

Wednesday 30 July 2014

The Birthday Cake - Every Day Kinky Challenge

So today I'm taking part in Every Day Kinky writing challenge for Mr Team Blisse's birthday :D Click HERE to read other flash fiction pieces x x xx 

The Birthday Cake

I plucked one of the candles out of the thick frosting and held it out to her, still smouldering.
“Why don't you wrap your lips around it and lick it clean?”
Her face was stony and her exasperated breath matched the look in her eyes.
“Don't be crass Quentin.”
Quentin. She'd been calling me my full name for the past few days. I was still unsure of what had caused this most recent mood but it was certainly something of my doing.
“Oh go on,” I persevered, waving the sticky candle over the table. It hadn't escaped my notice that she hadn't gone to the trouble of buying those little coloured birthday candles but had plumped instead for the emergency dinner ones from the bits and bobs drawer. At least she'd made a cake. That was something. An olive branch of sorts. “It would be a shame to waste this creamy celebration.”
A flicker at the corner of her mouth hinted at a thaw. My groin twitched at the thought of watching her ease the sugary shaft into her pout and tease me, undulating her tongue around and around. I could even hear the slide and pop as she pulled it out, clean and slick with her saliva. I waggled it again, urging her to take it from me, lifting my eyebrow in that way I hoped was sexy.
She rolled her eyes but then very slowly, reached out.
I thought about snatching my hand away and making her come closer but relinquished it in favour of holding the fragile moment. It was time to play by her rules precisely. Her fingers hovered slightly and for a moment I thought she might withdraw them. I held my breath as she took the candle and the ice thawed.
I didn't want to be too eager so I settled back into my chair and just watched. Her gaze met mine and she lifted the frosting to her lips. Her pupils dilated and she shifted in her seat. Had she felt it? She must have. The rigid pose softened and she smeared the soft butter icing over her red red lips easing them open with the end of the candle. It was exactly what I'd seen in my mind just a few seconds before.
White blobs of frosting clung to her lips as she opened her mouth, wrapping her tongue around the candle, sucking and licking it clean. Her mouth was such a sensual thing, moving and teasing me, just as I wanted. My cock swelled and strained in my jeans but I stayed still, not wanting to break the static spell that hung between us.
The skin at her throat blushed crimson as she sucked, pushing the candle in deeper. It was a good sign. She moved a little more and I knew if I peeked under the table, her legs would have parted. Lust hung heavy on her expression now and I inhaled deeply, feeling confident this was the start of something. Something to heal and shatter the chill from the past few days. I ventured a hand to her knee and it yielded to my touch, falling to where I pushed. Running my palm up her inner thigh I shivered when I felt the nylon change to lace.
She'd known there'd be a reunion tonight. She'd planned this. It was her seduction all along. Not mine.
I fell into her heady trap and all I could hear was the slide and pop of the candle as she pulled it out, slick and shining with her saliva.

Now pop on over to Everyday Kinky for more flashers :D Happy birthday Mr B  x x

Sunday 27 July 2014

Lazy Sunday Snog

For the first time in ages, I'm not rushing around like a maniac this Sunday so I've been taking it easy and reading the Sunday Snogs and perusing the Sinful Sunday pictures.

I have joined in Sinful Sunday once but I'm still rather camera shy so will have to drink a bit more coffee* until I do it again, but I sure do love them artsy images that y'all share! (*wine)

Sunday Snog though - that's in my comfort zone - a lovely big chunk of words all ending in a kiss - here's mine - I haven't decided what I'm going to use so this will be a surprise for me too... hope you enjoy! And remember to click on the links to read other Snogs today - take it easy and get in the mood for a lazy Sunday :D

*update* Vida Bailey said this might contain spoilers... scroll to the end for the links about which book it's from! I don't think any of it gives anything away but I may be too close to the work ;)

Lena let herself giggle and roll among the bodies, laughing and breathing into each other. She wished she could look at the rich greenery, but they traveled by night and the landscape was still gray. There was no denying the health and vitality of the field beneath them as they playfully wrestled, the shrieking and panting slowly turning to groans and long nasal breaths as excitement turned to lust. She found herself lying next to Mae with Angelo straddling both of them, pinning them into the earth. His eyes glinted with desire as he looked down at them both, licking his lips. Lena bucked her hips to dislodge him a little. Want was building in her sex and she wanted to open her legs to the night. The world suddenly felt full and fecund and Lena wanted to feel the full force of the raw, fertile wilderness. She wriggled in the grass and grappled with Mae’s top with one hand and Angelo’s waistband with the other.
“Hey, what do you think you’re doing? I’m calling the shots here, or hadn’t you noticed?” Angelo pushed his weight down, pressing the women by the pelvises. They both giggled as he told them to be quiet. “I mean it. I am in control here. We have company, in case you had forgotten.”
Lena fell silent and felt her cheeks redden in the darkness. It was beyond belief, but she wanted him. She wanted to be taken now by her lover, here in the grass, and by the mewling coming from her right she could hear that Mae did too.
“I’m going to make you come together,” he said with a rawness to his voice which had Lena smiling to the roots of her hair. Dampness oozed from her heating pussy and she wriggled again, just a little, to try and ease the rising need. “I’m going to finger you both at the same time until your pretty little cunts convulse around me.”
It was shocking. It was a shocking statement, and Lena blushed at his words and at how wet they had made her. He shifted his hips and wriggled down the women’s legs, sliding his palms up their inner thighs. Lena glanced at Mae whose head was tipped back in anticipation of the ecstasy she was about to receive. All Lena could think about was how different their pussies might feel. They must be different down there. It had never bothered her before, and she was angry at herself for letting these thoughts intrude on what should be a thrilling, secret finger-fuck in the grass while their traveling companions were none the wiser.
Angelo’s hand squeezed the top of her thigh firmly and his middle finger probed between the fleshy cushions. Mae groaned and wriggled by her side, but Lena remained stock-still, her breath held high in her chest. All the other times, the women had been taking turns—this simultaneous stimulation was intense. What if Mae’s pussy was better than hers, more juicy, or suckled him tighter, deeper, harder? Lena clamped her soaking thighs shut and Angelo growled.
“What do you think you’re doing?” His voice was a low, menacing whisper, and Lena was even more confused. She was feeling ashamed and inadequate and the purring to her right wasn’t helping things. Why couldn’t she just live in the moment like Mae?
“Sorry, I’m just...”
“Uptight and needing to come?” Angelo dipped to her ear, his voice steady yet unbearably
horny. “There will be no hang-ups here. You are my lovers. Both of you. You are both perfect. Now lie back, relax, and let me fuck you.”
He leaned in and kissed Lena very quickly and very hard on the lips. So hard that her teeth bruised into her pout. He seemed to have read her mind. His hand was still firmly clamped to her thigh and she let her muscles relax, surprised to see she sank into the grass by about three centimeters.
“That’s better,” he said on a breath...

That was from The Meeting Point, the final book in The Clockwork Butterfly trilogy.

I hope you might fancy reading the rest!

Now off you go and enjoy the rest of the naughty Sunday goings ons! 

Tabitha x x x

Friday 25 July 2014

What troubles you?

Really - what does trouble you?

I've got loads of things - here's but a few...

I've been trying to think about my carbon footprint and whether I'm a caring person or am I just all about the consumerism.

I want to be a good and wholesome human but when I look around my house at the amount of cheap plastic crap I own, I realise I am not.

The reason I'm in knots about this is because I'm trying to invent a new product (top secret for now) but I'm finding it really hard to find something cool to make it from that isn't a gazzilion miles away. I could get these things hand carved from wood by some hippy folks in the countryside - that would be lovely - buuuut - who's gonna spend £250 on an item they could buy down the road made from plastic at the pound store???

Ugh, my head is reeling. I have some questions for you. I'd love to find out - does everyone feel guilty at every new plastic toothbrush they buy or putting paper in a non-recycled bin, or driving to the swimming pool, even though it's easily within walking distance? OMG - you can see why I retreat into my world of writing, at least I can invent places and situations where guilt is not a factor. Unbidden desire and sensuality rule without a care in the world! The joy to free your mind for a few hours at least... also - ebooks? Are ebooks really more environmentally friendly than paperbacks - that's what we've all been told? But that implies that you buy a reading device once (never upgrading to the newer version) and of course we all know that it only takes a dash of sea water and an eco-fairy's kiss to make a Kindle or a Kobo.

Oh - just ignore me. But do let me know - what troubles you? What keeps your mind whirring until you simply have to go do something else for a while - tell Auntie Tabitha - maybe we can help ease each other's burdens...

To take you mind off things for a while, here's a little snippet of a new book I've been trying to write for like, ever... the main character has many troubles and fears which manifest in her inability to feel warm... see what you think.

The Baker’s Wife

Every morning she rolls into the dip he leaves in the mattress as he lumbers out of bed and into his whites.
She keeps her eyes closed and feigns sleep as he kisses her softly on the forehead. Daylight still hours away, she lies, fixed, unable to rest, unable to dream until all she can do is pull back the covers and get up. She wonders if he guesses her longing as she stands at the window listening to the sounds of the bakehouse only a brick wall away. Standing with arms curled round her hollow frame, Elizabeth becomes stone, growing colder and colder until she feels the penetrating glance of ice through her heart.
The thump and roll of dough being kneaded keeps her standing there. Pictures of his thick heavy hands squeezing and plying with chewing fingers sinking in to the elastic wheaty flesh. And so she grows colder into her paralysis.
It’s not jealously. She wouldn’t respond to his advances even if he did try. It’s something else. A melancholy, a longing – yes, a longing for something she doesn’t know even exists. What is this thing, this frozen unidentified need?
Bracken - fractal joy
She stares and stares while the monotonous whir and drone of the ovens are punctuated by his kneading, kneading, kneading.
Pick a place, anywhere.” He animatedly thrusts a map of the world between the bowl and spoon which she only just manages to sup before spluttering it all back out again. His excitement and enthusiasm are infectious and they laugh together as they mop chewed up bits of carrot and barley from the Atlantic Ocean.
You’re mad,” she smiles as he pushes her unfinished lunch away and spreads the map out on the table. She looks for clues of where he might prefer by perhaps a twitch of his finger or a pause as he smooths the paper out with both hands caressing it like a precious gift. But he gives nothing away, all latitudes and longitudes receiving equal attention. “We can’t just swan off, James, what about your father?”
He’s tough as old boots that one, don’t you worry about him he’ll outlive us all. Too bloody mean to pass on our inheritance.” He smiles and places a hand on her shoulder urging her to take a look at the map. “Come on, Lizzy, when will we get the chance again?”
Such a familiar thing, a world map – always around on every school room – but now it looks alien, like trying to choose which star you might like to visit. It doesn’t sit in any sort of reality for her.
I don’t know.”
What do you mean you don’t know?” He crouches and takes her chin, beaming at her with absolutely no doubt about what they are planning. “I told you I was going to take you away from it all, like those books you read, didn’t I?”
Yes,” she whispers, it was all they’d talked about when they were courting, but now it seemed like a frivolous dream.
Come on, other people do it – look at your Aunt May who went all the way to Australia? If she can do it, a woman by herself with barely a brass farthing, then surely us, two capable fit people in the prime of our lives will find it easy.” He comes close again, his expression losing the carefree expression, his eyes dimming just enough for her to notice. “Don’t bail on me now, Lizzie.”
It is fear. Fear is what she sees in those eyes. But fear of what? Of losing her? Of losing his dream?
She gives herself a shake.
Well, let’s see,” she says, focussing back onto the vast paper. “It has to be warm. Not humid though, I couldn’t bear that. And not too arid, I can’t stand barren landscapes.”
Well that’s a start,” he says, his body language softening as he ruffles her hair.
And not too flat, I feel oppressed by flat lands.”
Ok, not too flat. Anything else?”
It can’t be landlocked – I must be able to get to the sea easily.”
The sea, check.” He scans the map appearing to mentally tick unsuitable destinations off the list.
But not too far from the hills.”
Hills. Yup. Got you.”
Or forests. There has to be trees.”
Trees. Ok. Trees.” He exaggerates the search pointing and casting his hand over the paper waving off countries in an ever decreasing circle until only one island remains. “So what you’re telling me is, you want to go somewhere exactly the same in every way as where we are right now.”
Well,” she blushes realising how silly she sounds. “Well, I suppose so – except there is one big difference.”

Warmth. I want to be warm.” As if to highlight the point, a draft snakes in under the door, making her shiver. He wraps his arms around her and rocks her from side to side. 

Friday 11 July 2014

Birthday Blog Hop!!!

Beachwalk Press Blog Hop – July 11th-13th

Hello and welcome to the bestist l'ill press's birthday blog hop! I've been publishing books with Beachwalk since they opened the doors in July 2011! Time really does fly... wow - Click here for a list of my Beachwalk books.
The theme is the 3 best things about being an author - so here's mine:
1 - Getting to live in my own imagination for the duration of the writing process - this can be a blessing and a curse - but the thrill of getting to the point of writing those two little words, The End is irreplaceable. :D

2 - The other writers and readers. Meeting such a warm embracing community has kept me going though the years - it can be lonely being an author - especially when you're working on a longer novel. To be able to take a break and join a chat on twitter or a forum is an absolute life saver!

3 - Being allowed to spend the days lounging in my pink fluffy negligee and marabou slippers while a group of young men cater to my every whim while I dictate my naughty stories to a stocking clad lady secretary... oh wait... I got stuck in my first answer again :D
Beachwalk Press is sponsoring a grand prize giveaway which is: $100.00 to either Amazon or Barnes and Noble (reader's choice). Just leave a comment on any of the blog stops.
I'm giving an extra prize to a commenter on here - a choice of any of my Beachwalk titles and this original painting. I'll have to post that one ;) Remember to leave your email address if you want to take part in any of the giveaways!

Please remind readers to leave a comment with their email address in the comment.
Below are the blog links to the authors participating:
Nola Cross

Hooray for Beachwalk :D

Sunday 6 July 2014

To wee or not to wee

I know, I know - I apologise for the title of the post... shame on me!

But I wanted to share this and see what you think. I don't write about water sports or anything like that in my books but there have been a couple of innocent references to sexual excitement based on wee wee that had to be cut from the final manuscript as per the publisher's rules. I am happy to take things out if the publisher has rules because that's just the way it is. Also - these scenes don't change the story and if I felt so strongly about it, I would have pursued a publisher who would accept these bits. I just wanted to share the before and afters with you and ask what you reckon. Do these scenes make you squeamish or are they a natural innocent response to a bodily function?  

This is from Mia's Books

Mia watched as Selena left her desk and headed to the bathroom. It was now or never. She got to her feet and wobbled slightly on her heels as she tried to catch up with Selena. Her inner thighs were sticky with want and last night’s sex and she was sure it was coming off her in waves. She paused outside the bathroom door. Was she really about to do this? She went in and locked the door behind her. She could hear the trickle of Selena’s pee and it thrilled her. She pressed her hand to her own breast and massaged it through her shirt. At last she heard the toilet flush and Selena appeared.
“Oh hi, um...”
“Mia,” said Mia staring straight into the other woman’s face. Selena looked Mia up and down slowly and Mia began to feel nervous.
“Oh, yeah,” she said absently and turned to the mirror to apply some lipstick. “Can I help you with something, Mia?”

Mia was trembling now and her pussy was flooding with excitement. She felt her nipples strain in her bra and took a breath. “Maybe,” she said and moved behind Selena pressing herself into her buttocks as she leaned over the sink.

Mia got to her feet and wobbled slightly on her heels as she tried to catch up with Selena. Her inner thighs were sticky with want and last night’s sex, and she was sure it was coming off her in waves. She paused outside the bathroom. Was she really about to do this? 
Taking a breath, she went in and locked the door behind her. She could hear Selena fumbling about in the cubicle and imagined her pulling up her panties and zipping her skirt. It was thrilling, and Mia pressed her hand to her own breast and massaged it through her shirt. 
At last she heard the toilet flush and Selena appeared. 
“Oh, hi, um...” 
“Mia,” she said, staring straight into the other woman’s face. Selena looked Mia up and down slowly, and Mia began to feel nervous. 
“Oh, yeah,” Selena said absently and turned to the mirror to apply some lipstick. “Can I help you with something, Mia?” 

And here's another before and after from The Meeting Point

He was torn between terror and sheer euphoria and he could tell by her breathing that Lena was feeling the same. Lovers on the run again.
He dropped her to the ground a little less gracefully than he intended and a tiny stifled yelp had them both freeze.
Sorry,” he whispered feeling down to her face to see if she was ok.
I’m fine, I just got a fright, that’s all.”
He crouched down on his heels and started to kiss her. All the heightened pressure was making him ache for release. Everything was so tense and as their lips met, static leapt between them causing another tiny yelp.
Shh.” The noise hissed through his teeth into hers and the intensity made him giggle a little into her mouth. By the shaking he could feel she was experiencing the same nervous tension. He slumped into her still shaking with humour trembling through their bodies.
Angelo,” started Lena but the noise was muffled and with saliva and his lips clamped to hers. She tried again, “Angelo, I’m going to pee myself, stop.” It wasn’t exactly erotic but somehow it was arousing. Angelo couldn’t help himself and tickled her ribs making her squirm and squeal. Her sharp clawing little fingernails dug into his arms with ferocity. “Stop!”
I can’t,” he whispered pressing his lips into her neck. “It gets me hard to know you’re completely at my mercy.”
She twisted in his grasp but the scratching had stopped. Her body relaxed as his tickling slowed and became more of a sensual stroking to her sides and chest. Suddenly he wanted to know what it would feel like to have her hot piss leak out on to him, her, mortified with embarrassment.
He was rock hard as he imagined her unease then relief, like a shameful climax. He wanted to feel the pressure of her full bladder release around him. By the way she was now nudging her kisses into his neck, he could tell she was feeling horny too.
He reached up under her skirts and cupped her heaving mound him his palm.
Dare he coax it from her? Would she be horrified? She began to twist her hips and hump his hand while she reached in and pulled out his cock. He was so lost in his fantasy that when she wrapped her fingers around him and stroked him hard and fast, he started sputtering and twitching almost instantly and came over her in a long stream of milky fluid.
Oh, god,” he whispered, shocked by what had just happened. “I’m so sorry, I was just…” He pulled himself free as she slowly climbed off his hand.
Shh,” whispered Lena almost silently. “It’s the tension. It’s too much. It’s probably for the best it was so quick.” She leaned her head on his shoulder and he could tell she was smiling.
Yes, it’s the tension,” he agreed thankful he had an excuse.

 He was torn between terror and sheer euphoria, and he could tell by her breathing that Lena was feeling the same. Lovers on the run again. 
He dropped her to the ground a little less gracefully than he intended and a tiny stifled yelp made them both freeze. 
“Sorry,” he whispered, feeling down to her face to see if she was okay. 
“I’m fine. I just got a fright, that’s all.” 
He crouched down on his heels and started to kiss her. All the heightened pressure was making him ache for release. Everything was so tense, and as their lips met, static leaped between them, causing another tiny yelp. 
“Shh.” The noise hissed through his teeth into hers and the intensity made him giggle a little into her mouth. By the shaking, he could feel she was experiencing the same nervous tension. He slumped into her, still shaking, with humor trembling through their bodies. 
“Angelo,” Lena started, but the noise was muffled with his lips clamped to hers. She pulled back a little and tried again. 
“Angelo, I’m going to pee myself, stop.” He smiled at her admission and in a flash of devilment, tickled her ribs, making her squirm and squeal. Her sharp, clawing little fingernails dug into his arms with ferocity. 
“I can’t,” he whispered, pressing his lips into her neck. “It gets me hard to know you’re completely at my mercy.” She twisted in his grasp, but the scratching had stopped. Her body relaxed as his tickling slowed and became more of a sensual stroking to her sides and chest. He wanted her. It was overwhelming. The unease and tension had his arousal ramped up higher than he’d ever felt. He was rock hard as he pulled her to him, and by the way she was now nudging her kisses into his neck, he could tell she was horny too. He reached up under her skirts and cupped her heaving mound in his palm. She began to twist her hips and hump his hand while she reached in and pulled out his cock. He was so lost in his yearning that when she wrapped her fingers around him and stroked him hard and fast, he started sputtering and twitching almost instantly and came over her in a long stream of milky fluid. 
“Oh God,” he whispered, shocked by what had just happened. “I’m so sorry. I was just…” He pulled himself free as she slowly climbed off his hand. 
“Shh,” Lena whispered almost silently. “It’s the tension. It’s too much. It’s probably for the best it was so quick.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, and he could tell she was smiling. 
“Yes, it’s the tension,” he agreed, thankful he had an excuse.

There you have it. 
Thanks for reading - 

Tuesday 1 July 2014

New Covers, New Titles, Same Sizzling Paranormal Trilogy by K D Grace (@kd_grace) #erotica #romance #paranormal

I'd like to welcome my good friend and Erotic Trade Only Erotica Writer of the Year 2014 winner to highlight her re-release of the The Lakeland Witch Trilogy...
K D Grace’s paranormal trilogy has had a makeover! The covers have been redone, along with a slight upgrade in the titles to better reflect their paranormal romance genre. The novels themselves are still both sizzling and chilling. And now they’re all dressed up for the summer heat.

The Lakeland Witches Trilogy
Book One: Body Temperature & Rising
American transplant to the Lake District, MARIE WARREN, didn’t know she could unleash demons and enflesh ghosts until a voyeuristic encounter on the fells ends in sex with the charming ghost, ANDERSON, and night visits from a demon. To help her cope with her embarrassing and dangerous new abilities, Anderson brings her to the ELEMENTALS, a coven of witches who practice rare sex magic that temporarily allows needy ghosts access to the pleasures of the flesh.

Book Two: Riding the Ether

Cassandra Larkin keeps her ravenous and dangerous sexual appetite secret until she seduces Anderson in the mysterious void of the Ether.  Anderson is the sexy, insatiable ghost who can give her exactly what she needs.
But sex is dangerous in a place like the Ether…
When the treacherous demon, Deacon, discovers the truth about the origin of Cassandra’s powerful lust, he plots to use her sex magic for revenge on Tara Stone and the Elemental Coven, who practice their own brand of sex magic.
Cassandra must embrace the lust and sexuality she fears and learn to use its power. Will she stand with Anderson, Tara, and the Elemental Coven against Deacon’s wrath or suffer the loss of friendship, magic and love?

Book Three: Elemental Fire
Obsessed with revenge, KENNET LUCIAN makes a deal with a demon, a deal he comes to regret when he meets TARA STONE, head of the Elemental Coven, and a powerful witch with a desire for revenge at least as great as his. Even though the attraction between the two is magnetic and the lust combustive, Kennet must betray her to accomplish his goal, which is ultimately her goal as well; to put a final end to the demon, Deacon’s, reign of terror. But can Tara trust the man who has wormed his way into her heart and the heart of the Elemental Coven? Can she trust LUCIA, the demon with whom Kennet is allied, a demon with her own agenda. The path to Deacon’s destruction is far from clear, and the price that must be paid to be free of him forever may be too high, even for Tara Stone.
DEACON, the demon Marie has unleashed, holds an ancient grudge against TARA STONE, coven high priestess, and will stop at nothing to destroy all she holds dear. Marie and her landlord, the reluctant young farmer, TIM MERIWETHER, are at the top of his list. Marie and Tim must learn to wield coven magic and the numinous power of their lust to stop Deacon’s bloody rampage before the coven is torn apart and more innocent people die.
Author Bio:
K D Grace believes Freud was right. In the end, it really IS all about sex, well sex and love. And nobody’s happier about that than she is, otherwise, what would she write about?
When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening. When she’s not gardening, she’s walking. She walks her stories, and she’s serious about it. She and her husband have walked Coast to Coast across England, along with several other long-distance routes. For her, inspiration is directly proportionate to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She also enjoys martial arts, reading, watching the birds and anything that gets her outdoors.
K D has erotica published with SourceBooks, Xcite Books, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and others.
K D’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels include, The Initiation of Ms Holly, The Pet Shop. Her paranormal erotic novel, Body Temperature and Rising, the first book of her Lakeland Witches trilogy, was listed as honorable mention on Violet Blue’s Top 12 Sex Books for 2011. Books two and three, Riding the Ether, and Elemental Fire, are now also available. She was nominated for ETO’s Best Erotic Author 2013.
K D Grace also writes hot romance as Grace Marshall. An Executive Decision, Identity Crisis, The Exhibition are all available.

Find K D Here: