!

Well, I've been tucked away in my writing shed, completely neglecting my little blog - I'm sorry, sometimes, something's gotta give... though I am up to a very respectable 46,000 words on my current novel, The Clockwork Butterfly. It was meant to be an erotic steampunk romance, but it has turned into a futuristic romp instead - you never know where these things take you (well, I don't at least...).

BUT I am still the Tuesday Girl over at Spicin' It Up - so come and join us girls there if you're cravin' the chat!

I am on the Beachwalk Holiday Blog tour and will be sharing my Holiday Chaos at Getting Naughty Between The Stacks this week.

Have a lovely week - and don't forget to join us on the Holiday Scavenger Hunt from Beachwalk which starts on Friday - prizes and fun!

T x x

Tuesday 22 November 2011

A Death That Lingers - Launch

I'm so excited to have a fellow Beachwalk author here today, Kaylie Newell is promoting her debut romance novel, A Death That Lingers. Welcome and huge congratulations on your release!

Tabitha, thank you so much for having me today!  I’m over the moon about the release of my very first book, A Death That Lingers.
I started writing it on Valentine’s Day, 2010.  It’s been a long, hard road, full of too many ups and downs to count.  But I can’t describe how truly great it’s been.  I’ve grown as a writer and as a person.  I’ve learned what disappointment is and what true happiness feels like.  If you can name an emotion, I’ve felt it!

A Death That Lingers is a story about a woman who discovers strength she never knew she had when she leaves an abusive husband, and in the process discovers a brand new life, and a brand new love.  It’s the book I always wanted to write.  The book of my heart, as my best friend calls it.  And that’s very true.  It’s my hope that it will touch the hearts of others, as well.
I love to hear from readers J  You can find me at,  and on Facebook at

Go on treat yourself!
Available now - Please go to Kaylie's website or Beachwalk to buy this fab new book
Tabitha x x

Monday 21 November 2011

Oysters & Chocolate!

Hooray! I'm very excited as my story, Francesca's Mother is featured on the fabulous Oysters & Chocolate site today.

It is a short story about a woman who is thrown back into memories of her friend's mother and her own sexual awakening, when she catches a glimpse of a beautiful young woman at the swimming pool.

I loved writing this story and am even more delighted that you can read it today, why not grab a coffee, go on over to O&C and check it out.

Happy reading,

Tabitha x

Thursday 10 November 2011

Diane Alberts - Why Romance?

It is my pleasure to have Diane Alberts with me today, talking about her love of romance and treating us to an excerpt from her new book Kill Me Tomorrow. So sit back, relax, take five minutes to yourself and read all about it - the trailer is fab too. Looking forward to this one! 

Why romance?
People often ask me why I write romance. Why the heck not? I love telling the story of boy meets girl. And I love all of the passion, lust, love, and even hatred that ensue. And, I will admit it; I am addicted to Happily Ever After. In a world where bad news always comes first, why not lose oneself in a happy love story? Sure, the hero might get beat up, and the heroine might be kidnapped…but it always ends happy.
If fairytales ended with: And then they got a divorce, and he married a woman thirty years younger than him, not many people would read them. I know I wouldn’t.
When Jasmine and Gavin, from my new paranormal 1NightStand book at Decadent Publishing called Kill Me Tomorrow, meet…they are enemies. She is sworn to kill him—and all he wants it to make love to her. Worse yet: how is she supposed to kill him when he’s the first man to make her feel passion?
What happens when the two enemies collide? I guess you’ll just have to read it to find out.

Kill Me Tomorrow is a paranormal romance book, in Decadent Publishing’s fabulous 1Night Stand series. The series revolves around the enigmatic Madame Eve who always seems to be able to find the perfect match for that special someone.
Jasmine Baruch is a jinn-a supernatural being who fights demons with fire. While that’s difficult enough, she’s got bigger problems. She’s a virgin, and in the jinn culture, that is sheer blasphemy. Jinn are supposed to be passionate, promiscuous creatures-everything she isn’t. Due to marry the next day, she takes matters into her own hands by using 1NS. But, like the rest of her life, nothing is easy. The man chosen for her, though incredibly gorgeous, is a demi-sanguine; a half-human, half-demon-her enemy.

Gavin Werbato is looking for an easy night of sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Instead, he gets a gorgeous jinn convinced it is her duty to kill him. He can certainly think of better things to do with her soft hands than murder. He need only convince her of that…

Can the fire sparked when these beings collide be controlled, or will it consume their world as they know it?
She’d accomplished nothing at all.
A weight sank beside her on the bed, and she shrieked. She darted a glance at the door, but it remained locked. Of course it did— portals didn’t hold back demons.
“Good punch.” He laughed and rubbed his nose. “Some men might hold a grudge—but not me. I heal too fast.”
Indeed he did. A glance at his face revealed features as gorgeous as ever. This sucked for the self-pity party she’d been trying to throw.
She preferred him bloody and not so devilishly striking.
She groaned and dropped her head into her hands. “Why won’t you just leave?” He caressed her arm in a lazy, seductive way, and she shivered. “Stop that.”
His hand stopped moving, but he didn’t remove it. “Why do I have to stop?” he murmured. “Why do I have to leave?” He traced an invisible path leading up to her shoulder. From there, he grasped a curl and twirled it between his fingers, as if testing its elasticity. Her scalp tingled at his tender tug, and a jolt of lightning shot straight to her stomach, causing her to bite back a moan.
“Because….” She lifted her head, and turned to face him.
His eyes were so blue they were nearly purple, which, combined with his light blond hair, made him a lethal opponent indeed. How could she resist such a gorgeous creature, knowing that it might be her last chance to rid herself of her virginity? Yet, how could she say yes? “Because you are half demon, and I am a jinn. We are adversaries, you and I.”
 “I’m not an evil demi-sanguine,” he assured her calmly. “I don’t rape, kill, or pillage. I’m unremarkably human—plus a few small details. But you are hardly normal yourself,” he drawled with a lazy grin. “And I’d like to make love to you.”

Buy links:

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Blog Hoppery

So what, you may not need to ask, but I do - is a Blog Hop? Well, this week my lovely lady friends over at Spicin' It Up showed me how it's done - There are squillions of blogs all listed at the bottom of the post where you can go and join in the fun - commenting and getting involved with the chance of WINNING PRIZES! We're giving away 4 of our books to any potential hoppers so why not come and have a look, there's lots of great blogs to have a squizz at.
See you there,
T x x

Monday 7 November 2011

I love Lucy!

Hello again,

It's my big pleasure to bring another helping of the lovely Lucy Felthouse who is introducing her new release, Brick Dust & Bedsprings!

There are chores to be done, but it’s much more fun to stand at the window and watch the rippling muscles and sweaty torsos of the men paving her driveway- her window sill never got cleaned so thoroughly before!
But when sexy brothers Marcus and Jamie catch their customer looking, the action rapidly moves from the front of the house to the bedroom…
Buy links:

Lucy is a graduate of the University of Derby, where she studied Creative Writing. During her first year, she was dared to write an erotic story - so she did. It went down a storm and she's never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Noble Romance, Ravenous Romance, Summerhouse Publishing, Sweetmeats Press and Xcite Books. She is also the editor of Uniform Behaviour and Seducing the Myth. Find out more at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
 And now for your pleasure - 
an excerpt:
I heard the rumble of an engine, and craned my neck to look out of the window. Yes, they were here. My lips curved into a smile, and I scuttled out to meet them.
“Morning!” I chirped brightly. The two men turned from their van at the sound of my voice.
“Christ,” exclaimed the larger and older of the two, “I wasn’t expecting you to be up at this hour!” It was nine in the morning.
“You cheeky so and so. I’m not that lazy. Besides I had to get up to move the car. You’d have struggled to dig the drive up with my car on it, wouldn’t you?”
He winked cockily at me. “Mine’s a coffee, please. Two sugars, plenty of milk.”
“Yes, Marcus. God, what did your last slave die of? Jamie?” His brother looked up from the papers he was shuffling.
“Um, I’m alright for now actually.”
“Are you sure? I was only messing about!”
“Yeah, I’m fine, I’ll have one later.”
I sauntered back into the house and started making drinks. I’d already flicked the kettle on in anticipation of their arrival, and as I poured the milk into Marcus’ mug I chuckled to myself. I’d delib¬erately used a pink one, just to piss him off. It wasn’t exactly the most manly of mugs, as I’m sure you can imagine. Mind you, it would take more than that to rob Marcus of his masculinity. Mmm.
He wasn’t my usual type. I usually go for the more classic good-looking guy. You know, clean-shaven, nicely dressed, and all that. Marcus definitely didn’t fall into that category. He wasn’t ugly, by any means, but he’d never be on the cover of a magazine either. And you certainly wouldn’t take him home to meet your parents. But he still oozed sexiness out of every pore. Whether it was the fact that he was rough around the edges, I don’t know. Maybe I was looking for a bit of rough.
I handed him his coffee with a cheeky smile. After a question¬ing glance at the mug, he took a sip. He winced as the hot liquid scalded his tongue. He swallowed slowly. I watched his Adam’s apple contract and relax and felt my face start to heat up.
Against my better judgment I studied him: his broad chest, huge biceps, strong-looking thighs clad in denim. Christ. I felt my pussy twitch involuntarily and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, he was looking at me. Oops. A moment of charged silence, then he smiled, all the while staring at my chest. I glanced down, and wanted to die of embarrassment. My nipples were rock hard and straining against the thin cotton top I was wearing.
“Must be cold,” I blurted, not wanting him to know the effect he was having on me. Marcus looked at me, then glanced up at the burning sun. He raised his eyebrows.
“Right,” I mumbled, desperate to get away. “I’ve got chores to do indoors; gimme a shout if you want anything.”
“Anything?” he enquired.

Monday 31 October 2011

Halloween Never Used to be THIS Busy!

I am pooped!

What a weekend - and it's still not over... Halloween-wise. I've been at the Whipped Cream and Goddess Fish Halloween Blog Fest - great fun and frantically busy - keeping up with posts, reading excerpts all sorts of luverly stuff. Then there's the costumes, pumpkin carving, decorations...

And now, tra-lah - it's the big day itself! I'm getting ready to go out guising with the young 'uns - (trick or treating). The tradition is that you must sing a song or tell a joke or a story to get your sweeties - but the youth of today say you don't need to, you just turn up at the door and say "trick or treat". Well, I would like a song. Or a joke at the very least...

Any good spooky jokes out there? I need an improvement on, "Why didn't the skeleton go to the ball?" - "He had no body to go with." Geddit? - no body...
Ahhh, see what I mean, I need help. I'll be getting no candy tonight with jokes like that...
In the meantime, you can read a very spooky excerpt from Mia's Books by following any of these links.
Warning, contains graphic erotica - adults only
Goddess Fish
Happy Halloween!
x x

Friday 28 October 2011

I'm going to a Blog Party - wanna come?


Hi there,

Another first for me this weekend - I'm joining the whipped Cream and Goddess Fish Halloween Blog Fest... Scary? You betcha.

I'm looking forward to reading lots of other bloggers including Lacey Wolfe, Ella Jade, Lucy Felthouse, to name a few...

Spooky goings on, give-aways, prizes and glorious excerpts from lots of lovely romance books. Come and join the fun all weekend...

I'll be about on Sunday, talking about why ghost stories scare me so much and why I'm drawn to them...

Hope to see you there x

Thursday 20 October 2011

It's My Birthday!

Get out the bubbly, I'm celebrating!
A year ago today I was ready to chuck in the towel with my writing. I have written many mainstream bits and pieces including poems, short stories and two novels which had limited success (i.e. many rejections- though some were promising...). Anyway - one of my novels contained a steamy sex scene and I wanted to make sure it was a good un (taking it to my writing group wasn't an option ;)) so I sent off a saucy short to Xcite to test the water and see if I could write IT right!
As I mentioned, I was having a bad day, more rejections and big crisis in confidence. I told my man that, that was it, my dream of being a writer was in tatters and I'm giving up. Then I checked my email one last time - and there it was - Tra-lah! A reply from Xcite telling me they'd like to publish Retail Seduction in Kinky Girls.
Now, I'd always had a secret habit of writing naughties for myself, being too shy to buy any - so started to submit other stories. Imagine my joy when more got accepted - I'd found my niche.
But what about writing buddies? I am very social and love talking to other writers, hearing their news and ideas but my local writing group just didn't cater for the kink...
I tentatively looked up erotica on Facebook and I think the first page I liked was Erotica For All. From there I shyly asked other writers who I'd read and admired to be my friends - they did! And are! What a delight.
So now I'm still trying to get rid of these pesky mainstream novels, but working on erotic romance is where it's at for me.
Beachwalk Press took my novella, Mia's Books and it was published in July. Yay!

I have to go now but here's a list of people who make me happy (Among many, many more...) - I will come back and add to this list later - I'm late for a very important date!

Erotica for all
Kd Grace,
Justine Elyot,
Lucy Felthouse
Beachwalk Press
Lacy Wolfe
Pepper Anthony
Xcite Books
My man
Captain Paul Azad
Victoria Blisse
Shhh Women's Store
Kaleigh Newal
Theresa Stilwagon
Ms Rebecca Bond
Scarlet Hart

Monday 17 October 2011

Another lady who Launches: KD Grace

The wonderful KD Grace has a new racy novel, The Pet Shop. I fell in love with KD's work last year when I read The Initiation of Miss Holly and a host of her shorts - I fell in love with KD when I read her blog. She is insightful, funny and thoughtful about all aspects of being an erotica writer. If I ever have doubts about my chosen genre, I head on over there for comfort and renewed enthusiasm.
And while I'm fed up to have missed the party Launch party on Friday, I hear it was the bomb! So big congratulations. Click on the book cover to read all about it - and keep reading for an extract and where to buy...

The Pet Shop

An erotic novel by best-selling author K D Grace.
In appreciation for a job well done, STELLA JAMES 's boss sends her a pet – a human pet. The mischievous TINO comes straight from THE PET SHOP complete with a collar, a leash, and an erection. Stella soon discovers the pleasure of keeping Pets, especially this one, is extremely addicting.
Obsessed with Tino and with the reclusive philanthropist, VINCENT EVANSTON, who looks like Tino, but couldn’t be more different, Stella is drawn into the secret world of The Pet Shop. As her animal lust awakens, Stella must walk the thin line that separates the business of pleasure from the more dangerous business of the heart or suffer the consequences.
"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS," O'Kelly said, nearly dropping the phone. "You can't really mean to give Stella James Tino for the whole weekend. Wouldn't a nice gift voucher from Selfridges be more appropriate?"

The Boss offered her a tolerant chuckle on the other end of the phone. "Didn't she tell you she thought an occasional shag wasn't too much to ask for doing such a demanding job?"

"Yes, but she was joking. I'm sure she never expected–"
"Well, she's right. It isn't too much to ask, is it? She's a very dedicated employee, and we've always done our best to reward dedicated employees, especially one with such promise, one that we have such plans for."

"Yes but–"

"Hasn't she met and surpassed our expectations since she's joined Strigida, and didn't we both agree she's exactly what we're looking for?"

"Yes, but–"

"She's not in a relationship, right?"

She rolled her eyes and glanced down at her watch. He was on a roll. Nothing for it now but to hear him out.

"No relationship, no family. Stella can afford to live in London because she has no life outside of work, all factors we took into account when we hired her. There's no arguing she doesn't have time for sex." He paused long enough for a quick breath. "Sorry to say that's the way of the world these days. All work and no play. Very sad. Very sad indeed."

"Yes, sir. It is sad, but, sir, Tino?"

"Yes. Tino."

"OK, maybe for a couple of hours, maybe. But surely not for the whole weekend."

"Yes, for the whole weekend, O'Kelly, from Friday night till Sunday evening. Every last second of it."

O"Kelly rubbed her forehead impatiently then rolled her shoulders to loosen the knots, which she could always count on the Boss to tighten. "It's not that the woman doesn't deserve a weekend of blow-your-brains-out sex. God knows she does, but ..."

"But what, O'Kelly? Get to the point."

O"Kelly squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. She found the whole thing a bit embarrassing, actually. "Well, sir, she's just so ..."

"So what?"

"She's just so tight laced, so prim and proper. I don't know – all business. I can't help but wonder if we've made a mistake, and even if we haven't, a weekend with Tino is just so hardcore at this stage, don't you think?" She straightened in her chair and brushed her skirt free of the few remaining crumbs from the sandwich she had wolfed for lunch. "I can't picture her being the kind who could appreciate or even be able to handle a weekend with Tino."

"Prim and proper? Really? You just told me she was joking about the company providing sex as a fringe benefit for its overworked employees. Doesn't sound very prim and proper to me. In fact she sounds like exactly the woman we've been looking for."

Buy Links
K D Grace was born with a writing obsession. It got worse once she actually learned HOW to write. There's no treatment for it. It's progressive and chronic and quite often interferes with normal, everyday functioning. She might actually be concerned if it wasn't so damned much fun most of the time.
K D's erotic romance novels, The Initiation of Ms Holly and The Pet Shop, both published by Xcite Books, are available from all good paperback and eBook retailers.
Her erotica has been published with Xcite Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and Scarlet Magazine.
Find out more about K D Grace on her website, She's also on Facebook and Twitter.

Friday 14 October 2011

A lady who launches! Lucy Felthouse - Weekend At Wilderhope Manor

Big congratulations to Lucy Felthouse - her new spooky title, Weekend at Wilderhope Manor, launches today and I'm delighted to share a saucy peek inside with you...

When Stephanie and Jenny go to a Murder Mystery Halloween weekend at Wilderhope Manor, they’re expecting fun and games. But following creaky floorboards, spooky noises and an alarming encounter in the Manor’s grounds, the girls begin to wonder if there’s more to Wilderhope Manor than meets the eye. As they find frequent comfort in one another’s arms – and their bed – will the girls discover what’s causing the bumps in the night, or will they run scared?
The car trundled up the long driveway, the crunching of gravel beneath tyres the only sound as Stephanie and her girlfriend, Jenny, peered out of the windows at their surroundings.
Even at dusk the tree-lined driveway was impressive with perfectly maintained parkland, spanning for acres on either side of it. As Stephanie steered the Fiesta around a bend in the track, they both gasped. Their destination, Wilderhope Manor, had come into view and it was stunning. The Tudor style property was huge, with no less than three frontages visible from where they were. Chimneys with intricately built patterns jutted into the darkening sky, with tangles of ivy climbing parts of the manor, giving the place an appearance that was both beautiful and foreboding.
Presently, the driveway opened out into a gravelled area, which as far as Stephanie could tell, doubled as a car park for the weekend. Stephanie manoeuvred into a spot between two vehicles and killed the engine. As she turned to Jenny, she jumped, startled. Her girlfriend had leaned in close, making a scary face with her hands mimicking claws.
“Are you ready to be scared out of your wits, young lady?” Jenny rasped, wiggling her eyebrows and fingers theatrically.
Stephanie shoved her playfully, laughing. “Come on, you silly cow. It’s a murder mystery weekend, not a monster hunt. There will be no ghosts, ghouls or vampires involved.”
Stephanie got out of the car and closed the door. She’d already popped open the boot and started unloading their bags before Jenny appeared alongside her, pouting petulantly.
“But it’s Halloween tomorrow,” Jenny insisted. “Anything could happen. The veil between the living and dead will be at its thinnest, and this place is meant to be swarming with ghosts.”
“If you say so, sweetheart,” she replied, rolling her eyes. She was used to Jenny’s crazy beliefs by now. “Grab your bags and let’s get inside. It’s cold. You got the tickets?”
Jenny nodded, brandishing her handbag in response. Jenny picked up her overnight bag as Stephanie slammed the boot lid before locking the car, then followed her toward the grand entrance to Wilderhope Manor.
* * *
A little while later, they were installed in their room. They’d each been handed a “Welcome Pack” by the staff member who had attended to them at Reception, which consisted of their itinerary and instructions for the weekend.
As they unpacked, she voiced one of the thoughts that had run through her head. “Have you ever noticed how places never bat an eye at two girls sharing a room, and yet, if it’s two guys, they automatically assume they’re gay?”
“They’ll soon change their tune when they see your outfit for tonight!” Jenny replied, grinning cheekily at her. “It screams ‘lesbian’ with every stitch!”
“Whatever do you mean, you saucy wench? Someone with girl parts dressing as a distinguished gentleman does not a lesbian make.”
“True, but I wonder what it’ll do to you? Perhaps it’ll work in reverse and turn you straight!”
Go on, treat yourself!
Buy Links:
Lucy is a graduate of the University of Derby, where she studied Creative Writing. During her first year, she was dared to write an erotic story - so she did. It went down a storm and she's never looked back. Lucy has had stories published by Cleis Press, Noble Romance, Ravenous Romance, Summerhouse Publishing, Sweetmeats Press and Xcite Books. She is also the editor of Uniform Behaviour and Seducing the Myth. Find out more at You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.

Wednesday 5 October 2011

Space naughties

So as some of you may know, I am the slowest reader in the entire world... I buy books and ebooks all the time but the pile of 'to be read' just keeps growing. (that reminds me, I must update my Goodreads lists). The ebook list is the longest of all as I don't have a working e reader and the thought of cosying under the covers with my rather enormous laptop just doesn't do it for me.
So, I thought I'd write about about an amazing book that captures my wonder of space and the universe alongside some lovely intergalactic sex romps!
'Seeing Stars' is a great read - I am only about one sixth of the way in but if I wait until I finish it, well, let's just say, paperbacks may be obsolete and everyone might be on their way to romps in space hotels of their own. It's a Total-e-bound anthology with some fab authors including one of my all time favourites, Justine Elyot.
So if you're a sci-fi kinda girl, (and even if you aren't) Seeing Stars is a must!

Tuesday 27 September 2011

My Big Day in Blogland

Two Blog posts in one day? WTH? I know, this is so unlike me... but I have to drive some of you over to see my first day as a Tuesday Girl at Spicin' It Up - I'm talking about my inspiration, nerves and what I'm having for dinner tomorrow night - sounds interesting? You betcha ;)

I'm also giving away a copy of Mia's Books to a randomly picked comment. So if you haven't read it yet, why not try and win one for free over at Spicin' It Up!
Thanks again for indulging the chat,
x x x

Friday 23 September 2011

Spicy Bloggery

The lady authors at Beachwalk Press have joined pens for our new romantic group blog
Spicin' It Up!
Come along and join us for our launch on Monday 26th.
I will be your host on Tuesday (and every Tuesday, so get in touch if you fancy joining me for a stop and chat!) I'll be blogging about goodness knows what and giving away of a copy of Mia's Books - published by Beachwalk in July. Beachwalk books are now available at Coffee Time Romance with a 20% discount, limited time only!

*I shall of course be blogging in the style of a true romance author in my billowing pink nightgown with a box of chocolates in one hand and a libation in the other...

Friday 2 September 2011

Explicit Encounters - Launched

A new anthology from Xcite - Explicit Encounters is coming soon. I'm very excited as it includes my story, The Relapse. Not only that but also has some other authors I'm chuffed and awed to be alongside; nineteen of them! To see who - you'll have to wait until the release date for your copy ;) TODAY!!!
In the meantime, here's a tiny taster of, The Relapse...

‘So you’ve missed the past two sessions Jim.’ Jim scanned the room taking in her books, her framed certificates, her legs, her thighs. She leaned forward and continued, ‘We finished up last time with you feeling confident that you had your urges under control, do you remember, Jim?’ Jim remembered all right. He remembered imagining the smoothness of her thighs against his four o’clock beard. He remembered looking everywhere but those thighs, trying not to notice the buttons of her blouse straining slightly when she breathed, threatening to burst open. He remembered mumbling an agreement to something; he could guess it would be about counting, breathing, relaxing until those pesky urges subsided.
‘Good,’ she had said. ‘Good, see you next time.’
He had left and had gone straight to the bathroom to relieve the built-up tension. It was one of his favourite parts of the sessions; he saw it as his reward for being so good and not making an out-and-out pass at the very professional and very sexy therapist, Dr Gaynor Leigh.
‘Jim, please, concentrate. Do you remember?’ Jim caught her impatient glance and smiled. He tried to recall his “I’ve been a good boy” speech he’d been rehearsing on the way over on the tube but he was sure he could see her nipples harden through her blouse...

Buy me today at Xcite

Saturday 27 August 2011

Rain can be good - honestly...

Well summer, especially where I am (UK) has been abysmal. But at least I've had my naughty books to snuggle up with. Even as I type, rain is battering down on the roof.

I have just finished a novel and am looking for a home for it - trouble is, it is only mildly romantic... booo, Tabitha no! However, as a writer, I have to go where the muse takes me and on very rare occasions, it takes me out of the heat and into a very different story. So my question is - if it were ever to be published (cross fingers here) should I write under a different name? Those who are familiar with my scribblings know I like it hot - would you be disappointed if there was none of the naughty?

Anyway, for now I don't need to worry - I have another book crying to get out and I assure you dear readers, there's plenty of heat in this one to make up for it... Phew, just thinking about it - maybe a dash out into the rain for a cold shower might be a good thing after all... x

Friday 29 July 2011

Blog tour

Well, my-oh-my, I am at the end of my very first blog tour and what a joy it has been! I've been sleeping on the job with Rebecca from Beck's Book Picks (win a copy there!), Talking all things spooky with Tanith Davenport, discussing the uniform of writing with Elizabeth Black, sharing my prudish nature with Gale Stanley and joy of joy, sharing cyberspace with one of my heroes Ms Kd Grace! Thanks to all the ladies for having me.
And with big shout to Ms Lucy Felthouse for making it easy for a nervous nellie!

Thursday 21 July 2011

Ladies Who Launch!

I'm very excited to say that it is Beachwalk Press's Launch week! I am delighted to have Patricia Bates, a fellow Beachwalker with me today letting me in on a few of her writing secrets...
Thanks for joining me today, Patricia!

PB - No worries. Thanks for hosting me :)

TR - I'd love to know, Patricia, who is your favorite character you’ve created and why?

PB - My favorite character? Hmm that's a hard one. I love all of my characters in different ways, however, I think my all time fav has to be Mykyl Tyrson, a sinfully wicked Viking Prince with more than his fair share of sex appeal and a heart of gold. 

TR - Oooo a wicked prince, lovely.... Do you always know what’s going to happen in your stories, or do they surprise you?

PB - Nope, don't always know. I often will do an outline, go into details for major plot points for each chapter, but after a while I've learned that sometimes I'm only the medium, a method for the characters themselves to voice their opinions and tell their stories. 

TR - So your writing can be a surprise even to you - are you a marathon writer, or do you work in short bursts?

PB - I'm both. If I'm in a groove I can write for hours and get huge chunks of the story down, other times I have to force myself to get a chapter done. Regardless, I love every aspect of it and enjoy what I do.

TR -  How do you unwind after a day at the keyboard? 

PB - I tend to watch a movie, read a book...or enjoy a coffee while just sitting. Though in all honesty the end of my day is usually when I turn the computer off.

TR – Which song would be the soundtrack to your new book?

PB - Considering my next book is a bit of a darker Paranormal romance, I'd have to say there are a few options. I think though that the song Taking Chances is a good option. Have to love those sexy, mysterious immortals!

Thank you Patricia! Christmas comes early this year and Patricia's Book, The Cowgirl's Christmas is now available from Beachwalk Press - where you can win prizes and a copy of the book.
You can also catch up with Patricia at one on or all of these...

Also available from Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, and All Romance Ebooks

Monday 30 May 2011

Wanton Women!

Hooray, Wanton Women from Xcite is available now - click for free read from the lovely Sommer Marsden.
My story, Roses and Figs, features in this book and also the ebook anthology Waiting For Isabella. Here's a sneaky peek...

Selena closed one eye and held out her arm, focusing on the end of her paintbrush. The woman lying naked before her on the silk-covered chaise longue was unlike any of her other clients. Usually when a woman came to her studio for a portrait, they would be nervous, birdlike, twittering with their hands trembling over buttons. Of course, Selena provided a screen and a robe to preserve their modesty but still most were self conscious and hesitant.

Selena would discreetly leave to make coffee while they were changing, asking that they make themselves comfortable.
Rose had been different from the start. Before Selena could open the door fully, Rose had breezed past in her thick floor-length cashmere coat.
‘Where do you want me?’ she had declared and opened the coat to reveal a mass of naked flesh. Selena couldn’t help staring as Rose let the single garment slide off her beautifully rounded shoulders and fall to the ground. She stepped out of the bundle of fabric in her heels and walked past the easel and over to the chaise longue. ‘Will this do?’ For her size, Rose was as elegant and graceful as a ballerina and sank softly into the cushions which seemed to catch her and lay her gently onto the couch.
Her pose was effortless and natural; she required no direction at all. Selena could only give a small shrug and whisper, ‘That’s perfect.’ Rose’s presence filled not only the sofa but the whole room and Selena found herself feeling quite overwhelmed. She had never met anyone as self assured as this sensual, mighty woman.
The canvas seemed vast and empty and, for the first time ever, Selena thought she might have stage fright.
‘Shall we begin?’ She smiled at Rose and retreated behind the easel trying to compose herself. Relax, relax, it’s just the same as all the other times. All you need to do is paint. Selena lifted her inked brush and held it out in front of her, repeating her usual mantra, Paint what you see, paint what you see.
But what she saw was magnificent. Rose had complete command over her body and had placed herself into a pose that showed off every curve and tone to perfection. Every angle, every joint, fingertip, toe had been very carefully and deliberately placed to display her rubenesque figure beautifully.
Selena always had a bowl of fruit featured somewhere in her paintings, a throwback from art school where still life and life drawings were her favourite. She’d always thought the flesh of fruit and flesh of the human was a beautiful combination. It was now obvious that Rose felt the same; she had lifted out some grapes and figs and had them cradled in the crook of her arm spilling onto her breast and nipple. Selena took another breath and gazed at the scene. She looked up briefly from Rose’s chest and caught her eye. Rose gave her a cheeky smile and squeezed her elbow in a little to push the fruit and breast out even more. Selena realised her arm was still in the same outstretched position and getting a cramp. She took the measurement and went to make the first mark on her page. Her brush hovered and her mind seemed to stop. All she could do was stare at the pure white of the canvas. Just paint!

Thursday 19 May 2011


Procrastination, now begins, keep the . . . momentum . .
Why am I so distracted? I have a great idea for a new novel, read it to the Big A and he loved it - I've developed the plot - got the characters - I've even got the time to write the bloody thing, so why, tell me, have I...
1 - painted the garden fence
2 - sorted out a bag of nails and screws into sizes and types
3 - washed every item of clothing in the house, whether dirty or clean
4 - moved a wood stack
5 - epilated my legs (ouch, eek, torture)
6 - stared at my cuticles
7 - cooked a ham
8 - started writing a blog about it?

Ok, does this now mean it is out my system? Can I go write now?
Ahhh, thank you...

Wednesday 4 May 2011

A first time for everything!

Well, it has happened and it was neither painful nor terrifying! I have had my very first review! By the lovely Coffee time Romance - not only did they review Kinky Girls as a whole, each story had a comment too, phew! I was so happy that my story, Retail Seduction, left Danielle the reviewer 'aching and wanting more'. This was the very first erotic story I ever wrote, so I will always have a little soft (hot) spot for it. - And the rest of the stories, which indeed left me aching and wanting more... hooray for Kinky Girls!

Friday 21 January 2011

Story extract - Kinky Girls

A preview of my story Retail Seduction which is in Kinky Girls! Xcite Books
How exciting to be included in a book with some of my favourite erotica authors!

Retail Seduction

Selena traces the soft fabric over her arm. It feels so luscious and rich she puts it to her cheek then looks around furtively before winding it around her hands and wrists lifting it closer to her neck.
‘Can I help you?’ The assistant appears from nowhere making Selena jump.
‘Oh, em, yes, where are the fitting rooms please?’ The puzzled looking assistant looks quizzically at the black velvet scarf which is the only item in Selena’s arms.
‘It’s over there by the lingerie at the back of the shop. You might want to take some other garments in as well madam?’ Selena nods quickly and grabs the nearest shirt. She makes her way to the changing rooms and tugs at the scarf which has wound its way tighter around her wrist constricting her hand. It feels good and she takes the tag offered by the changing room assistant.
‘Just the two items?’ Selena nods again afraid to speak in case her voice has the tell tale quiver that would alert her and everyone else to her arousal. It always takes her by surprise; it can come from nowhere but when it does, her need is so great, so overwhelming that she has to find a place to go, and fast. She scurries to the furthest cubicle and pulls across the heavy curtain. Damn it, she thinks, the only changing rooms in town without a lock…

She exhales deeply and fully and looks at herself in the mirror. That’s better. Her posture is erect but relaxed and her head is tipped back slightly so she is looking down at herself. She breathes in and fills her lungs, her chest, her breasts. She loves watching her own body as it begins its erotic arousal. Her lips are full and red and she watches her tongue glide over them moistening them. She takes the scarf again and pulls it tight between her hands and snaps it taut. As she watches her reflection she imagines she is watching herself through Jim’s eyes. She slowly lifts the velvet strap up past her chest pausing to drag it across her nipples, she smiles as they spring to attention yearning for her to touch them again but she resists and slowly continues the journey to her neck. She lifts her head high and tips it back further tilting it from side to side to examine her slender neck. She rubs the fabric back and forward over her throat, teasing herself. She feels heat between her legs and watches her feet as they move apart, her heels gliding easily over the lino flooring. She has a skirt on; it is longer than she usually wears as she had treated herself wearing suspenders and stockings that morning. She pushes her back into the wall and slides down it slightly to try and ruffle her skirt higher. She manages to get it a couple of inches but not enough to see the thick black band at the top of her nylons. It frustrates her but this is part of the game to herself. She can’t make it too easy... 

Saturday 15 January 2011

Under The Desert Sky - a teaser...

For your pleasure, here is a short teaser of my story The Sculpture which is included in Under The Desert Sky anthology from Xcite Books
Hope you enjoy! T x x

Jason gripped the chisel as he always had and pounded it repeatedly with the mallet against the oak block. Every time he glanced at his subject heat rose in his jaw and he quickly took his focus back to his tools.
Pound, pound, pound. His left hand jarred around the thick handle as the blade slipped deliciously through the hard grain of the wood. Jason practically wailed at the innuendos surrounding him. It was all Deborah’s fault. She had insisted her friend Quentin should have a hand sculpted bust made for his ridiculously opulent mansion.
Jason had met Quentin a couple of times before and hadn’t really thought much about him, just that he was a friend of Deborah’s. Now though, standing before him with his torso exposed, Quentin was an awesome sight. Jason almost felt as though he was cheating him, using humble oak to carve out his form when alabaster would have been far more appropriate.
The rise and swell of Quentin’s pecs with the darkened tight nipples made Jason clench his jaw and grip the chisel tighter. The more he tried to see Quentin as an object he just had to copy, the more he felt his rod quiver in his jeans.
‘Could you keep the pose, please?’ Jason hoped his voice hadn’t dropped any hints of his rising arousal as Quentin rubbed his upper arms.
‘Sorry, mate,’ called Quentin peering round the barely touched block, ‘it’s just I’m getting a bit of a draught from somewhere.’
Jason couldn’t believe it; he was practically in melt down, sweat dripping down his forehead and off the tip of his nose. He wiped himself on his sleeve. They had been together over an hour and Jason had only formed the most basic of outlines.
‘Can you hold it for just a bit longer,’ he said, his eyes boring into the wood, ‘I’ll just get the basic shape sorted.’ If Quentin had answered Jason didn’t hear it through the blood thundering in his ears.
‘Jase ... Jase?’ Quentin’s voice finally made it through to Jason. ‘Don’t you think it might work better if you actually looked at me?’
Jason blinked and shook the hair out of his face and slowly made eye contact with the Adonis in his studio. He had never felt so aroused and intimidated by anyone before. All he wanted was to do a good professional job and get paid. He didn’t need this!
‘Listen, mate, if you’re not up to this today, we can reschedule.’ Quentin reached for his shirt and started to pull on a sleeve.
‘No, no!’ Jason panicked and before he knew what he was doing flew over and pulled the shirt from Quentin’s grasp. For a second the world stopped and Jason felt horrified. He stared into Quentin’s eyes, ‘No, I mean, I don’t have any appointments for ages.’ He released his grip on the shirt but Quentin pulled it tight, catching his hand with the fabric and pressing his chest into Jason’s.
‘Good,’ whispered Quentin...

To buy the anthology please visit Xcite Books!